Developed by photon Studio Group, NoSQL distributed database TcaplusDB provides data services for the hyper-real open world survival mobile game “Dawn And Awakening” will usher in the “long night is over, dawn is coming” final test on June 25th!

Built on Unreal Engine 4, Dawn Wake presents players with a world of open-world exploration, real-life survival, combat, building, and socializing, all played in real detail. With these features, Dawn Wake has attracted a loyal audience.

In the world of Dawn Wake, survivors are free to explore in a 10,000-by-10,000-sized seamless map. There are nine landforms: plains, mines, deserts, swamps and abandoned cities. You can try your best to survive in different landforms. There are 50 vehicles for you to ride through the wilderness. There are 70 kinds of plants and animals to form a rich ecology, with sunny weather, rain, snow, dust and other weather, let you feel the most real natural ecosystem.

Behind such rich gameplay, it is a huge challenge to the database storage capacity.

Why TcaplusDB

In the early days of the development of mobile games and mobile games, today’s mobile game users have higher requirements for game play diversity, game experience and picture quality.

For a game, a good database must have the following:

1. The database has stable performance, strong security and efficient operation.

2. From the perspective of services, the database can meet basic service requirements and application scenarios.

3. From the perspective of operation and maintenance, this database is easy to operate and manage.

TcaplusDB, as a distributed database, stands out from many databases due to its characteristics of high availability, high concurrency, compatibility and meeting the requirements of specific scenarios of game business. After careful multiple tests, the Team of Dawn Wake chose TcaplusDB, which is the best choice after repeated evaluation of multiple tests.

Function and Architecture

As shown in the preceding figure, TcaplusDB adopts master-slave mode by default. The Master is responsible for reading and writing user requests, and the Slave acts as the hot standby node. When QPS increases suddenly, read/write traffic flow is automatically enabled. That is, the Master performs write operations and the Slave performs read operations until background capacity expansion is complete. This design ensures the stability of read/write requests.

In addition, TcaplusDB is deployed in a hybrid mode of memory and efficient SSD cloud disks, which can meet the requirements of fast data reading and writing and persistent storage. For relational database users, TcaplusDB provides a SQL-like command line tool Tcaplus Client. Users can seamlessly switch to perform CRUD operations. TcaplusDB supports a single table size up to 2.56PB. Users do not need to worry about slow query loading caused by large table files, and the query efficiency will not be reduced.

Management and operation

TcaplusDB improves customer service perception and overall service level through the standardization of service capability. The main contents of service standardization are as follows:At the same time, with the diversification of database functions and the increasingly complex operation and maintenance environment, operation and maintenance security becomes more and more important

TcaplusDB has an independent operation and maintenance platform and a perfect operation and maintenance guidance system. At the same time, TcaplusDB’s technical support team distributed in many places provides 7*24 hours technical support service for products to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance work of customers.

Data security

To ensure data security and improve system disaster recovery capability, TcaplusDB supports two data backup modes: Cold backup for full data files. After tables are created, scripts are automatically generated to back up and store data files, which takes a long time. The other is incremental backup, mainly based on TcaplusDB binlog, automatic backup. The combination of the two backup methods ensures rapid recovery during system exceptions.

At the same time, TcaplusDB has also made efforts in these aspects to ensure the data security of customers in an all-round way.

  • Data Dr: The primary and secondary nodes in a cluster are deployed in inter-IDC mode (or in cross-rack or cross-floor mode, with a very short synchronization delay between the primary and secondary nodes) in the same city. Binlog is automatically backed up and full cold backup is performed every day. All modules in the cluster are upgraded and expanded in a non-destructive manner, and users are unaware of services.

  • Data consistency: The primary and secondary data are synchronized in real time and the REQ/ACK mechanism is used to ensure data consistency. During the primary/secondary switchover, ensure that the primary/secondary data is consistent before the switchover. When a fault occurs, data recovery is performed based on cold backup +binlog stream reconstruction to ensure data integrity. The primary and secondary data are periodically checked for full consistency and an exception repair mechanism is provided. At the user request level, the data operation is judged to be normal according to the real-time feedback response code.

  • Data content security: Data landing CRC check tamper-proof; Data files are compressed using Google Snappy. After data reading and writing is compressed or decompressed, data is serialized and deserialized. Even if data files are hijacked, data content cannot be resolved.

  • Access security: Integrated Tencent cloud user rights management system CAM; The TcaplusDB background supports IP whitelist-based access, that is, the specified IP client reads and writes TcaplusDB data. All data interaction within the table group requires password authentication, and all user operations are audited.

  • External compliance: in the past, TcaplusDB has been working hard for system compliance, TcaplusDB has obtained MTCS certification, CSA STAR Cloud computing security assessment, KISMS security certification, ISO information security management system certification and other certificates, to broaden the database safety channel for Chinese enterprises to the sea.

The last

After 10 years of development and continuous accumulation, TcaplusDB has finally broken through the cocoon and become a butterfly. Every step of TcaplusDB has taken a solid and powerful step. Its rich features and extreme capabilities are widely used in games, finance, government and enterprise, Internet, operators and other key scenes, providing enterprises with infinite possibilities. In the future, TcaplusDB will continue to serve every customer attentively, and together with “Dawn Awakening” and every customer, we will do everything to the utmost.