Computer Introduction:

Computer (computer), commonly known as computer, is a modern electronic computing machine for high-speed calculation, can carry out numerical calculation, can also carry out logical calculation, but also has storage memory function. It is a modern intelligent electronic equipment that can run according to the program and process massive data automatically and at high speed. Composed of hardware systems and software systems, the computer without any software installed is called bare computer. It can be divided into supercomputer, industrial control computer, network computer, personal computer and embedded computer. The more advanced computers are biological computer, photon computer, quantum computer and so on.

John von Neumann, inventor of the computer. Computer is one of the most advanced scientific and technological inventions in the 20th century. It has exerted an extremely important influence on human production and social activities and developed rapidly with strong vitality. Its application domain from the initial military scientific research and application of extended to all fields of society, has formed the scale huge computer industry, and so did the world technology progress, which led to a profound social change, the computer has in general schools, enterprises and institutions, into the ordinary people, become the indispensable tool in the information society.

The application of computer is becoming more and more common in China. After the reform and opening up, the number of computer users in China keeps increasing, and the application level keeps improving, especially the application of Internet, communication, multimedia and other fields has achieved good results. Between 1996 and 2009, the number of computer users rose from 6.3 million to 67.1 million, and the number of connected computers rose from 29,000 to 59.4 million. The number of Internet users has reached 316 million, and the number of wireless Internet users is 670 million, among which 117 million are mobile Internet users, ranking first in the world.

1. The first electronic digital computer in the world to implement stored programs is ____.


2. The founder of computer science is ____.

A, Charles Babbage B, Turing C, Artanosov D, Von neumann

3, the world’s first proposed stored program computer architecture is ____.

A, Alan Turing B, Von Neumann C, Mochelle D, Bill Gates

4. The stored program and program principle of the computer are proposed by ____.

A, Turing B, Bull ****C, von Neumann ****D, Einstein

5. Although computer technology has made great progress in the last half century, it still operates according to the basic principles laid down by one scientist. He is ____.

A, Newton B, Einstein C, Edison D, von Neumann

6. In 1946, the world had the first electronic digital computer, which laid the foundation for the computer still in use ____.

A, structure B, structure C, access structure ****D, system structure

7. In the field of computer applications, ____ is its most extensive application.

A, process control B, scientific computing C, data processing ****D, computer aided system

8. Since the first computer was invented in 1946, the development of computer has gone through four eras. They are ____.

A, low-end computer, mid-range computer, high-grade computer, laptop computer

B, microcomputer, minicomputer, medium computer, mainframe computer

C, group machine, compatible machine, brand machine, original machine

D, valve computer, transistor computer, small scale integrated circuit computer, large scale and very large scale integrated circuit computer

The following fourth generation microprocessors are ____.

A, Intel8086 B, Intel8085 C, Intel8086 ****D, intel80386/486/586

The Pentium IV processor belongs to the ____ processor.

A, first generation B, third generation C, fourth generation ****D, fifth generation

10. The basic idea that computers can operate automatically, accurately and quickly according to people’s intentions is ____.

A, using very large scale integrated circuit B, using CPU as the central core component

C. Using the operating system D. storing programs and program control

11. The most important feature of computer work is ____.

A, high speed B, high precision C, stored programs and program control D, good memory

12. Big Blue, the original hardware giant of the computer industry, refers to ____.

A, IBM ****B, Microsoft C, Lenovo D, Sun

13. The fourth media refers to ().

A, newspaper B, Internet C, television D, radio

CAD is the main application field of computer. Its meaning is ____.

A) Computer aided education B) computer aided testing

C) computer aided design D) computer aided management

15. “Computer aided ____” is abbreviated as CAM. Assist auxiliary,

A, make B, design C, test D, teach

Software that translates high-level language programming language sources into computer executable code is called ____

A, A, B, B, C, D

17, the computer can achieve automatic continuous operation, is due to the use of _____ principle.

A, Boolean logic B, stored program **** C, digital circuit D, integrated circuit

18, a unit of their own development of wage management system, according to the type of computer applications, it belongs to ____.

A, scientific computing B, aided design C, data processing ****D, real-time control

19, the use of computers for information retrieval work, is a computer application in ____.

A, scientific computing B, data processing C, real-time control D, artificial intelligence

20. The three basic control structures of structured programming are ____.

A, order, selection and turn B, hierarchy, mesh and loop

C, module, selection and loop D, sequence, loop and selection

21, the current field of computer applications can be roughly divided into three aspects, pointing out the following correct answers ____.

