Primitive types: Number, String, Boolean, null, undefined, Symbol reference type: Array, Function, and Object TypeScript add the following data types to ES6 :void, any, Never, tuple, enumeration, and advanced

Type a,

1.1 Number type

let cml: number = 1
// es5: let cml = 1
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1.2 type String

let cml: string = '1'
// es5: let cml = '1'
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1.3 a Boolean type

let cml: boolean = true
// es5: let cml = true
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1.4 Null type

let cml:null = null
// es5: let cml = null
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1.5 Undefined type

let cml:undefined = undefined
// es5: let cml = undefined
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1.6 Symbol type

const s2: symbol = Symbol(a);// TypeScript
const s1 = Symbol(a);// es5
console.log(s1 === s2) // false
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1.7 Void type

Void can be assigned to undefined and null, but cannot be assigned to other types, such as string

let cml:void = undefined
// es5: let cml = undefined
cml = null
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Summary:TypeScript does static type checking, and causes an error when a variable is assigned to a value of another type


  1. No error is reported when null and undefined are reassigned, because null and undefined can be considered subsets of all types

2. Null and undefined can only be assigned to itself

1.8 object

// let CML: Object = {x: 1, y: 1
let cml: {x: number.y: number} = {x: 1.y: 1}
cml.x = 2
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1.9 an array

1 type + square brackets

let cml: number[] = [1.2.3]
// es5: let web = [1, 2, 3]
let web: any[] = [1.'2'.true]

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2 the generic

let cml: Array<number> = [1.2.3]
// es5: let cml = [1, 2, 3]
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3 interface

Class array: Built-in objects: IArgumenTypeScript, NodeList, HTMLCollection

function web(name: string, age: number) {
  let args: IArgumenTypeScript = argumenTypeScript;
  console.log(args);  // { '0': 'web', '1': 1 }
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1.10 yuan group

A tuple is a special array that limits the type and number of arrays

let cml: [string.number] = ['666'.Awesome!]
console.log(cml) // ['666', 666]
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Using subscripts, you can assign to only one of the items, but assign to the whole object must be complete, of the correct type, and with no more or less number

let cml: [string.number] = ['666'.Awesome!]
cml[0] = '888'
console.log(cml) / / [' 888 ', 666]
cml[1] = 888
console.log(cml) / / [' 888 ', 888]
cml = ['888'.888]
console.log(cml) / / [' 888 ', 888]
cml = ['888'.888.'888'] / / an error
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Tuple out of bounds: More elements can be pushed, pushed, but still inaccessible

let cml: [string.number] = ['666'.Awesome!]
console.log(cml) / / [' 666 ', 666, '888')
console.log(cml[2]) / / an error
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1.11 any type

The any type can be assigned arbitrarily, without the equivalent of any

let cml:any = '123'
cml = 123
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1.12 never type

The never type represents the types of values that never exist. For example, the never type is a function expression that always throws an exception or returns no value at all.

// The function that throws an exception
let error: never = () = > {
  throw new Error('error')}// infinite loop function
let endLess: never = () = > {
  while(true) {}}Copy the code

1.13 Association Type

let cml:string | number
cml = '123'
cml = 123
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Type assertions are for union types, and you can specify a type for a variable through assertions

function cml(a: number | string) :void {
  console.log(a.length) / / an error
  console.log((<string>a).length) // OK
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In addition to the specified string/number types, TypeScript also supports custom types

type Cml = '666' | '888'
function cmlFun(a: Cml) :void {
cmlFun('666') // OK
cmlFun(Awesome!) / / an error
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1.14 enum Enum type

1. Basic usage

enum Gender {Male, Female}
console.log(Gender) // {'0': 'Male', '1': 'Female', 'Male': 0, 'Female', 1}
console.log(Gender['0']) // Male
console.log(Gender['1']) // FeMale
console.log(Gender['Male']) / / 0
console.log(Gender['Female']) / / 1
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// typescript
enum Gender {Male, Female}

