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Chinese chess phase will be played by everyone, whim, thinking about how to use Python to make the Quintessence of Chinese chess ??????

First, let’s look at python as usual:

The quintessence of Chinese chess

  • Step 1: Import the resource bundle
  • Step 2: Initialize
  • Step 3: Define chess names and coordinates
  • Step 4: Draw the board
  • Step 5: Define the subfunction
  • Step 6: Mouse click events

Step 1: Import the resource bundle

This time, the turtle was used again

import turtle
Copy the code

Step 2: Initialize

Initialization starts with the turtle’s pen, and then sets the window’s size, title, and background.

# Initialize pen = turtle.pen ()# Get turtle's pen turtle.setup(714,800)# Set window size turtle.title(" Chinese chess ")# Set window title Turtle.bgcolor ("#F4C79E")# Set window background pen.hideturtle() turtle.tracer(False)Copy the code

Step 3: Define chess names and coordinates

Chinese chess consists of chariot, horse, xiang (xiang), shi (shi), gun, pawn, general and shuai (shuai). Each piece has corresponding coordinates. This is for reference, if there is a problem you can set the corresponding coordinates.

Array = [# A square piece {" text ", "car", "role" : "A", "pix:" (369-330)}, {" text ", "horse", "role" : "A", "pix" : (247.0, 369.0)}, {" text ", "like", "role" : "A", "pix" : (166.0, 369.0)}, {" text ":" gentleman ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (86.0, 368.0)}, {" text ", "will", "role" : "A", "pix" : (5.0, 369.0)}, {" text ":" gentleman ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (79.0, 368.0)}, {" text ", "like", "role" : "A", "pix" : (159.0, 368.0)}, {" text ", "horse", "role" : "A", "pix" : (239.0, 367.0)}, {" text ", "car", "role" : "A", "pix" : (318.0, 369.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (329.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (167.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (6.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (156.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "A", "pix" : (319.0, 126.0)}, {" text ", "gun", "role" : "A", "pix" : (248.0, 209.0)}, {" text ", "gun", "role" : "A", "pix" : (239.0, 208.0)}, # B party pieces {" text ", "car", "role" : "B", "pix" : (330.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "horse", "role" : "B", "pix" : (247.0, 359.0)}, {" text ":" phase ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (166.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "shi", "role" : "B", "pix" : (86.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "handsome", "role" : "B", "pix" : (5.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "shi", "role" : "B", "pix" : (79.0, 359.0)}, {" text ":" phase ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (159.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "horse", "role" : "B", "pix" : (239.0, 359.0)}, {" text ", "car", "role" : "B", "pix" : (318.0, 359.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (329.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (167.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (6.0, 126.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (156.0, 117.0)}, {" text ":" single ", "role" : "B", "pix" : (319.0, 117.0)}, {" text ", "gun", "role" : "B", "pix" : (248.0, 199.0)}, {" text ", "gun", "role" : "B", "pix" : (239.0, 199.0)},]Copy the code

Step 4: Draw the board

As shown below, the chessboard is made up of a grid with a “Chu River — Han Kingdom” in the middle.

Def draw(): Pen.penup () pen.setposition(-360, 402) pen.pendown() pen.color("#6E3F25") pen.width(30) for x in range(1,5): if x % 2 ! = 0: pen.forward(710) else: Pen.penup () pen.setPosition (-330, 370) pen.width(2) pen.pendown() for x in range(9): pen.forward(650) pen.backward(650) pen.right(90) pen.forward(81) pen.left(90) pen.forward(650) pen.left(90) for x in range(8): pen.forward(730) pen.backward(730) pen.left(90) pen.forward(81) pen.right(90) pen.penup() pen.setposition(-280, 6) pen.pendown() pen.pencolor("#F4C79E") pen.right(90) pen.width(79) pen.forward(550) pen.width(1) pen.penup() Color ("#6E3F25") pen. Write (" chouhe ", align="center", font=("Baoli TC", 50, "Bold ") pen.penup() pen.forward(450) pen.write(" hanzao ", align="center", font=("Baoli TC", 50, "Bold")) pen. Penup () for x in [[3.0, 290.0], [4.0, 278.0]] : pen.up() pen.setposition(x) pen.down() pen.setheading(45) pen.pendown() pen.width(2) pen.color("#5E3F25") for x in range(4): pen.forward(114) pen.backward(114) pen.left(90) for x in array: if x["role"] == "A": chess(x["text"], x["pix"], "#A46A0C", "#2F1500") else: Chess (x x [" text "], [" pix] ", "# E69772", "# AB2A0E)" turtle. The update () # refresh the imageCopy the code

Step 5: Define the subfunction

As shown in the picture below, every time we click a piece and drop it, the background will show the status of the piece we click and whether it falls.

Def chess(text, pix, bgcolor, textcolor): "" Pen.penup () pen.setPosition (pix) pen.pendown() pen.color("#6E3F25") pen.color(bgcolor) pen.color("white") pen.penup() pen.setheading(270) pen.forward(25) pen.color(textcolor) pen.write(text, align="center", font=("Baoli TC", 40, "bold"))Copy the code

Drop situation:

Step 6: Mouse click events

When we click on a piece, the corresponding time is triggered, as shown in the image above. For example, when we click on “pawn”, it will show us which side of the piece we clicked on and what the coordinates of the piece are.

def click(x, y): global priChess if priChess == {}: for z in array: if abs(z["pix"][0] - x) <= 35 and abs(z["pix"][1] - y) <= 35: Print (" find target: ", z) priChess = z pen.penup() pen.setposition(z["pix"]) pen.color("white") pen.penup() pen.setheading(270) pen.forward(25)  pen.write(z["text"], align="center", font=("Baoli TC", 40, "bold")) break else: Print (" pix") priChess["pix"] = (x, y) array.append(priChess) priChess = {} pen.reset() draw()Copy the code

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