Vuex registration:

// Import store in main.js and register with Vue
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'

Vue.config.productionTip = false

new Vue({
    render: h= > h(App)
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Vuex configuration:

// store index.js file to configure vuex:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'// Import the Vuex object

Vue.use(Vuex)// Call vuex's install method

// Store is a constructor that takes five attributes as arguments
export default new Vuex.Store({
    // The state management repository stores the states that need to be managed uniformly in the state
    state: {},
    // Vuex allows us to define "getters" in stores (think of as computed properties of stores). Just like evaluating properties, the return value of a getter is cached based on its dependency and is recalculated only if its dependency value changes
    getters: {},
    // The only way to change the state in Vuex's store is to commit mutation. Mutations in Vuex are very similar to events: each mutation has a string event type (type) and a callback function (handler). This callback is where we actually make the state change, and it accepts state as the first argument
    mutations: {},
    // the Action commits mutation instead of a direct state change; Actions can contain any asynchronous operation
    actions: {},
    // Vuex allows us to split the store into modules. Each module has its own state, mutation, action, getter, and even nested submodules
    modules: {},})Copy the code

In a nutshell: There are five attributes in VUEX for state management,

  • State Indicates the unified storage status to be managed.
  • Getters is equivalent to computed in VUE, which listens for state changes to perform response operations;
  • Mutations change the status of the simultaneous operation;
  • Actions An asynchronous operation to change the status, and eventually submit mutations;
  • Modules can be simply understood as module state management, which has all the functions of VUEX.

Basic use of Vuex:

MapState, mapGetters, mapMutations helper function: simplify the use of $store. State…

  • state
// store file index.js
export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        count: 0.msg: "hello VueX"}})// ---------- state uses -----------
// 1. $store.state.count 
// 2. Simplify usage: use count directly
import { mapState } from "vuex"
export default {
    // Strict :true,// Strict mode is enabled, but exceptions are thrown. In the production environment, strict mode is not recommended to be enabled, because the status tree in-depth check affects performance
    strict: process.env.NODE_ENV ! = ="production".computed: {
        // mapState returns an object containing two methods for calculating attributes as follows:
        // {count: state => state.count,.. }
        // The argument to mapState can accept arrays or objects
        / /... mapState(['count','msg'])
        // If count MSG already exists in data, set the attribute name. mapState({num: 'count'.message: 'msg'}}})Copy the code
  • getters
// store file index.js
export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        count: 0.msg: "hello VueX"
    // A getter is a component's calculated property that processes and displays state data
    getters: {
        reverseMsg(state) {
            return state.msg.split(' ').reverse().join(' ')}}})// ---------- getters uses -----------
// 1. $store.getters.reverseMsg 
// 2. Simple use: Use reverseMsg directly
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
    computed: {
        // mapGetters returns an object containing two methods for calculating attributes as follows:
        // count: state => state.count
        / /... mapGetters(['reverseMsg','...'])
        // If there is a reverseMsg property name in data. mapGetters({msg: 'reverseMsg'.'... ': '... '}}})Copy the code
  • mutations
// store file index.js
// Change the state mutation in the view
export default new Vuex.Store({
    // Click the button to increase the value
    mutation: {
        / / state
        // Payload Additional parameters, which can be objects
        increate(state, payload) {
            state.count += payload


/ / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mutation use -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - devtools convenient debugging
The essence of // mutation is a method, which requires the commit method to be used. The map function is used to map the mutation into the mes of the current component
// Each time you click the button, count is incremented by one
// 1. @click = "$store.commit('increate',1)"
@click = "inc(1)"
MapMutations returns an object corresponding to the mutation method. Instead of calculating the attributes, it needs to be added to methods
import { mapMutations } from "vuex";
export default {
    methods: {
        ...mapMutations({ inc: 'increate'.'... ': '... '}}})Copy the code
  • actions
// store file index.js
// Execute the asynchronous state actions
export default new Vuex.Store({
    actions: {
        // The first argument to context contains the state Commit getters member
        increateAsync(context, payload) {
            setTimeout(() = > {
                // submit to mutations
                context.commit('increate', payload)
            }, 2000)}}})// ---------- action uses -----------
// 1. @click = "$store.dispatch.('increateAsync',1)"
@click = "inc(1)"
// mapActions returns an object corresponding to a method in Actions, which is no longer a calculated property and needs to be placed in methods
import { mapActions } from "vuex";
export default {
    methods: {
        ...mapActions({ inc: 'increateAsync'.'... ': '... '}}})Copy the code
  • modles
// Import the vuEX module. The content of the module is the same as the main module
import cart from "./module/cart";
import products from "./module/products";
export default new Vuex.Store({
    modules: {