// ES5
var Gender;
(function (Gender) {
    Gender[Gender["Male"] = 0] = "Male";
    Gender[Gender["Female"] = 1] = "Female";
})(Gender || (Gender = {}));
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2. Enumeration of numbers

enum Direction {
  NORTH, / / the default 0
  SOUTH, / / 1 by default
  EAST, / / 2 by default
  WEST, / / 3 by default
let dir: Direction = Direction.EAST;
console.log('dir', dir) / / 2
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The default is 0,1,2,3… If you define a number, the subsequent enumeration adds 1 to the previous enumeration value

enum Direction1 {
  NORTH = -1,
  SOUTH, / / to zero
  EAST = 4,
  WEST, / / 5
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Note that self-appending enumeration values are not guaranteed to overlap with already set values

enum Direction1 {
  NORTH = 1,
  SOUTH = 0,
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You can also change numbers to decimals

enum Direction1 {
  NORTH = 1.5,
  SOUTH, / / 2.5
  EAST, / / 3.5
  WEST, / / 4.5
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3. Enumeration of strings

enum Direction1 {
  NORTH = 'a',
  SOUTH = 'b', 
  EAST = 'c', 
  WEST = 'd',}console.log(Direction1)  // { NORTH: 'a', SOUTH: 'b', EAST: 'c', WEST: 'd' }
console.log(Direction1['NORTH']) // a
console.log(Direction1['a'])  // undefined
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4. Constant enumeration

Regular enumerations have objects. Constant enumerations have no objects. Object entities exist only in TypeScript and are removed when translated to ES5 code.

Purpose: When we do not need the object, only the value of the object, use constant enumeration, can reduce compile time code

/ / TypeScript code
const enum Gender {Male, Female}
let cml: Gender = Gender['Female']
console.log(cml)  / / 1

/ / ES5 code
var cml = 1 /* 'Female' */;
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5. Heterogeneous enumeration

Heterogeneous enumerations have member values that are a mixture of numbers and strings:

enum Cml {
  C = "c",
  D = "d",
  E = 8,
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Numeric enumerations differ from string enumerations in that numeric enumerations have more “reverse mapping” to string enumerations:

console.log(Cml[0]) // A
console.log(Cml['A']) / / 0
console.log(Cml['C']) // c
console.log(Cml['c']) // undefined
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Second, the interface

1. Identify attributes

// Define an interface
interface IPerson {
  name: string.age: number

/ / instantiate
let p1: IPerson = {
  name: 'web'.age: 18
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If a variable, such as p1 above, is declared as an instance of an interface, it must have no fewer or more attributes than those defined by the interface. Otherwise, an error will be reported.

2. Optional properties

interface IPerson {
  name: string, age? :number

/ / instantiate
let p1: IPerson = {
  name: 'web',}Copy the code

3. Arbitrary attributes

interface IPerson {
  name: string,
  [propName: string] :boolean | string

let p1: IPerson = {
  name: '123'.married: false.// ok
  country: '123' // ok
  age: 123 / / an error
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If any attribute is set, all deterministic or optional attributes must be subsets of any attribute.

4. Read-only attribute

interface IPerson {
  readonly name: string.age: number

let p1: IPerson = {
  name: '123'.age: 18

let p2: IPerson = {
  name: '456'.// ok
  age: 18
} = '456' / / an error
p1.age = 18
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Readonly, which means that the value cannot be changed unless the object is assigned each time.

Three, functions,

1. Function definition

TypeScript defines functions in four ways:

  1. Declaration of functions
  2. Expression of a function
  3. Alias of a function
  4. Interface definition function

Declaration of functions

// function declaration in ES5
function cml(x, y) {
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3

// TypeScript function declarations
function cml(x: number, y: number) :number {
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3
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Expression of a function

// ES5 function expression
let cml = function(x, y) {
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3

// TypeScript function expressions
let cml = function(x: number, y: number) :number {
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3
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Alias of a function

type cmlFun = (x: number, y: number) = > x + y
let cml: Cml = (a, b) = > a + b
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3
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Interface forms define functions

interface ICml {
  (x: number.y: number) :number

let cml: ICml = function(x: number, y: number) : number {
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3
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2. Optional parameters

An optional parameter cannot be followed by a certain (must) parameter

function cml(x: number, y? :number) :number {
  y = y || 0
  return x + y
console.log(cml(1.2))  / / 3
console.log(cml(1))  / / 1
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3. Remaining parameters

