The title

Consolidable array: An array is considered consolidable if the difference between two adjacent numbers after sorting is 1.

If [1,5,4,2,3] is sorted by [1,2,3,4,5], the array is a consolidable array

Given an integer array arr, return the maximum integrable subarray length.

If the maximum subarray of [9,20,1,5,4,2,3] is [1,5,4,2,3], return 5

Method of solving violence

Iterate over all subarrays and sort each subarray to see if it fits into a consolidable array.

It’s going to be very complicated, traversing all the subarrays O(n^2), sorting the subarrays O(n log n).

The time is O(n^3 log n) and cannot be sorted in place

Optimization idea

We need to exercise our mental sensitivity when we think about this kind of problem. Can the concept of [consolidable array] be transformed in a way that makes our program more solvable?

After the transformation, we get a set of conditions like this:

  1. Non-repeating digit

  2. The array length is the maximum value of the array – the minimum value of the array + 1

After conceptual optimization, time complex can be optimized to O(n^2) optimal solution, look at the code

Answer key


import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.Set;

/ * * *@program: algorithmic-total-solution

* @descriptionConsolidable array: An array is considered consolidable if the difference between two adjacent numbers after sorting is 1. * if [1,5,4,2,3] is sorted by [1,2,3,4,5], the array is consolidable * <p> * given an integer array arr, return the maximum length of the consolidable subarray. * such as,20,1,5,4,2,3 [9] maximum integration subarray for 5 *,5,4,2,3 [1]@author: wangzibin


public class Question2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] arr = new int[] {};



private static int getMaxSubIntegrationArray(int[] arr) {

if (arr == null || arr.length < 1) {

return 0;


int num = 1;

// Evaluates whether the subarray has duplicate elements

Set<Integer> numSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

// Clear the start of each change

int max = arr[i];

int min = arr[i];


for (int j = i; j < arr.length; j++) {

int currValue = arr[j];

if (numSet.contains(currValue)) {



max = Math.max(currValue, max);

min = Math.min(currValue, min);

int distance = max - min;

int length = j - i + 1;

if((j - i) == distance && num < length) { num = length; } numSet.add(currValue); }}returnnum; }}Copy the code