“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


2021 is definitely the year of the biggest change in my life so far. I am currently a senior college student. I was the first to leave our startup team just over a month ago, and gradually everyone left after I left. This year has experienced from starting a business to finding a job, from Guangzhou to Shenzhen, from zero to one…

It is a pity that I participated in this activity at a very late stage. In fact, EVEN without this activity, I still have many feelings that I want to express ~

The front-end process

The game

In the second semester of my sophomore year, I participated in the wechat Small program Application Development Competition. At that time, I did not have a good foundation, and THE HTML, CSS and JS taught in school could not cope with a complete project, so I officially started my front-end journey.

At that time, my goal was to develop a small program for campus community, which included event release and a large number of convenient functions on campus. At that time, I did not know how to develop a small program at all, so I downloaded the wechat development tool to create a project. I don’t even know where to write code. I don’t know the suffix of each file. How can it be different from the HTML taught by the teacher?

So I decided to follow the course on B website and began to learn wechat small program development. At first, I could only follow the example and knock down the similar functional code in the course and then change it to the style I needed. Js syntax is also only some string and array operations, back in the past, I have studied the setData assignment of small programs for a long time.

As more pages were written and functions were implemented statically, I started learning about cloud development. I didn’t know anything about front and back separation, I didn’t even know what a front and back was, but cloud development would allow me to store multiple users’ data together, as well as images and files.

I remember one scene in particular, because I didn’t understand Promise, and used many, many layers of callback to implement asynchronous programming, the so-called callback hell, and every time I changed the code, I felt very painful (especially with the ancient wechat development tools). That was the first time I realized that the code was good and bad, so I started to find out how to optimize the readability of the code and began to learn Promise, which was also the enlightenment of my formal in-depth study of JS ~

At that time, I was very happy to write a small program. Every time I realized a function, I felt a great sense of achievement. I could develop it for more than 12 hours at home every day. I was often stuck for four or five hours because of some simple bugs. At that time, I was still very dependent on Baidu and CSDN (I don’t know if every programmer starts like this). After three months of development in this state my first full mini program is finally out!

To this small program I also made a video now feels very good hair stood b # siseAct campus video links, has reached the final at the time, I choose to use this project for curriculum design, the display I speak for ten minutes when I realize the function, in the class the classmate all think I’m a big ha ha ha ~

I did not get a good result after submitting my work for the competition, because I was too focused on the work and did not perfect the document. However, one of the judges left a sentence of “very good little program” in the comment function of my little program. I was really happy for a long time 😭

I was a little discouraged (jealous) when I saw that I didn’t even have a regional ranking when I got the result, and I thought I could enter many other works that were not as good as mine. But this time I officially became a developer.


The first project

At the beginning of the first semester of my junior year, I thought I was capable of undertaking some development tasks, so I began to look for teams or projects on campus.

At first, I asked my tutor and the teachers of my professional courses. They warmly told me that they would soon set up some project teams and they would invite me to join them. When I was waiting, I happened to check wechat moments and saw a team recruitment poster, and I got in touch with the person in charge.

After I joined the team, I learned that there were only three members in the team, all of whom were students from other departments at the same level as me. They had been a start-up team before, but under the impact of the epidemic, the previous team was dissolved, leaving only three core members, so they regrouped and planned to develop in the direction of the Internet.

My first project after joining the team was a project given by the school official, which was a small program to register users’ enrollment information during the epidemic. At that time, I was very, very honored to develop projects for the school and took the task seriously. The four of us are responsible for client front-end development, back-end front-end development, back-end development and product design respectively.

At that time, I spent an afternoon developing all the pages of the first version of the small program, and conceived the interface and logic together with the students at the back end. During the demonstration in the teacher’s office several times, I was very nervous and afraid of bugs, but fortunately, there were only some small problems in the demonstration. We also added security and teacher side to the whole project through our own brainstorming and repeated communication with the teacher.

The overall development is a very complete project, which is intended to be used in a campus recruitment fair in November, so we have been repeatedly testing and polishing the job fair before it starts. The school sent us some team introduction and project related tweets, which greatly increased our influence!

