These days, I saw a big junior interviewing bytedance mosquito, and suddenly I felt that I was too hot… I didn’t know more than half of the college entrance exam questions… I quickly dive into learning to improve myself, while digging gold and Googling. Simple implementation of several commonly used functions…… (borrowed from too many people’s article…… confused…… can not write reference……

Deep copy deepClone

function deepClone(target, hash = new WeakMap()) {
  // It is not an object or null
  if (typeoftarget ! = ="object" || target == null) return target;
  // Check whether there is an object reference through WeakMap
  if (hash.has(target)) return hash.get(target);
  // Check whether it is an array or a string
  const result = target instanceof Array ? [] : {};
  // Put the result into WeakMap, where key is target and value is result
  hash.set(target, result);
  // for in
  for (const key in target) {
    // Avoid properties on the prototype chain
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(target,key)) {
      // recursive callresult[key] = _deepClone(target[key]); }}// Return the result
  return result;
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Stabilization debounce

function debounce(handler, wait = 300, immediate = false) {
  // Declare a variable timer
  let timer;
  // Check whether the parameters meet expectations
  if (typeofhandler ! = ="function") throw new TypeError("The first params shoule be a Function");
  if (typeofwait ! = ="number") throw new TypeError("The second params shoule be a Number");

  return function() {
    // Cache context and parameters
    const context = this,
      args = [...arguments];
    // Clear the timer if it exists
    timer && clearTimeout(timer);

    if (immediate) {
      // If immediate is true and the timer does not exist, set the timer and set the timer to null after the specified time
      constcallNow = ! timer; timer = setTimeout((a)= > {
        timer = null;
      }, wait);
      // The handler is executed immediately, binding the context and passing the parameters through apply
      callNow && handler.apply(context, args);
    } else {
      // If immediate is false, set the timer
      timer = setTimeout((a)= >{ handler.apply(context, args); }, wait); }}; }Copy the code

Throttling throttle

function throttle(handler, wait = 300) {
  // Declare a variable timer
  let timer;
  return function() {
    // If the timer exists, it returns the same value
    if (timer) return;
    // Cache context and parameters
    const context = this,
      args = [...arguments];
    // Set the timer
    timer = setTimeout((a)= > {
      // Execute handler, binding the context and passing the parameters through apply
      handler.apply(context, args);
      // Timer is set to null
      timer = null;
    }, wait);
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Is it a pure object isPlainObject

function isPlainObject(obj) {
  return === "[object Object]";
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Depth contrast isEqual

function isEqual(target1, target2) {
  // return the same value
  if (target1 === target2) return true;

  const isPlainObject = obj= > === "[object Object]";
  // If either object is not pure, the comparison result is returned directly
  if(! isPlainObject(target1) || ! isPlainObject(target2))return target1 === target2;

  // Get an array of two keys
  const target1Keys = Object.keys(target1);
  const target2Keys = Object.keys(target2);
  if(target1Keys.length ! == target2Keys.length)return false;

  // Iterate over target1, recursively calling isEqual to compare each item, and return false if any item is different
  for (const key in target1) {
    if (target1.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      if(! isEqual(target1[key], target2[key]))return false; }}/ / all the same
  return true;
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Flatten array

function flatArray(arr, depth = Infinity) {
  // If it is not an array, an error is reported
  if(! arrinstanceof Array) throw new TypeError("Expect Array");
  // Check whether the FLAT method of ES10 is supported
  if (Array.prototype.flat) {
    // Support calls directly
    return arr.flat(depth);
  } else {
    // See if all the elements in the array are normal types
    const isDeep = arr.some(item= > Array.isArray(item));
    // If both types are normal, return them directly
    if(! isDeep)return arr;
    // Flat the first layer of the array with the array concat method
    constresult = [].concat(... arr);// Recursive call, flat the deep array
    returnflatArray(result); }}Copy the code

Array quickSort

  function quickSort(target) {
    // It is not an array or the array length is less than 2
    if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(target) ! = ='[object Array]' || target.length < 2) return target
    // Copy a number of copies
    const _arr = []
    // Find and fetch the base element
    const pivotItem = _arr.splice(Math.floor(_arr.length / 2), 1)
    // Define two temporary arrays to store elements smaller than and larger than the base
    const smallerArr = []
    const biggerArr = []
    // Go through the number group and classify the elements
    for (let index = 0; index < _arr.length; index++) {
      const element = _arr[index]
      pivotItem > element ? smallerArr.push(element) : biggerArr.push(element)
    // Call two temporary arrays recursively and merge the two arrays with the base element
    const result = this._quickSort(smallerArr).concat(pivotItem, this._quickSort(biggerArr))
    // Returns a new array
    return result
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Array bubbleSort bubbleSort

  function bubbleSort(target) {
    // It is not an array or the array length is less than 2
    if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(target) ! = ='[object Array]' || target.length < 2) return target
    // Copy a number of copies
    const _arr = []
    // go through the number group
    for (let index = 0; index < _arr.length; index++) {
      for (let innerIdx = index + 1; innerIdx < _arr.length; innerIdx++) {
        // Compare adjacent elements in pairs, swap elements, swap large elements behind
        if (_arr[index] > _arr[innerIdx]) {
          [_arr[index], _arr[innerIdx]] = [_arr[innerIdx], _arr[index]]
    // Returns a new array
    return _arr
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