React-Native-DemoReact-native is based on the official document, which implements the basic components (simple, easy to use, efficient) and APIS listed in the document, and presents them in the form of a demonstration.

  • The purpose is to intuitively understand the capabilities provided by the official, so that it can be more familiar with React-Native and fully prepared for development.

  • Will continue to update, keep consistent with the Progress of the English document; It will also include some third-party libraries and some components deposited by the project in case of any problemsWelcome to exchange and discuss.

  • See project for details

Demonstrate the legend

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Install the React-native Demo on your phone with the following QR code:

Qr code describe
IOS . 👍

Note: Wechat scan code jump, open in the browser to allow download.

Third-party frameworks and development environments

  • Development environment:
    • MacOS 10.14.3
    • The node v8.8.0 “”
    • The react – native – cli 2.0.1 “”
    • Android Studio “3.2”
    • Xcode 10.2.1 “”
  • Third Party Framework
    • The react – native (0.59.4)
    • react-native-fs
    • react-native-vector-icons
    • react-native-webview
    • react-navigation

Update progress

  • Based on the component

    • View
    • Text
    • TextInput
    • Button
    • Image
    • ImageBackground
    • Slider
    • Switch
  • Common component

    • ActivityIndicator
    • ScrollView
    • FlatList
    • SectionList
    • Modal
    • Picker
    • StatusBar
    • ViewPagerAndroid
    • TouchableHighlight
    • TouchableOpacity
    • TouchableWithoutFeedback
  • Component – Android

    • DrawerLayoutAndroid
    • ProgressBarAndroid
    • ToolbarAndroid
  • Component – IOS

    • DatePickerIOS

    • MaskedViewIOS

    • PickerIOS

    • ProgressViewIOS

    • SegmentedControlIOS

    • SafeAreaView

    • SnapshotViewIOS

  • API – interaction

    • Alert
    • AccessibilityInfo
    • AppState
    • ToastAndroid
    • CameraRoll
    • Clipboard
    • Dimensions
    • DatePickerAndroid
    • Geolocation
    • AsyncStorage
    • ActionSheetIOS
    • AppRegistry
    • BackHandler
    • ImageEditor
    • ImagePickerIOS
    • ImageStore
    • InteractionManager
    • Keyboard
    • Linking
    • NetInfo
    • PanResponder
    • PermissionsAndroid
    • Settings
    • Share
    • Systrace
    • TimePickerAndroid
    • Vibration
  • API – layout

    • FlexBox
  • API – animation

    • Animated
    • Easing
    • LayoutAnimation
  • API – style

    • ImageStyle
    • PixelRatio
    • Shadow
    • StyleSheet
    • TextStyle
    • Transforms
    • ViewStyle