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A: hi! ~ Hello, everyone, I am YK bacteria 🐷, a front-end microsystem ✨, like to share their small knowledge 🏹, welcome to follow me 😘 ~ [wechat account: YK2012YK2012, wechat official account: ykyk2012]

1. Introduction

What is a database?

  • A database is a warehouse that organizes, stores, and manages data according to data structures
  • Our programs are run in memory, and once the program is finished or the computer is powered down, the data in the program is lost
  • Therefore, we need to persist the data of some programs to the hard disk to ensure the security of data. Databases are the best choice for data persistence
  • To sum up, a database is a warehouse for storing data

Classification of databases

  • Relational database (RDBMS)
    • MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server…
    • A relational database is full of tables
  • Non-relational database (No SQL)
    • Mongo, Redis…
    • Key-value database
    • Document database MongoDB

NoSQL refers to a non-relational database. NoSQL is sometimes called Not Only SQL abbreviation, is different from the traditional relational database database management system.

NoSQL is used to store very large scale data. (Google or Facebook, for example, collect trillions of bits of data for their users every day). These types of data stores do not require fixed schemas and can scale horizontally without unnecessary operations.

MongoDB is a database based on distributed file storage. Written in C++ language. Designed to provide scalable high-performance data storage solutions for WEB applications.

MongoDB is a product between relational database and non-relational database. Among non-relational databases, it has the most rich functions and is the most like relational database.



  • Highly organized structured data
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Data and relationships are stored in separate tables.
  • Data manipulation language, data definition language
  • Strict consistency
  • Based on the transaction


  • Stands for more than just SQL
  • There is no declarative query language
  • There are no predefined patterns

– Key-value pair storage, column storage, document storage, graphic database

  • Final consistency, not ACID properties
  • Unstructured and unpredictable data
  • The CAP theorem
  • High performance, high availability and scalability

Some differences in terminology

SQL terms/concepts MongoDB terminology/concepts Explanation/explanation
database database The database
table collection Database tables/collections
row document Data record line/document
cloumn field Data fields/fields
index index The index
table joins / Table joins, MongoDB does not support
/ The embedded document MongoDB replaces multi-table joins by embedding documents
primary key primary key Primary key. MongoDB automatically sets the _ID field as the primary key

Advantages/disadvantages of NoSQL


  • High scalability
  • Distributed computing
  • Low cost
  • Architectural flexibility for semi-structured data
  • No complicated relationship


  • No standardization

  • Limited query functionality (so far)

  • The final consensus is an unintuitive program

  • MongoDB is a database system designed for rapid development of Internet Web applications

  • MongoDB was designed to be minimal, flexible, and part of the Web application stack

  • The data model of MongoDB is document-oriented. The so-called document is a structure similar to JSON. It is easy to understand that the MongoDB database stores various JSON(BSON).

The basic concept

  • Database database
  • An array collection


  • Document object document

Similar to records in SQL, a document object {} is a record

A database consists of multiple collections, and a collection contains multiple document objects.

Document manual

The website

Official website manual

Novice tutorial…

2. Install & Start

Download and install…

The current version is 4.4.6

Add environment variables to the system after the installation is complete

Create a db folder in the create Data folder on drive C

Enter Mongod in CMDOpen another CMD belonging to Mongo

To summarize

  1. Start the mongodb server:mongod
  2. Change the default port:Mongod --port New port number
  3. Default mongodb port: 27017
  4. Set the mongodb database storage path:Mongod -- dbpath path
  5. Connect to mongodb database:mongo

MongoDB can be used graphically using MongoDB Compass

Download address…

Use 3.

3.1 Basic Usage

Show DBS or show databases: view all databases

Use XXX: switch to the specified database

Db: view the database of the current operation

Show Collections: View all collections in the current database

3.2 DATABASE CRUD Operations

Insert datainsert

Insert a piece of data

db.collectionName.insertOne( {name:'liu'})Copy the code

Db represents the database of the current operation

CollectionName represents a collection of operations. If there is none, it is automatically created

Inserted documents that do not manually provide an _ID attribute are automatically created

② Insert multiple pieces of data

db.collectionName.insertMany( [ {name:'ykyk'}, {name:'ykyk123'}])Copy the code

It needs to be wrapped in array

③ Universal API [can insert one or more] :

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Visual pages are also easy to use

Query datafind

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Query collection all documents, that is, all data. The query returns the entire array object. There’s an object wrapped around the outermost layer.

