Since the live streaming ability of small programs, we continue to optimize the broadcast tools on the basis of the various categories of developers to explore the live streaming of small programs, to create several high-quality cases of millions of DAU. This article will take you 360 degrees to understand how to use the studio mount applets ability to have your own million live broadcast!

There is a small blue snow in the lower right corner of the broadcast room (we call it a small program anchor point), while there is a small program card in the lower right corner, click on these two positions can directly open the small program, click ability introduction to learn more about the relevant content.

Find your strengths

As a lightweight reappearance tool, small programs support different forms of goods. The combination of live broadcast capability and small program brings more imagination space for live broadcast gameplay.

First of all, according to the function and content of the small program to find the core competitiveness, can be good goods, good content, good service. Small programs with the above capabilities, combined with the advantages of the platform: super natural flow (600 million days of super content e-commerce ecosystem), super commercial flow (e-commerce advertising, brand advertising, DOU+, etc.), and easy live broadcast tools (live broadcast partner), will have the ability to create excellent live broadcast room.

The precipitation and polishing of the livestreamer

For small program developers in the novice stage, one person can juggle multiple roles on the team. Developers can go to The Giant Star Map, choose to cooperate with the master, orDirectional recruitHave live broadcast experience of the anchor (can also practice). In addition, in the whole broadcast process, such links as live broadcast warm-up, live broadcast room interaction, live broadcast script, comment area guidance and purchase guidance need to be explored and polished by developers to find the most suitable live broadcast way for their products.

The quality of the live broadcast room is the most important factor affecting the distribution of live broadcast. The higher the quality, the more accepted by users. Livestream retention, including duration of stay, comments, likes, shares and other livestream interactions, are data that developers need to continuously analyze. In addition to the basic preparations for broadcasting, whether live broadcasting can be done depends to a large extent on the quality of the broadcast room.

About live broadcast card TIPS🌟 : It is suggested that the screenshot background should be in solid color, highlighting the text or identifying information to guide users to click. At present, the host terminal supports adding a small program page and uploading the card cover by yourself. The exquisite cover is easier to attract users to click and improve conversion. Also don’t forget to read the resource configuration audit guidelines carefully

Parallel applet operation and account operation

Video traffic can bring more traffic exposure to the live broadcast room of the account, and the diversion video starts liveHalf an hour beforeStart to heat up. Similar to the characteristics of the video with goods, it mainly explores store contents and intersperses live group buying information to attract more accurate flow into the broadcast room. In addition to natural flow, video flow can also be increased and converted through DOU+. In addition, at the level of small program operation, the ability to follow Douyin sign can be used to bind the broadcast account with small program. Cultivate a high-quality account, is also the key to improve the conversion of small program live oh!

Indispensable live effect replay

In addition to the replay on the day of live broadcast, periodic replay shall also be carried out. Attribution analysis was conducted based on core indicators such as traffic (UV/CTR), content (peak/per capita viewing time), fans (fan growth rate), brand (comment mention rate), conversion (GMV), etc. Experience was summarized for optimization and verification in subsequent live broadcasts.

【 Knock on the blackboard 】 To create the essence of millions of live broadcast roomsIncrease the frequency of broadcasting ⚡️

Only by improving the frequency of broadcasting, can we accumulate experience, which is the first step to find the most suitable way to play in many live broadcast games!

  • Ability application: introduction of small program live entrance
  • Broadcast guide: small program live assistant guide

Extended reading on the case of live streaming of small programs in rivers and lakes:

Car pendant class small program introduction and play guide

General knowledge vertical class small program introduction and gameplay guide

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