A list,

1. Ant colony algorithm is proposed

Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO), also known as ant algorithm, is a probabilistic algorithm used to find optimal paths. It was proposed by Marco Dorigo in his PhD thesis in 1992 and was inspired by the behavior of ants in finding their way to food. Genetic algorithm has been applied in pattern recognition, neural network, machine learning, industrial optimal control, adaptive control, biological science, social science and so on.

2. Basic principles of the algorithm

Ii. Source code

% % % % % % % % % % problem definition: the city location coordinates, calculating distance matrix InitOps % % % % % % % % % = []; [Location,DistMatrix,Ncities,Bestx,Lengx] = pr76init(InitOps); close all; figure (1);
hold on;
for i=1:Ncities
    text (Location(i,1)+l,Location(i,2)+l,num2str(i));
for i=1:Ncities- 1
    line([Location(Bestx(i),1),Location(Bestx(i+1),1)] , [Location(Bestx(i),2),Location(Bestx(i+1),2)]);end
line([Location(Bestx(1),1),Location(Bestx(Ncities),1)] , [Location(Bestx(1),2),Location(Bestx(Ncities),2)]) ;
grid on,title(['Initial roadmap -',num2str(Lengx)]),xlabel(X-coordinate),ylabel('ordinate');
legend('City location'); hold off ; % initialize random generator state rand('state',sum(100*clock)); % = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = % use the nearest neighbor method to construct an initial, calculated according to the information department of initial p = zeros (1,Ncities+1);
    p(1)=round(Ncities*rand+0.5); % p Store the numbers of all cities found so far1);
	whilecount <= Ncities NNdist= inf ; %NNdist Stores the distance between the found city and the city with the shortest distance pp= I; % I stores the current city id. Pp Stores the current found city idfor j= 1: Ncities
          	if (DistMatrix(i, j) < NNdist) & (j~=i) & ((j~=p) == ones(1,length(p))) % The target city is required to be -- short distance, and can not be the current city, also can not be the city that has been passed before NNdist= DistMatrix(I, j); pp= j ;end           
        i= pp ;
     	count= count + 1 ;
	Q0=1/(Ncities*len); %%%%%%%%%% Set system parameters %%%%%%%%%% MaxNc=5000; % maximum algebra A=1; % pheromone factor B=2; % heuristic information factor P1=0.1; % initial value of local volatilization coefficient P2=0.1; % global volatility coefficient initial value R0=0.9; % selection probability M=10; % number of ants %%%%%%%%%% Initializing Pheromone, heuristic information matrix, determining initial position of ant and permit matrix %%%%%%%%%% Pheromone=Q0*ones(Ncities,Ncities); % Initial pheromone matrix; Heuristic=1./DistMatrix; % Temp=ones(1,Ncities);
Heuristic=1./ (1./Heuristic+diag(Temp));
RandL=round(rand(M,1)*Ncities+0.5); % Ant initial location Alocation0=zeros(M,Ncities+1); Deposit % M +1Alocation0(:,1)=RandL;
Allow0=repmat(1:Ncities,M,1); % Allows access to the city matrix initializationfor Ak=1:M
    Allow0(Ak,RandL(Ak))=0; End %%%%%%%%%% Run parameter initialization %%%%%%%%%% Nc=1; % first generation Lbestdis=inf; Cbestdis=inf; Fnewbest=0; Alocation=Alocation0; Allow=Allow0; Allow=Allow0; % allows the matrix to assign the initial value t1=clock; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ant colony algorithm initialization program end % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % of ant colony algorithm is the main loop start % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %while(Nc<=MaxNc) % M ants select Ncitiesfor Cityi=2:Ncities+1
          if Cityi<Ncities+1 
              for Ak=1:M
                  i=Alocation(Ak,Cityi- 1); J = % of the current city Select_for_aca (R0, Ak, I, to Allow A, B, Pheromone and Heuristic); % Select the next city based on Pijj
                  Allow(Ak,j)=0; % update permit matrix Pheromone(I,j)=(1-P1)*Pheromone(i,j)+P1*Q0; Pheromone(j, I)= Pheromone(I,j); endelse% returns to the starting cityfor Ak=1:M
                  i=Alocation(Ak,Cityi- 1); % Current city j=Alocation(Ak,1);
                  Pheromone(i,j)=(1-P1)*Pheromone(i,j)+P1*Q0; Pheromone(j, I)=Pheromone(I,j); end end end function D = dists(X1,X2,p,e) %DISTS Calculates distances between vectors of points. % D = dists(X1,X2,p,e) % X1 = n x d matrix of n d-dimensional points % X2 = m x d matrix of m d-dimensional points % D = n x m matrix of distances % = (n- 1) x 1 vector of distances between X1 points, if X2 = []
%     p = 2, Euclidean (default): D(i,j) = sqrt(sum((X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))^2% =))1, rectilinear: D(i,j) = sum(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))
%       = Inf, Chebychev dist: D(i,j) = max(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))
%       = (1 Inf), lp norm: D(i,j) = sum(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))^p)^(1/p)
%       = 'rad', great circle distance in radians of a sphere
%         (where X1 and X2 are decimal degree latitudes and longitudes)  
%       = 'mi' or 'sm', great circle distance in statute miles on the earth
%       = 'km', great circle distance in kilometers on the earth
%     e = epsilon for hyperboloid approximation gradient estimation
%       = 0 (default); no error checking if any non-empty 'e' input
%      ~= 0 => general lp used for rect., Cheb., and p outside [1.2] 
% Great circle distances are calculated using the Haversine Formula (from R.W.
% Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope, vol. 68, no. 2.1984
% p. 159)

% Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael G. Kay
% Matlog Version 1.0 Apr- 3- 98.

% Input Error Checking *******************************************************
if nargin == 4 & ~isempty(e)		% No error checking is 'e' input
   [n,d] = size(X1);
   m = size(X2,1);
else					% Do error checking
   e = 0;				% 'e' default
   [n,d] = size(X1);
   if n == 0 | ~isreal(X1)
      error('X1 must be non-empty real matrix');
   if nargin < 2 | isempty(X2)		% Calc intra-seq dist b/w X1 points
      m = 0;				% X2 default
      if n < 2
	 error('X1 must have more than 1 point');
   else					% Calc dist b/w X1 and X2 points
      [m,dX2] = size(X2);
      if m == 0 | ~isreal(X2)
	 error('X2 must be non-empty real matrix');
      if d ~= dX2
	 error('Rows of X1 and X2 must have same dimensions');
   if nargin < 3 | isempty(p)
      p = 2;				% 'p' default
   elseif ~ischar(p)			% lp distances
      if length(p(:)) ~= 1 | ~isreal(p)
	 error(' ' 'p' ' must be a real scalar number');
   elseif ischar(p)			% Great circle distances
      p = lower(p);
      if d ~= 2
	 error('Points must be 2-dimensional for great-circle distances');
      if ~any(strcmp(p,{'rad'.'mi'.'sm'.'km'}))
	 error(' ' 'p' ' must be either ''rad,'' ''mi,'' ''sm,'' or ''km'"); end else error('''p'' not valid value');
% End (Input Error Checking) ***********************************************

% Interchange if X2 is the only 1 point
intrchg = 0;
if n > 1 & m == 1tmp = X2; X2 = X1; X1 = tmp; m = n; n =1;
   intrchg = 1;

% 1-dimensional points
if d == 1
   if e == 0
      if m ~= 0
	 D = abs(X1(:,ones(1,m)) - X2(:,ones(1,n))'); else D = abs(X1(1:n-1) - X1(2:n))';	% X1 intra-seq. dist.
      if m ~= 0
	 D = sqrt((X1(:,ones(1,m)) - X2(:,ones(1,n))').^2 + e); else D = sqrt((X1(1:n-1) - X1(2:n)).^2 + e)';

% X1 only 1 point or intra-seq dist   
elseif n == 1 | m == 0
   if n == 1				% Expand X1 to match X2
      X1 = X1(ones(1,m),:);
      n = m;
   else					% X1 intra-seq. dist.
      X2 = X1(2:n,:);		               % X2 = ending points
      n = n - 1;
      X1 = X1(1:n,:); 	                       % X1 = beginning points
   if p == 2				% Euclidean distance
      D = sqrt(sum(((X1 - X2).^2 + e)')); elseif ischar(p) % Great-circle distance X1 = pi*X1/180; X2 = pi*X2/180; D = 2*asin(min(1,sqrt(sin((X1(:,1) - X2(:,1))/2).^2 + ... cos(X1(:,1)).*cos(X2(:,1)).* ... sin((X1(:,2) - X2(:,2))/2).^2)))';
   elseif p == 1 & e == 0		% Rectilinear distance
      D = sum(abs(X1 - X2)'); elseif (p >= 1 & p <= 2) | (e ~= 0 & p > 0) % General lp distance D = sum((((X1 - X2).^2 + e).^(p/2))'.) ^ (1/p);
   elseif p == Inf & e == 0		% Chebychev distance
      D = max(abs(X1 - X2)'); else % Otherwise D = zeros(1,n); for j = 1:n D(j) = norm(X1(j,:) - X2(j,:),p); end endCopy the code

3. Operation results

Fourth, note

Version: 2014 a