Conditions of the query

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The result is an array, followed by the index subscriptFind the first one

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Returns the first object in the queried array of objects (returns the object)

Query the number of files db.collectionName.count() or db.collectionname.length () Collects the number of files


> db.students.find({_id:222}).name  / / error
> db.students.findOne({_id:222}).name / / right
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  1. Mongodb supports queries directly from property values of embedded documents
	name:'ykyk'.hobby: {movies: ['movie1'.'movie2'].cities: ['zhuhai'.'chengdu']

db.users.find({hobby.movies:'movie1'}) / / error
db.users.find({"hobby.movies":'movie1'})// The attribute name of the query must be quoted
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  1. Use of query operators

The comparison operator gt greater than gt greater than Gte greater than or equal to lt less than lt less than lt less than lt less than lte Less than or equal to ne Not equal to NE Not equal to Ne Not equal to eq Is another way of writing $or or

/ / is more than 200
db.users.find({num: {$gt:200}})
// Greater than 200 and less than 300
db.users.find({num: {$gt:200.$lt:300}}) 

// Greater than 300 or less than 200
            {num: {$gt:300}},
            {num: {$lt:200}}}])Copy the code
  1. Paging query
Db. The users. The find (). Skip (page -1* Number of items per page). Limit (number of items per page)Copy the code
db.users.find().limit(10) // The first 10 entries
db.users.find().skip(50).limit(10) // Skip the first 50 columns, i.e. 61-70, i.e., page 6
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  1. 【 sort 】find Query results are sorted in ascending order by default
// 1 indicates ascending order and -1 indicates descending order
// Sort by ascending order of sal. If the same sal is encountered, sort by descending order empno
db.emp.find().sort({sal:1.empno: -1}) 
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Note: Skip,limit, and sort can be called in any order, resulting in sort first, skip, and limit last

Set the projection of the query results, that is, filter out only the fields you want

// Only the ename field is displayed in the matched document
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Query through the visual interface

Modify the dataupdate

Replace the entire document

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	// Query conditions
		// Modify the corresponding attribute
		$set: {name:'ykky'.age:21
		// Delete the corresponding [attribute]
		$unset: {gender:1 // The value of 1 can be changed to any other value without any impact}})Copy the code

Update is equivalent to updateOne() by default, which means that only the first updateMany() can be used to change all matched documents

		$set: {age:21.gender:222}})Copy the code

Add data to an array

db.users.update({username:'yk'}, {$push: {"hobby.movies":'movie4'}})

// If the data already exists, it will not be added
db.users.update({username:'yk'}, {$addToSet: {"hobby.movies":'movie4'}})
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The increment and decrement operator $inc

// let num increment by 100
{$inc: {num:100}} 
// let num decrease by 100
{$inc: {num: -100}} 
// Give an increase of 400 to employees earning less than 1000
db.emp.updateMany({sal: {$lt:1000}}, {$inc: {sal:400}}) 
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Delete the dataremove

[Generally not deleted]

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Remove removes all matching documents by default. The equivalent of deleteMany ()

Remove can add a second argument to remove only the first matched document. This is the same thing as deleteOne()

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Delete all data

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Poor character, internal is in the deletion of documents one by one. Delete the entire collection for efficiency.

Delete the collection

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Deleting a Database

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Note: To delete attributes of a document, use update.

The remove and delete series delete entire documents

If the condition to be deleted is an inline attribute:

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4. Relationships between documents

One to one

Embody one-to-one relationships through embedded documentation

One to many/many to one

[User] – [Order] Each order data saves the user’S ID with an attribute


	{list: ['apple'.'banana'].user_id:100},
	{list: ['apple'.'banana2'].user_id:100},
	{list: ['apple'].user_id:101}])Copy the code

Query all orders of YK:

1 Obtain the ID of yk

var user_id=db.users.findOne({name:'yk'})._id;
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② Query the corresponding order from the order set according to the ID

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Many to many

[Commodity] – [Category]

  • Each item data holds multiple category ids with one attribute
  • Each category data holds multiple item ids with one attribute

【 Teacher 】- 【 Student 】


	{'jun'.tech_ids: [100.101] {},'jun2'.tech_ids: [102]}])Copy the code

5. mongoose

Chinese document

Suggested that English document below…

5.1 introduction

  • Before we are through the shell to complete the various operations of the database, in the development of most of the time we need to complete the operation of the database through the program
  • Mongoose is a module that allows us to operate MongoDB through Node
  • Mongoose is an object Document Model (ODM) library that further optimizes and encapsulates Node’s native MongoDB module with additional functionality
  • In most cases, it is used to apply structured schemas to a MongoDB collection and provides benefits such as validation and type conversion
  1. Mongoose is a JS library in NodeJS dedicated to operating mongodb databases

Advantages of Mongoose: 1. You can create a Schema for the document. 2. Objects/documents in the model can be validated 3. Data can be typed into the object model 4. Middleware can be used to apply business logic hooks 5. Easier than Node’s native MongoDB driver