Recall argumenTypeScript for ES5 and argumentTypeScript for args ES5 for ES6

function cml() {
  let sum = 0
  for(let item of arguments) {
    sum = sum + item
  return sum
console.log(cml(1.2.3)) / / 6
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The args ES6

function cml(. args) {
  let sum = 0
  for(let item of args) {
    sum = sum + item
  return sum
console.log(cml(1.2.3)) / / 6
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Remaining arguments in TypeScript

function cml(. args:number[]) {
  let sum: number = 0
  for(let i: number = 0; i < args.length; i ++) {
    sum = sum + args[i]
  return sum
console.log(cml(1.2.3)) / / 6
console.log(cml(1.'2'.3)) / / an error
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4. Function overload

Function overloading in C++ : a function can have the same name but a different number of arguments, or the same number of arguments but a different type of argument. The compiler uses the number and type of arguments to determine which argument is called.

TypeScript functions are overloaded, and there is still only one function, but different parameter combinations can be statically typed

function cmlFun(arr: number[])
function cmlFun(arr: string[])
function cmlFun(arr: any[]) {
  if (typeof(arr[0= = =])'number') {
    return arr.reduce((pre, cur) => pre + cur)}else if (typeof(arr[0= = =])'string') {
    return arr.reduce((pre, cur) = > pre + cur)
console.log(cmlFun([1.2.3])) / / 6
console.log(cmlFun(['1'.'2'.'3'])) / / 123
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Four, class,

Classes and inheritance in ES6

/ / parent class
class Father {
  constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age

/ / subclass
class Son extends Father{
    constructor(phone, ... args) {
        super(... args) = phone
    f() {

let s = new Son('17807727381'.'parent'.'36')
s.f() / / this. The name of the father
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1. Static keyword (ES6+)

Static Static properties and methods cannot be called using new.

class Father {
    static phone = '17723812637'
    static f() {
    constructor (name, age) { = name
      this.age = age
let fa = new Father('17807727381'.'parent'.'38')
fa.f() / / an error

Father.f()  // 17723812637
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2. Public keyword

Attributes and methods that modify a class. Attributes and methods that are modified with public can be called inside or outside the class.

class Father {
  // Need to be defined first
  public name: string
  public age: number
  public constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age
  public f() {
    console.log(, this.age)

let fa = new Father('parent'.36) // There are constructors, parameters can not be omitted
fa.f() / / parent class 36
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3. Protected keyword

Protected properties and methods can only be accessed by classes or subclasses’ functions.

/ / parent class
class Father {
  protected name: string
  public age: number
  public constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age
  f1() {

/ / subclass
class Son extends Father{
    public phone: string
    constructor(phone, ... args: [string.number]) {
        super(... args) = phone
    f2() {
let fa = new Father('parent'.36)
fa.f1() // this. Name parent class (parent class accessed by function: OK)

let s = new Son('17807727381'.'parent'.36)
s.f2() // this. Name parent class (subclass accessed by function: OK)

let fa = new Father('parent'.36)
console.log( / / an error
console.log(fa.age) / / 36
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4. Private keyword

Properties and methods used to modify classes. Protected properties and methods are only accessible by class functions

/ / parent class
class Father {
  private name: string
  public age: number
  public constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age
  f1() {

/ / subclass
class Son extends Father{
    public phone: string
    constructor(phone, ... args: [string.number]) {
        super(... args) = phone
    f2() {

        console.log(''  / / an error}}let fa = new Father('parent'.36)
fa.f1() // this. Name parent class (parent class accessed by function: OK)

let s = new Son('17807727381'.'parent'.36)
s.f2() // Error (subclass access by function: not OK)

let fa = new Father('parent'.36)
console.log( / / an error
console.log(fa.age) / / 36
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5. Abstract keyword

Abstract classes: cannot be instantiated and cannot be directly new

abstract class Father {
  // Need to be defined first
  public name: string
  public age: number
  public constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age
  public f() {
    console.log(, this.age)

let fa = new Father('parent'.36) / / an error
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The use of abstract methods. If a subclass inherits an abstract method from the parent class, it needs to implement the abstract method of the parent class in the subclass

abstract class Father {
  // Need to be defined first
  public name: string
  public age: number
  public constructor (name, age) { = name
    this.age = age
  public abstract f1(): void

class Son extends Father{
  public phone: string
  constructor(phone, ... args: [string.number]) {
    super(... args) = phone
  public f2(): void {

  public f1(): void {

let fa: Father = new Son('17836762323'.'parent'.36)
fa.f1() / / this. The name of the father

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