A, CAI, Expert System, Artificial Intelligence B, Engineering Design, CAI, Word Processing

C, real-time control, scientific computing, data processing D, data analysis, artificial intelligence, computer networks

22. Here are some statements about computer viruses. ____ is not correct

A, computer viruses have boot virus, file virus, compound virus and so on

B. There are also benign viruses among computer viruses

C. A computer virus is actually a computer program

D, computer viruses are caused by programming errors

23. The instructions that a computer can execute directly consist of two parts: ____.

A, source and target operands B, opcodes and operands ****

C, ASCII code and Chinese code D, numbers and characters

24, Different computers, their instruction system is not the same, which mainly depends on ____.

A. The operating system used B. the overall structure of the system

C, CPU used ****D, programming language used

25. Multimedia computer refers to ____.

A) A computer with A variety of external devices B) A computer that can be connected to A variety of electrical appliances

C. a computer that can handle many media D. a computer that can operate with many media

Computers are used to solve mathematical problems in scientific research and engineering calculations, known as ____.

A, numerical calculation B, mathematical modeling C, data processing D, automatic control 

27. ____ is characterized by a relatively large amount of information and data to be processed and not very complicated numerical calculation.

A, engineering calculation ****B, data processing C, automatic control D, real-time control

28. All information in the computer is stored inside the machine in the form of ____.

A, character B, binary C, BCD D, ASCII

29. In a computer, multimedia data ultimately exists in the form of _____.

A, binary code B, special compression code C, analog data D, graphics

In microcomputers, the Chinese word for bit is ____.

A, binary B, binary C, byte D, word

31. At most ____ different codes can be encoded with a single byte.

A, 8 B, 16 C, 128 ****D, 256

32. The byte is a common unit in computers. Its English name is ____.

A, Bit ****B, byte C, bout D, baut

33. The basic unit for storing and processing data in a computer is ____.

A, bit B, Byte ****C, GB D, KB

33. 1 byte indicates the ____ bit.

A, 1 B, 4 ****C, 8 ****D, 10

34. In the description information transmission, BPS represents ____.

A, bytes transmitted per second B, instructions transmitted per second

C, number of words transmitted per second ****D, number of bits transmitted per second

32 in “32-bit microcomputer” means ____.

A, computer model B, memory capacity C, storage unit ****D, machine word length

The basic unit of data processed by the microprocessor is the word. The length of a word is usually ____.

A, 16 bits B, 32 bits

C, 64 bits ****D, depends on the type of microprocessor chip

37. The number of bits occupied by the letter B in the string “IBM” in the computer is ____.

A, 3 B, 4 C, 2 D, 1

38. The ratio of a Chinese character to an English character in bytes stored in a microcomputer is ____.

A, 4:1 ****B, 2:1 ****C, 1:1 D, 1:4

39. If a computer’s word length is 4 bytes, this means that it is ____.

A. The maximum number that can be processed is A 4-digit decimal number 9999

B. The string that can be processed consists of a maximum of four Letters

C. The code transmitted as a unit in the CPU is 32 bits

D. The result of running in CPU is 2 to the power of 32

The architecture of the von Neumann computer is divided into ____. 

A, external memory, internal memory, CPU, display, printing 

B, input, output, arithmetic unit, controller, memory

C, input, output, control, storage, peripherals

D. Neither

41. For PCS, people often refer to “Pentium” and “Pentium IV” as _____.

A, memory B, memory brand C, motherboard model ****D, CPU type

People usually say that the expansion of computer memory, refers to ____.


In a microcomputer, internal memory, usually ____.

A, memory B, memory C, memory D, memory

44. The node computers connected to the LAN must have ____ hardware installed.

A, modem B, switch C, hub D, network adapter

45, the three types of computer bus, excluding ____.

A. control BUS B. address bus C. transmission bus D. data bus

46. What is incorrect about the computer bus is ____.

A. The five components of A computer are connected by A bus to form A whole

A bus is a set of common channels through which information is transmitted between the various parts of a computer

C. According to the different information flowing in the bus, it can be divided into address bus, data bus and control bus

D. Data bus is unidirectional, address bus is bidirectional

47. The smallest unit of information stored in a computer is ____.

A, B, C, D

The keyboard used in the computer is connected at ____.

A. on the printer interface B. on the monitor interface

A, b, C, D

49. The versatility of a computer allows it to solve different arithmetic and logical operations, which depend largely on the computer’s ______.

A. high speed B. instruction system C. programmable D. storage

50. A few years ago, a Finnish university student publicly released a free operating system ____ on the Internet. With the efforts of many people, the operating system is being constantly improved and promoted.

A, Windows XP B, Novell C, UNIX D, Linux

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