Personal development for smart people is the way to align yourself more with the core principles (and by extension, secondary principles) of truth, love, and strength. When your thoughts and actions are real, loving, and powerful, you live consciously and intelligently. It’s the best thing you can do as a human being.

As much as I wish I could share the ideas in this book with you, it’s also the book I most needed to read. When I follow the seven principles in part one, my life works. I have been focused on creative self-expression, I am willing and effective in serving others, AND I resonate with fulfillment and am very happy and fulfilled. If I deviate from that path and start violating those principles, life becomes difficult. I would make bad decisions, I would be overwhelmed by problems and obstacles, I would go from life mode to survival mode, I would feel out of place and stressed.

If I could summarize the core message of the book, it would be this:

Keep your eyes open for truth. Be brave with your findings and their consequences. Eliminate falsehood, denial, and fear of truth from your life. Let reality be your ally, not your enemy. It’s not easy, but it’s right.

Share your love openly. Turn your attention to the connections that already exist, to connect with yourself and others. The risk of rejection is overshadowed by the reward of loving association. Whenever you feel disconnected from the world, reach out and connect with another person. Remember, you are always loved.

Fully cultivate your capabilities as a human being, and use your powers to provide honorable service to the best interests of all. False power corrupts, but true power sublimates. The more you resonate with truth and love, the greater your ability to exercise power wisely. No one benefits from your refusal to shine.

Embrace your unique path of growth. Use your intelligence and emotions to guide you in a conscious pursuit of truth, love, and power. Invest in creative self-expression, service, and contribution, and you will not suffer from scarcity. Your greatest gift to the world is to share who you really are.

Enjoy your incredible journey. Accept the highs and lows, for they are equally valuable. The realization that your deepest sorrow reveals your greatest joy. Share your story with others and know that you are not alone. Be grateful for your time on earth.

Wish you a conscious life ~