Daily SEO optimization, we need to write a lot of articles every day, will appear many times repetitive keywords in the content, it is a very normal thing, many people use keywords to repeat to increase the keyword density, which is understandable, but why some people stressed that the core keyword best appears only once in the title?

Why do we want to avoid title keywords repetition?

1. Internal keyword competition

Obviously, if you repeatedly use the same core keywords appear in different article titles, so Baidu is actually difficult to judge, in the end is to which article ranking, if you want to keyword optimization, so that two words are ranked, it is difficult.

Unless you are a very high weight site, the use of station and station resources, to deliberately push the ranking of these two keywords, but if you have a word has entered the home page, and you are also optimizing another word at the same time, then you can try to operate.

2, save internal and external resources

If you want to rank two different pages with the same keywords, you need more resources, which is a challenge for the content marketing team, and you need to do more outside chain building. To do this, you may need to ensure that:

① Multiple original content, try to achieve differentiation.

② from the main domain of the external chain does not repeat, that is to say, each target URL needs different repeated external chain support, the effect is more obvious.

(3) Reasonable allocation of links within the station, to further draw deep is the need to station two parts of the differentiation of the content to do support.

Obviously, this is a time-consuming, resource-intensive strategy and is not generally recommended.

So, for the same content of keywords and anchor text, how should we operate?

Obviously, too high keyword density, it is easy for search engines to judge as keyword accumulation, so you need to control the frequency of core keywords, the best way is to use synonyms to replace, maintain diversity.

For internal and external anchor text, you need to consider:

Don’t focus too much on keywords with a high search index. You also need to consider the semantic relevance of keywords, make the link anchor text appear more natural, and avoid being judged as manipulating the external chain.

Summary: It is worth reminding that in addition to avoiding the repetition of keywords in different article titles, we should also control the repetition of keywords in the same title, after all, Baidu launched the wind algorithm, intended to hit the accumulation of keywords in the title.

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