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【 Mongo series 】mongodb learning three, common operation practice

Insert data

> db.users.insert({"name" : "xiaomotong"."age"18}) :

> db.users.insert({name:"xiaozhu",age:15,hobby:"basketball",infos:{tall:190,height:70},school:"sh"})

> db.users.insertMany([{name:"xiaopang"},{name:"wangwu"}])

> db.users.insertMany([{name:"nancy"."age": 25."hobby" : "study"."infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height": 60},"school" : "hn" },{name:"job"."age" : 19, "hobby" : "basketball"."infos" : { "tall" : 170, "height": 70}."school" : "nj" }])
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  • You can use insert, insertOne, and insertMany to insert different data, each as needed, where insertMany is used to insert multiple data, of course, can also insert one data

There are so many other methods mongodb can use to insert data, depending on your needs

Update the data

> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61584aeeee74dfe04dac57e9"), "name" : "xiaomotong", "age" : 18 }

> db.users.update({name:"xiaomotong"}, {$set:{name:"xiaokeai",age:25,hobby:"reading",infos:{tall:175,height:62},school:"cs"}})
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })

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Using $set indicates that the field needs to be updated

When querying the data, we found that mongodb automatically added the _id field to our document, which is a primary key. If we do not set it ourselves, mongodb will give us a 24-bit UUID by default

The official website also provides these methods for updating:

To find the data

> db.users.find({"infos.tall": {$gt: 170}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61584aeeee74dfe04dac57e9"), "name" : "xiaokeai", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "reading", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 62 }, "school" : "cs" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a56d6bc6afecd2cff8f96"), "name" : "xiaozhu", "age" : 15, "hobby" : "basketball", "infos" : { "tall" : 190, "height" : 70 }, "school" : "sh" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5917d988690b07c69f66"), "name" : "nancy", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "study", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 60 }, "school" : "hn" }

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$gt = > $gt = > $gt =

Tall is a subquery, which means infos is an embedded document, and the tall field in the document needs to be searched, so we have to use double quotation marks, because the system will recognize infos. Tall as a field by default, and in fact, this field cannot be found, so the query result cannot be achieved. Error:

> db.users.find({infos.tall:{$gt: 170}})2021-10-04T09:39:21.349+0800 E QUERY [js] Uncaught exception: SyntaxError: missing: after property ID: @(shell):1:20Copy the code

Query data presented in a more user-friendly way

> db.users.find({"infos.tall": {$gte:180}}).pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("615a56d6bc6afecd2cff8f96"),
        "name" : "xiaozhu",
        "age" : 15,
        "hobby" : "basketball",
        "infos" : {
                "tall" : 190,
                "height" : 70
        "school" : "sh"
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Db.users. find({“infos.tall”:{$gte:180}}) select * from users where “infos.tall” >= 180

For example, query the student whose height is 175 or 190.

Db.users. find({“infos.tall”:{$in:[190,175]}}) select * from users where “infos.tall” in (190,175)

To demonstrate a simple regular expression:

> db.users.find({name:/^w/}).pretty()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f65"), "name" : "wangwu" }
> db.users.find({name:/g$/}).pretty()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f64"), "name" : "xiaopang" }
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  • Search for wangwu (name, w)
  • Query the name resource, match the result at the end of G, and match xiaotong

Here, when we query, / regular expression /, mongodb will automatically recognize and match and process according to the rules of regular expression

We can also query for NULL

> db.users.find({infos:null})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f64"), "name" : "xiaopang" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f65"), "name" : "wangwu" }

> db.users.find({infos:{$exists:false}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f64"), "name" : "xiaopang" }
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If the query field is null, you can use the first method. If the query field does not exist, you can use the second method

Delete the data

> db.users.deleteOne({name:"wangwu"})
{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 1 }
> db.users.find({name:/^w/}).pretty()
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Common deletion methods are as follows:

  • db.users.deleteOne()
  • db.users.deleteMany()
  • db.users.remove()

Simple paging query

> use mytest
switched to db mytest
> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61584aeeee74dfe04dac57e9"), "name" : "xiaokeai", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "reading", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 62 }, "school" : "cs" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a56d6bc6afecd2cff8f96"), "name" : "xiaozhu", "age" : 15, "hobby" : "basketball", "infos" : { "tall" : 190, "height" : 70 }, "school" : "sh" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f64"), "name" : "xiaopang" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5917d988690b07c69f66"), "name" : "nancy", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "study", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 60 }, "school" : "hn" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5917d988690b07c69f67"), "name" : "job", "age" : 19, "hobby" : "basketball", "infos" : { "tall" : 170, "height" : 70 }, "school" : "nj" }

> db.users.find().limit(2)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61584aeeee74dfe04dac57e9"), "name" : "xiaokeai", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "reading", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 62 }, "school" : "cs" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a56d6bc6afecd2cff8f96"), "name" : "xiaozhu", "age" : 15, "hobby" : "basketball", "infos" : { "tall" : 190, "height" : 70 }, "school" : "sh" }

> db.users.find().skip(2).limit(2)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5856d988690b07c69f64"), "name" : "xiaopang" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("615a5917d988690b07c69f66"), "name" : "nancy", "age" : 25, "hobby" : "study", "infos" : { "tall" : 175, "height" : 60 }, "school" : "hn" }

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  • db.users.find()Query all the data and print it in the default order
  • db.users.find().limit(2)From the previous result, limit two items
  • db.users.find().skip(2).limit(2)From the previous result, offset 2 and restrict 2

Next time, comb through the aggregate content

The official firsthand material:…

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Technology is open, our mentality, should be more open. Embrace change, live in the sun, and strive to move forward.

I am Nezha, welcome to like, see you next time ~