  1. Objects in Mongoose:
  • SchemaSchema object (used to constrain the structure of the document)
  • ModelModel objects (collections in mongodb)
  • DocumentDocument objects (that is, documents in mongodb)

5.2 installation

npm i mongoose
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5.3 Connecting and Disconnecting the Database

// 1. Introduce mongoose
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

2. Connect to the mongodb database
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/admin", {
  useNewUrlParser: true.useUnifiedTopology: true});// 3. Monitor the connection status of the mongodb database
// Bind the database connection success event
mongoose.connection.once("open".() = > {
  console.log("Database connection successful!");
// Bind database connection failure event
mongoose.connection.once("close".() = > {
  console.log("Database disconnected");

// 4. Disconnect the database (generally not necessary) [Generally only need to connect once, will not disconnect, unless manually disconnect]
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5.4 Creating Schema Objects and Model Objects

const mongoose = require("mongoose");

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/admin", {
  useNewUrlParser: true.useUnifiedTopology: true}); mongoose.connection.once("open".() = > {
  console.log("Database connection successful!");

const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
// Create a Schema object
const stuSchema = new Schema({
  name: String.age: Number.gender: {
    type: String.default: "female",},address: String});// Create Model objects from Schema
// Model represents a collection in the database
// mongoose.model(modelName, schema)
const StuModel = mongoose.model("student", stuSchema);
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5.5 Add, delete, check, and modify Model objects

Add operationcreate

Create one or more documents and add them to the database

Model.create(doc(s), [callback])
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  • doc(s)It can be a document object or an array of document objects
  • callbackThe callback function that is called when the operation is complete
// Insert a document into the database
// StuModel.create(doc, err=>{})
    name: "YK".age: 18.gender: "male".address: "WuHu",},(err) = > {
    if(! err) {console.log("Insert successful!"); }});Copy the code

Mongoose automatically pluralizes the set names

UserModel.create({ user_id: "ykyk" }, function (err) {
  if(! err) hui{console.log("Insert successful");
  } else {
    console.log(err); }});let data = [
  { user_id: "yk1".age: 19 },
  { user_id: "yk2"},]; UserModel.create(data,function (err) {
  console.log(arguments[1]); // The second value represents the added document object, which is an array
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Another way to add data is by new and then Save

const u = new User({
	name:'ykJun'.age: 18}); >{
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Query operationfind

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  • conditions: Indicates the query condition
  • projection: projection{ name: 1, gender: 1, _id: 0 }'name gender -_id'
  • options: Query options{ skip: xx, limit: xx }
  • callback: The result of the query is returned by the callback function, which returns the array
UserModel.find({}, function (err, data) {

  { name: /yk/i },
  "name gender -_id",
  { skip: 2.limit: 1 },
  function (err, data) {
    console.log(data); // Returns an array of document objects});Copy the code

FindById returns the Document object Document which is an instance of Model

UserModel.findById("5f9fbfba14319e492c0f5bc4".function (err, data) {
  console.log(data instanceof UserModel); //true Returns a document object that is an instance object of the model object (i.e., the collection)
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Query the number of documents

UserModel.count({}, function (err, count) {
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Modify the operatingupdate

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  • Conditions Query conditions
  • Doc Modified document object
  • Options Configuration parameters{multi: true}
  • Callback callback function
UserModel.updateOne({ name: "yk" }, { $set: { age: 22}},(err,data) = > {
  if(! err) {console.log("Modified successfully"); }});Copy the code

Delete operationremove

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    name: "yk",},(err, data) = > {
    console.log("Deleted successfully"); });Copy the code


Document corresponds to the collection Document, Document is an instance of Model and the result of the query from Model is Document

You can also handle the operation database through Document

const stu = new StuModel({
	name: 'ykykyk'.age: 19

StuModel.findOne({}, (err, doc) = > {
	if(! err){ doc.update({$set: {age:22}}, err= > {
			if(! err) {console.log('Modified successfully'); }}}// There are many other ways
	// get()
	// set()
	// toObject()

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5.6 Modular Processing

  1. Create a separate database connection filedbconncet.js
const mongooes = require("mongoose");

mongooes.connect("mongodb://localhost/mongooes_test", {
  useNewUrlParser: true.useUnifiedTopology: true}); mongooes.connection.once("open".function () {
  console.log("Connection successful");
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  1. Create a model object file for each collectionxxxModel.js
const mongooes = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongooes.Schema;

const userSchema = new Schema({
  user_id: String.age: Number.gender: {
    type: Number.default: 0,}});// Define the model
const UserModel = mongooes.model("user", userSchema);

module.exports = UserModel;
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  1. In the final documentindex.jsTo import database connection files and create model files
const UserModel = require("./models/userModel");

UserModel.findOne({}, function (err, docs) {
  if(! err) {console.log(docs); }});Copy the code