The nuggets’ march recruiting campaign is over with the ultimate prize!

Since the launch of the “Gold-digging, Offer” activity on March 1, digg friends have contributed a total of 2000+ swiping, technical comments, project review articles, 500+ boiling point interaction. 🎁 we believe that all the contestants had a good march — some of them have already offered in the group (manual doge)

The reward list of task 3 & customs clearance is as follows. Wish you all: Spring blossoms, Offer in April! Other activities are also in progress, welcome to the homepage, actively sign up ~ ~

Task 3 – Boiling point topic and award list

Due to the small number of people completing task 3, the reward has been adjusted as follows:

1. Lucky draw – “I want to jump ship” boiling point interaction

Complete 5 boiling points as required and participate in the system lottery. The list of rewards & prizes is as follows:

🚩 reward: Nuggets limited notebook 1 + small volume 10% discount code 1

🍬 Number of winners: 10, subject to homepage link.

The coupon code of the booklet will be sent to you through the system message push. Please fill in this form for physical prizes.

nickname The home page link
1024 fat curtilage Juejin. Cn/user / 588993…
kirinzer Juejin. Cn/user / 132786…
Xiao Zhu is not a pig Juejin. Cn/user / 140779…
Darcy_QDD Juejin. Cn/user / 729731…
Little girl picking up codes Juejin. Cn/user / 379952…
Hanpeng_Chen Juejin. Cn/user / 106398…
To break the bamboo Juejin. Cn/user / 428335…
Goo goo tea Juejin. Cn/user / 105157…
灬 green mans 灬 Juejin. Cn/user / 208432…
The nuggets WindTalker Juejin. Cn/user / 257691…

2. Lucky draw – “Promotion and salary increase” boiling point interaction

Complete 5 boiling points as required and participate in the system lottery. The list of rewards & prizes is as follows:

🚩 Reward: 1 netease cloud music notebook + 1 booklet 10% discount code

🍬 Number of winners: 10, subject to homepage link.

The coupon code of the booklet will be sent to you through the system message push. Please fill in this form for physical prizes.

nickname The home page link
Early one morning Juejin. Cn/user / 449445…
xcbeyond Juejin. Cn/user / 328938…
The man next door Juejin. Cn/user / 131027…
liuzhen007 Juejin. Cn/user / 347411…
JustCompThin Juejin. Cn/user / 326300…
A fox speaks no nonsense Juejin. Cn/user / 106398…
White LuHongYan Juejin. Cn/user / 182922…
StevenLee Juejin. Cn/user / 207629…
kkkkkkk3 Juejin. Cn/user / 347411…
LingDaGe Juejin. Cn/user / 254742…

🏆 Completion Reward

A total of 21 people will complete the task (i.e. one swipe of task punching/technical review, task 2 project review, and task 3 boiling point interaction), and those who complete the task will have the opportunity to be selected by a star mentor for a mock interview or career planning consultation.

Please contact us (Happyzoe0910), add friends please note [customs clearance],

The list is as follows:

nickname The home page link nickname The home page link
Look at that coder Juejin. Cn/usr / 2850366… LeiXiaoHong Juejin. Cn/usr / 2981531…
Hoarfroster Juejin. Cn/usr / 4746384… season_zhu Juejin. Cn/usr / 4353721…
UOrb Juejin. Cn/usr / 2019658… Clear autumn Juejin. Cn/usr / 9408376…
random__ Juejin. Cn/usr / 1468603… Wet skin of tofu jun Juejin. Cn/usr / 2899268…
Zhang Cheng Juejin. Cn/usr / 4054654… CAI Juejin. Cn/usr / 3104676…
StevenLee Juejin. Cn/usr / 2076294… Little Ming Juejin. Cn/usr / 2840793…
ClyingDeng Juejin. Cn/usr / 2735240… Xia12137817 Juejin. Cn/usr / 4177799…
1024 fat curtilage Juejin. Cn/usr / 5889939… A mountain Juejin. Cn/usr / 1063982…
The green mountain Juejin. Cn/usr / 2084329… Xiao Zhu is not a pig Juejin. Cn/usr / 1407794…
Elegant ink sword Juejin. Cn/usr / 1179105… Los bamboo Juejin. Cn/usr / 3251111…
Front leaflet Juejin. Cn/usr / 1011206…

Please contact us (Happyzoe0910), add friends please note [customs clearance],

You can also participate in the lucky draw and share the following gifts (please contact the wechat of the operator above to participate in the lucky draw) :

  • Sponsored by netease Cloud Music’s big front end team: 5 copies [netease Cloud Music peripheral gift packages (including customized hoodie, canvas bag and cashmere scarf)
  • Sponsored by Huazhang Book Publishing House: 4 copies of Design Mode; 4 copies of Introduction to Algorithms; 4 copies of Computer Network; 4 copies of In-depth Understanding of computer Systems.

Bonus! See in April

Friends who often brush [Nuggets APP] should find that we have quietly launched the team number function, app-discovery page has a “recruitment” entrance, the major technical teams uploaded a lot of posts… Understand the friends have begun to act 👀