“This is the 24th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”

In K8S, POD is a very key existence. Let’s see what pod is specifically.

What is pod?

What is a pod? Pod is a core concept in K8S

Each POD has a special root container called pause, and the pause image is also part of K8S

A POD can contain more than just pause containers

Each POD is an instance of a specific application. A POD has its own IP, hostname, process, and so on

  • Pod has a one-to-many relationship with the container

A POD can have multiple containers that share network and storage resources with each other

We manage our other containers through the Pause container in pod, because the Pause container stores all container states

  • Pod and node relationship

Pods exist in nodes. Pods of different nodes communicate with each other through layer 2 networks

  • What’s different about pod itself?

Pods themselves are also divided into regular pods and static pods

How do we define a POD

Defining a POD in K8S is also relatively easy, just write a YAML file, but it takes a bit of trial and practice to get started

A YAML file looks like this, written by hand. I’ll explain some of the terms that are not easy to understand or misunderstood

apiVersion: v1  // The version number
kind: Pod		// type
  name: pod name
  namespace: pod namespace
    - name: pod label
	- name: pod annotation	// Custom comment list
spec:	// pod A detailed definition of a container in
  - name: container name
    image: container image
    imagesPullPolicy: [Always|Never|IfNotPresent] // Mirror pull policy
    command: command list
    agrs: app start params
    workingDir: work dir
    - name: volume name
      mountPath: volume absolutely path
      readonly: boolean
	- name: ports list name
	  containerPort: 8888
	  hostPort: 9999
	  protocol: TCP  // Can be TCP and UDP
	- name: env name
	  value: string
	    cpu: string
	    memory: string
	    cpu: string
	    memory: string
	livenessProbe:		// Health Check Settings
        command: [string]
      httpGet: 			// through httpGet  Way to check
        path: string
        port: string
        host: string
        scheme: string
        - name: httpHeaders name
          value: string	
      tcpSocket:		// through tcpSocket Way to check
        port: 80
      initialDelaySeconds: 0	// Time of first inspection
      timeoutSeconds: 0			// Timeout check time
      periodSeconds: 0			// Check interval
      successTreshold: 0
      failuerTreshold: 0
      securityContext:			// Security configuration
        privileged: false
    restartPolicy: [Always|Never|OnFailure]
    nodeSelector: object
    - name: string
    hostNetwork: false			// Is the host network mode used?
  volumes:						// Storage volume
  - name: volumes list name
    emptyDir: {}
    hostPath:				// pod Directory of the host for mounting
      path: string
    secret:					// secret type Storage volume
      secretName: secret name
      - key: specific key
        path: key path
    configMap:				// configmap Type storage volume
      name: string
      - key: specific key
        path: string
Copy the code

See the above yamL, at first may feel a little too much, I can not remember, XDM, did not let you remember, we just need to know the POD yamL looks like this, which are used

Pod Basic Usage Example

There are also requirements in K8S for container operation in POD

  • The container’s main program runs in the foreground, not in the background, so the application needs to be retrofitted to run in the foreground
  • If the container contained in the POD is a daemon, the pod will be destroyed after the command is executed
  • If pod is rc, rc is replicationController, then pod will be in a create/destroy cycle

We share the pod, which can be one container or multiple containers, according to our needs

One POD for one container

For example, a container with a mongdb inside a pod can be written like this

A POD holds multiple containers

For example, if we put 1 mongodb and 1 Redis container in 1 pod, we can write it like this

How to operate pod

Create pods based on existing YAML

Kubectl create -f yaml fileCopy the code

View pods and view pod details

Something like this

  • kubectl get pod -A

View pods under all namespaces

  • Kubectl get pod name
  • Kubectl get pod pod name -o wide

Check out pod for more information

  • Kubectl describe pod name

View pod details

Delete the pod

  • Kubectl delete pod Pod name
  • Kubectl delete pod Pod name -n namespace
  • kubectl delete pod --all

Delete all pods

Today is here, learning, if there is a deviation, please correct

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Friends, your support and encouragement, I insist on sharing, improve the quality of the power

All right, that’s it for this time

Technology is open, our mentality, should be more open. Embrace change, live in the sun, and strive to move forward.

I am Nezha, welcome to like, see you next time ~