After the job fair, our daily user usage reached 9K, except for a few new Huawei models, there was no big problem, so our team’s first project was successfully concluded


Later, we started to develop some commercial projects based on outsourcing business, during which our staff kept increasing from the initial four to nearly twenty. I started to expand the technical stack of a small program, and slowly began to write VUE and UniAPP. At the end of each project, I would remove some common methods and write wheels by myself. I sealed the request library, style library, common method library and project deployment scripts used in the front end of the whole team. My business skills are becoming stronger and stronger.

Remember the first time the company moved to the school from the residential building in a nearby office building, from 30 square meters to one hundred square meters, the junior partner in the company under the busy busy to clean the clean, looked at the belongs to own team, I thought no matter what problems we can solve this army, that is the first time I’ve had the entrepreneurial sense of accomplishment.

Companies as a whole have been moving in the direction of outsourcing. Receiving more orders, receiving more expensive orders has become the only goal, but I have always thought that we must develop our own things, only by doing our own things can we accumulate, can we make breakthroughs in technology and form our own technical barriers. However, since I was not responsible for the operation direction of the whole company, my idea was only a small one without much support.

During this period, we have gradually developed some small programs based on our advantages, such as the small program of campus book transfer and the small program of campus question and answer community. As I am in charge of this project, I have achieved my expectations in the development of small programs, and surpassed many small programs with similar functions in the sense of experience. However, we have no way to invest more power in operation and promotion, and these small programs have stopped operation after the completion of development. My product dream was put on hold and I devoted myself to the development of outsourcing projects.


It is true that there are more and more members in the team, but people are increasingly busy and tired.

When there are more than ten people in a team, many problems begin to emerge. Not everyone joins the team with the entrepreneurial mentality of passion and power generation for love. Most of them think that learning technology in the team will help them find jobs in the future. The core development direction lies in several of our initial members. In the middle of our start-up, some of them started douyin We-media work in order to expand our business. I’m mainly responsible for the technical side,

But the people on our team were really good, or they wouldn’t have lasted that long.

From my personal, I spent almost a year in the development of various outsourcing project, there are more than ten hours every day The actual development time, in the beginning I full enthusiasm, but behind my body began to appear some bad signs: eye inflammation, every day from time to time and gastroenteritis, too much lack of exercise and the project time. I’ve always been in pretty good shape because of my fitness habits, and when I realized my body was going downhill I knew it wasn’t going to work.

At that time, I had gastroenteritis and eye inflammation three times a month. I went to the hospital for three times and spent nearly one thousand yuan. Since I was a junior in college, I rented a house with my girlfriend off campus. In fact, I could not save any money for the rent and daily expenses every month, and I could not even afford to eat a decent takeaway. I had to buy cheap meat dishes on various e-commerce platforms and cook them by myself. At that time, he worked every day, but his monthly salary was not enough to pay the rent (all the money was spent on building the company).

In order to improve her life, my girlfriend began to give art lessons to children online. Her hobby and main business is making custom sneakers, so she had no choice but to take online art lessons. Every class I can hear three or four children chirping, if LET me come, I can’t stand it, and online art class is really squeezing college students, only 20 an hour, if it is not at home to do it is better to work in a factory. She always took care of me during my illness, poured water for me and accompanied me to the hospital.

Maybe my girlfriend is good at teaching children. She always has more class time than others. Once she had seven classes a day, which added up to almost eight hours. When I got home she was hoarse and had to continue painting shoes in the evening. I was caught, and getting out of the situation was my only goal.

It was the first semester of our senior year, and many of my classmates had already started their internships. However, I was still doing the same thing every day. The technology was not improved, and the company did not have a better development, so I started to find a job.

To apply for a job

Miss autumn recruit

My school is at the bottom of the university, which not only gives me no advantage in resume, but also has no excellent senior students to guide us. I started looking for front-end development jobs, and like many people, I wanted to get into a big factory. But AT that time I was unprepared, I did not even know the concept of autumn recruit spring recruit. The teachers in the school never mentioned that most of the students in the class were still waiting for the recruitment notice of small companies, or they were practicing in some small companies to learn technology. After I continued to understand, I realized that autumn recruitment was so important, not only autumn recruitment is important, but also the preparation before autumn recruitment is more important. But I was one step behind because of poor information, resulting in a little regret at that time I even choose to start a business 🤕

At that time, it was the end of autumn recruitment, AND I began to look for interviews on niuke website every day, and then summarize the interview questions. At the beginning, I only applied to the top companies, because I didn’t think clearly whether it was really necessary to abandon my friends along the way to work in other places, and maybe the company could develop other businesses.

