What is Python?

Python is a dynamic, object-oriented scripting language, which is easy to learn, rich libraries, easy to maintain, portability and so on.

Many students, both in school and in the workplace, want to learn Python to improve their skills. What does Python do?

What can Python do?

1. Web development.

Python can combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, databases, and so on to develop a website.

2. Data science research.

For example, using Python for machine learning can study artificial intelligence, robotics, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and expert systems. You can also use Python for data analysis, visualization of data, big data analysis, and more.

3. Web crawlers.

Web crawler refers to a script program that crawls the required content on the network according to certain rules. As is known to all, each web page usually contains the entry of other web pages, web crawlers through a web site in turn into other web sites to obtain the required content.

Python is an essential part of the crawler world. All the network data as resources, through the automatic program for targeted data acquisition and processing.

4. Automatic operation and maintenance

With the progress of technology and the rapid growth of business demands, an operation and maintenance staff usually has to manage hundreds or thousands of servers, and the operation and maintenance work has become repetitive and complicated. The automation of operation and maintenance can liberate the operation and maintenance personnel from the management of the server, and make the operation and maintenance work simple, fast and accurate.

There’s also game development, embedded application development, desktop application development, and so on.

For those who want to learn Python, here are some suggestions.

First of all, if you just want to use Python skills to find a job, since there are already a lot of startups in China using Python to write server backend, as long as you have good Python skills and are interested in web development, it will not be difficult to find a job with good pay.

Second, if you’re doing academic research in Python and don’t want to experience the complexity of MATLAB or Mathmatica, you’ll have a much better experience with Python’s math and science libraries, which are much easier to use.

Third, if you decide to learn Python, don’t be easily influenced by other environments. Many people search the web for questions such as whether Python is worth learning, and see suggestions from people who have been through it, ranging from belittling to praising. But the only person who really knows if it’s worth learning is you.

Fourth, learning programming is a boring thing, do not be a closed door, more communication and consultation with others can make learning more efficient, you can join our learning exchange group: 976191019 to learn and discuss with each other. We make progress together.

Easy to learn, flexible and versatile programming languages like Python have continued to evolve over decades, making the programming world prosperous. Whether you’re a novice coder or a master of scripting, you need to understand Python.

That’s all for today’s introduction to Python and learning how to build it. Watch as I keep exporting dry stuff. See you next time.