New Year’s Day

The 2020 balance is less than a month away

Mobile development platform mPaaS on the console interface

It also got a brand new makeover

Fine grinding

Only for the vast number of developers

Provide a clean and smooth user experience

And a clearer process for using components

✓ Less is More

Basic components ** “MCDP smart put” console main interface optimization, through the “banner+ content square” ** way, reduce the original interface text pressure, the interface as a whole is more concise, the operation process is also more prominent.

✓ Fairy guides the way

In the ** “MCDP smart Launch” ** home page configured three kinds of guidance: help document entry, experience demo entry and operation guide video.

And the user can in ** “MCDP smart put” ** any page, can adjust the help guide at any time. Users can complete the operation in one page by referring to the product documentation.

Open – book examination both visual sense, so that the component is more flexible to use.

✓ Smaller Windows are happier

Added ** “MCDP smart placement” ** operation guide video.

Like the help document, how-to videos can also be called up on any page, and can be used as a picture-in-picture method for developers to work with while watching the tutorial.

💎 Click here to enter the “Intelligent Delivery” product page immediately to experience the new console interface

✓ There are more

Considering the issue of the amount of front-end development students and design students, only ** “MCDP intelligent delivery” ** will participate in the interface revision, and the interface revision of all product components will be gradually completed in the later stage.

🎏 now go to the public account ** “mPaaS” ** to reply to “vote”, you can vote for your favorite components, we will vote for the most popular components first

✓ About smart placement

Intelligent advertising service, providing personalized advertising in the App, covering the startup screen, Banner and other advertising space. Support targeted targeting, help App accurately and timely reach users, achieve retention, activation, business growth and other purposes. Make App delivery smarter and more efficient.

– END –


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Click to enter the product page of “MCDP Smart Delivery” to experience the new console interface