// ---------- modules use -----------
// 1. @click = "$store.commit('setNums',[])

// 2. Cart is stored in $store.state and is called with $store.state. Call; Mutation call as above
// 3. Namespace: for example, the mutation method in modules has the same name as the mutation method in state

import { mapState } from "vuex"
export default {
    computed: {

        ...mapState(['setCart']),// State setCart managed in the main module. mapState("cart"["setCart"]) // State managed in cart setCart
    methods: {
        ...mapMutations("cart", { setc: 'setCart'.'... ': '... '})}Copy the code

Simulation simple VUEX

Use in components: We will only implement the following four property capabilities

<template> <div id="app"> <h1> vuex-demo </h1> <h2>State</h2> count: {{$store.state.count}} <br> MSG: {{$store.state. MSG}} <h2>Getter</h2> {{$store.getters. ReverseMsg}} <h2>Mutation</h2> call $ <button @click="$store.commit('increate', 2)">Mutation</button> <h2>Action</h2 @click="$store.dispatch('increateAsync', 5)">Action</button> </div> </template>Copy the code

From the configuration we know that Vuex returns an object:

  1. Call Vuex’s install method with vue.use (),
  2. Vuex contains the Store constructor, which takes five attributes as arguments
import Vuex from 'vuex' // Import the Vuex object
Vue.use(Vuex) // Call vuex's install method
export default new Vuex.Store({}) // Store is a constructor that takes five attributes as arguments
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Vuex basic structure:

// We can get the vue constructor in install, and we will use the vue constructor in store later, so we define _Vue in advance
let _Vue = null
// Define the Store class
class Store {}
// All plug-ins have an install method. Vuex's install method mounts Store to vuue.$Store
// Install needs to accept two arguments, one Vue and an additional option, since we are emulating simple Vuex, only Vue arguments are accepted
function install (Vue) {
  _Vue = Vue
// Export the content
export default {
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Install implementation:

function install (Vue) {
  _Vue = Vue
  _Vue.mixin({  // Inject Store into the vue instance to make Store accessible through $Store in all components
    beforeCreate () {
      // This is a vue instance. If it is a component instance, there is no store object
      if (this.$ {
        _Vue.prototype.$store = this.$
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The Store class implements:

class Store {
  // Store accepts five attribute parameters
    const { 
      state = {}, // Set the default value {} to prevent errors if the user does not pass this attribute
      getters = {},
      mutations = {},
      actions = {}
    } = options // Attribute structure in the parameter
    // state
    this.state = _Vue.observable(state) // Set the state property to reactive data
    // getters
    this.getters = Object.create(null)
    Object.keys(getters).forEach(key= > {
      // Create a getters object, iterate over the object properties, and register the key in this. Getters with definedProperty
      Object.defineProperty(this.getters, keys, {
        get: () = > getters[key](state)
    // Store mutations and Actions into the corresponding properties, which will be obtained in commit and dispatch
    this._mutations = mutations
    this._actions = actions
  / / the commit method
  commit( type, payload){
    this._mutations[type](this.state, payload)
  diapatch( type, payload){
    this._actions[type](this, payload)
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  • State: Uses the Vue Observable to set the state in state to reactive data
  • Getters: Mount the method defined in getters to the store using Object.defineProperty(), pass in state, and execute the response method
  • Mutations, action: invokes internal methods through commit and dispatch methods

Conclusion: all the above content is recorded by hand when learning, no copy and paste, all original, I hope you can bring harvest to your friends, if there are mistakes or questions welcome to leave a message, thank you for reading!

I wish you a bright future in front of the program ape, all the way to the north!