Use the git

Git user global naming

git config --global "XXXXX"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Copy the code

Push knows who submitted the information

Create a repository locally

git bash here
mkdir filename
cd filename
Copy the code

Initialize a Git Repository

Git init ls -ah #Copy the code

Create a file

touch readme.txt
vi readme.txt

Copy the code

Git add File commits the file to the staging area

Git add can be used multiple times to add multiple files

Git commit -m “prompt” commits the file to the repository

Git status Displays the status of the repository

Git diff Displays file modification information

Git log Displays historical commit logs

git log –pretty=oneline

The first string is the commit ID (version number)

Git back

In Git, HEAD means the previous version of the current version, HEAD^ the previous version, HEAD^^ the 100 version EHAD~100

Roll back Git to the previous version

git reset --hard HEAD^
Copy the code

Git reset –hard (commit ID) Git reset –hard (commit ID

Git reflog records each command

Git diff HEAD — readme.txt Check the differences between workspace and latest version of repository

git checkout –readme.txt

Undo all readme. TXT changes in the workspace in two cases:

  1. The readme.txt file has not been placed in the staging area and is back to the same state as the version library

  2. Readme.txt has been placed in the staging area and modified. Now undo it and return to the state after it was added to the staging area

Rm Deleting a file

Git staus to view the deleted files

  1. Git commit -m “commit”

  2. Git checkout — test.txt

    Remote warehouse

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
    Copy the code

    SSH folder file in the user directory on drive C.

    On Github, click “Settings” on the top right

    Add SSH

    Create a warehouse

    Click on Github

    git remote add origin [email protected]: user name/repository name git

    Push all contents of the local repository to the remote repository git push

    git push -u origin master
    Copy the code

    Commit by using git push origin master

    Git remote -v

    Then delete git remote rm Origin based on the name

    The deletion removes the local and remote binding

    Clone from a remote repository

    Click on Github

    Git clone [email protected]: username/repository name.gitCopy the code

    Branch management