🎉Vue to build large single-page e-commerce applications open source! Click me to see the source 🚀🚀

First, write first

Dear friends of the Denver nuggets, last week sent a Vue login registration – the nuggets’ cute cat, unexpectedly won the nuggets official recommendations and the extensive friendly dug thumb up and enthusiastic comments, have a lot of digging the friends “eye” wait for source, here thank you all for your concerns and comments, the source code will be released at the end of the month, please look, also hope to dig the friends not to streamline Sik in the hands of the small stars, easy to point a praise, let more small partners see 😄, we learn together, progress together!

Because the recent work is more busy, in order to let digg friends read the source code, I need to put the source notes as much as possible to write in detail, convenient for everyone to learn, but also ask you to digg friends patiently wait for ha ~

Ii. Personal center page construction

Compared with the whole project, the page of the personal center is relatively simple without too complicated business logic. It mainly uses Vant reasonably and skillfully to build the UI interface. The Vant components used in the personal center are as follows.

Iii. Complete effect drawing of personal center

  • Personal centers that are not logged in

  • Personal center and personal information after login

  • Change gender and birth date

  • My order

  • My coupon

  • My green card

Iv. Personal center data storage

All data sources of the project are captured by themselves and the background data interface is built through easy-mock simulation,Vuex + Local localStorage to store data, personal center module is not exceptional also, when the user is not login status, restricting certain function cannot enter, such as: personal information, my orders, my coupon, my green card, etc., when the user through the login after send the login request for the background, the background will be returned Token value and the user data, will return to use Vuex saves household data locally for adding, deleting, modifying and checking.

Five, core code

  • Personal center

Share links in the past

  • Vue Sweet White series column:

    • Vue: What is Vue?
    • Vue from sweet little white to leather big guy series (2) V – command
    • Vue from sweet white to leather big guy series (iii) life cycle
    • Vue from sweet white to leather big guy series (4) custom instructions
    • Vue from sweet white to leather big guy series (five) components
    • Vue from sweet little white to leather big guy series (six) component communication
    • Vue from sweet little white to leather big guy series (seven) Vue Router
    • Vue from sweet little white to leather big guy series (eight) Vuex
  • A weekly algorithm series

    • Evaluate the inverse Polish expression
    • Fibonacci numbers
    • Merges two ordered lists
  • Vue actual combat e-commerce project series

    • Vue login registration – Nuggets cute cute cat

Finally, thank you for your attention!

My GitHub, hope to get your little star ~

I hope my share can be helpful to you, there are incorrect places also hope to get your erratum! I will be very grateful, in addition, if you want to get the whole period of front-end learning video and information scan the following TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, reply to learn, but also hope that in the way of front-end advancement, we grow together, progress together!