SpringBoot e-commerce project mall (50K + STAR) address: github.com/macrozheng/…


Before we learn Oauth2, we need to write code to implement authentication and authorization services. Keycloak, a visual security framework, allows you to quickly build authentication and authorization services with just a few commands. Native support for SpringBoot, very simple to use, recommended to everyone!

Introduction to the

Keycloak is an open source authentication and authorization platform already available at 9.4K +Star on Github. Keycloak has many functions, including user registration, social login, single sign-on (SSO), two-factor authentication, and LDAP integration.

The installation

It’s easy to build the Keycloak service with Docker, just two commands, and we’ll do it that way.

  • First, download the Docker image of KeycloakjbossThe official image is not in DockerHub.
Docker pull jboss/keycloak: 14.0.0Copy the code
  • Run the Keycloak service with the following command:
Docker run -p 8080:8080 --name keycloak \ -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin \ -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin \ -d jboss/keycloak:14.0.0Copy the code
  • After the success of the operation can be accessed through the following address Keycloak service, click on the circle can access the management console, access to the address:

Console use

Let’s take a look at Keycloak’s administrative console and see what’s amazing about this visual security framework.

  • First enter our account passwordadmin:adminLogin;

  • Once you have successfully logged in to the Admin console, Keycloak is an English interface. Fortunately, it also supports multiple languages (including Chinese), as long as you willThemes->Default LocaleInstead ofzh-CNCan be switched to Chinese;

  • After the modification is complete, save and refresh the page, and the Keycloak console becomes a Chinese interface.

  • The cloak of Keycoat has a nice explanation for many properties, and the cloak is in Chinese.

  • Before we can start using Keycloak to secure our applications, we need to create a realm. A realm is the concept of a tenant, and data between different tenants is isolated from each othermacrozhengThe field;

  • And then we can go tomacrozhengDomain to create a user, create onemacroUsers;

  • Then we edit the user’s information inThe credentialsSet the password under;

  • After creating the user, you can log in. The login address of the user and the administrator is not the sameThe clientThe address is displayed on the page.

  • Visit to sign after the address, which address:

  • After successful login, users can view and modify their personal information.

Used in conjunction with Oauth2

OAuth 2.0 is the industry standard protocol for authorization. In Spring Cloud Security: An Introduction to The Use of Oauth2, we describe the use of Oauth2 in detail. Keycloak is also supported.

There are two common authorization modes

Let’s review the two commonly used Oauth2 authorization modes.

Authorization code mode

  • (A) The client directs the user to the authentication server;
  • (B) The user logs in and authorizes on the authentication server;
  • (C) The authentication server returns the authorization code to the client;
  • (D) The client obtains the access token from the authentication server by authorization code and jump address;
  • (E) Authentication server issues access token (with refresh token if necessary).

Password mode

  • (A) The client obtains the user name and password from the user;
  • (B) The client accesses the authentication server through the user name and password;
  • (C) The authentication server returns an access token (with a refresh token if necessary).

Password Mode Experience

  • The first step is to create the client in Keycloakmall-tiny-keycloak;

  • Then create a rolemall-tiny;

  • Then assign roles tomacroUsers;

  • When all is ready, call the interface in Postman using Oauth2 to obtain the Token address:

Used with SpringBoot

Next, let’s take a look at using Keycloak to secure SpringBoot applications. Keycloak natively supports SpringBoot, so it’s easy to use.

  • Since our SpringBoot application will be running onlocalhost:8088Above, we need the Keycloak clientA valid redirect URITo configure;

  • Next we need to modify the applicationpom.xml, integrated Keycloak;
<! - integration Keycloak -- -- >
Copy the code
  • Then modify the application configuration fileapplication.ymlFor specific attributes, please refer to the annotations. What needs to be noted is that the path is bound with accessible roles.
# Keycloak configuration
  Set the domain where the client resides
  realm: macrozheng
  # Set the Keycloak authentication service access path
  Set the client ID
  resource: mall-tiny-keycloak
  Set it to a public client that does not require a secret key to access
  public-client: true
  Configure the mapping between roles and accessible paths
    - auth-roles:
        - mall-tiny
        - patterns:
            - '/brand/*'
            - '/swagger-ui/*'
Copy the code
  • Use of Swagger page under the next visit, will jump to Keycloak console access to login, visit the address: http://localhost:8088/swagger-ui/

  • After logging in successfully, you can access Swagger page and API, a very standard Oauth2 authorization code mode, refer to the description of authorization code mode.


Keycloak is a nice visual security framework that lets you do authentication and authorization without having to build an authentication service. Native support for SpringBoot, the basic need to modify the code can be integrated, worthy of a modern security framework!

The resources

  • Keycloak official document: www.keycloak.org/getting-sta…
  • Protect SpringBoot application: www.keycloak.org/docs/latest…

Project source code address