But the fact threw cold water on me. Not only was the company on the decline, but I couldn’t even get an interview from the lowest school. I felt very frustrated after applying for more than a month. But big factory autumn recruit all start early, end early. By the time I gave up the company’s business and devoted myself to job hunting, almost all the big factories had already finished their recruitment.

But at that time I comforted myself, anyway, the resume of the big factory can not pass, it is better to refuel to try small and medium-sized factory. So I started haitou. My resume is available on all recruitment platforms, and I keep polishing my resume and brushing questions and experience online. At that time, I did not feel, the interview building rocket is real, do a year of project I have never encountered a variety of hand tearing code principle scene, plus a variety of eight-essay, algorithm questions.

Programmers are really serious, but to ridicule ridicule, they also have to volume, it is in this period, I found the nuggets. Once said, nuggets on all kinds of interview questions is really complete, heat is also very high, MY personal heart is disgusted with this phenomenon, I have always believed that the value of programmers is to create. But the technical atmosphere in the Nuggets is much stronger than the competition, and the overall feel is much cleaner

The road to the Denver nuggets

I was already producing a lot of articles at CSDN, so I moved on and started documenting my development learning on nuggets. You can check my home page. My first article was posted during the National Day holiday. It was during the job-hunting period.

I have a lot of project experience, but I did not prepare the eight-part essay and algorithm in advance. As a result, I was faced with a very anxious scene at that time. I was afraid that my resume would not be accepted, and at the same time I was afraid that my resume would be hit by the interviewer. At that time, my life changed from constantly doing outsourcing projects to reciting eight-part essays every day, reading algorithm problems, and typing my favorite projects when I was tired.

I wrote this article during the National Day # National Day boom liver, using vite+vue3+ TS to achieve a web version of Typora! This is the first time THAT I received a “like” article, and there are people commenting on the bottom, I am really happy, but also because this article has strengthened my faith to write articles.

Cover with fruit

Everything comes to him who waits (in fact is to reduce a lot of standard), I had a lot of small factory on the surface after finally found the heart yi company, from the interview I think is good feel integral atmosphere, although salary is not high compared to a lot of companies, but after all is acceptable, eventually drag exhaustion of body and mind on shore.

As a child growing up in Shenzhen, I have always been longing to work in Shenzhen, so the company I finally joined is also in Shenzhen. Since the company is located in Shenzhen, I began to look for a house to rent in Shenzhen. I finally chose a single room 1.5km away from the company with the help of my parents because I wanted to buy a house close to the company. (The rent in Shenzhen Futian is ridiculously expensive.)

Then I said goodbye to my team mates and moved to Shenzhen with my girlfriend. When I left the team, the unstable morale suddenly collapsed, everyone began to look for jobs, brush the face. I used to think THAT I was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Maybe entrepreneurship is just like that. A little bit of success doesn’t make a business happen. Although I am now starting a life of community life, the fire of entrepreneurship in my heart will continue to burn until I have enough fuel, and then let it shine.

This is the last picture I took in front of the company

The subway before leaving Guangzhou

Decorated new home

First entry


I have made great progress in technology this year, with some new breakthroughs in technical depth and development ideas. I have basically understood everything related to VUE. Recently, I opened a new pit to learn about react every day, hoping to make new improvements in the development process of the new framework.

I’ve been in nuggets for nearly three months now, and one of those three months is still unproductive.

Overall the numbers are not good because my articles tend to be project-oriented. However, I will continue to share some interesting small projects or development skills in the future. My goal is to make people feel that development is a happy thing, instead of being trapped in the vicious circle of introversion and interview.

Yangsasa wrote nearly four hours, although the number of words is not much, but as a science student want to accurately and clearly transfer their feelings really not easy ah ~ hope everyone can move forward towards their ideal life, survival at the same time don’t forget life ~