This is the fifth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

Difficulty level: Intermediate

The program

Program a

Predict the output of the following Java program:

public class Base{
	private int data;
	public Base(a){
		data = 5;
	public int getData(a){
		return; }}class Derived extends Base{
	private int data;
	public Derived(a){
		data = 6;
	private int getData(a){
		return data;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Derived myData = newDerived(); System.out.println(myData.getData()); }}Copy the code

A) 6 B) 5 C) compile time error D) runtime error

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Program 2

public class Test{
	private int data = 5;
	public int getData(a)	{
	public int getData(int value)	{
		return (data+1);
	public int getData(int. value)	{
		return (data+2);
	public static void main(String[] args)	{
		Test temp = new Test();
		System.out.println(temp.getData(7.8.12)); }}Copy the code

A) error B) 8 C) 10 d) 7

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Application of three

public class Base{
	private int multiplier(int data){
		return data*5; }}class Derived extends Base{
	private static int data;
	public Derived(a){
		data = 25;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Base temp = newDerived(); System.out.println(temp.multiplier(data)); }}Copy the code

A) 125 b) 25 C) runtime error D) compile time error

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Problem four

What are the following statements about finally blocks false?

A) There can be only one finally block for each try block. B) The finally block will not be executed if the program exits by calling system.exit (); C) If no exception is handled in the catch statement, the JVM executes the finally block before terminating the program. D) The finally block contains important code segments, so the code in the finally block executes if there is/is no try block in Java.

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Application of five

import java.util.EmptyStackException;

public class newclass{
	public static void main(String[] args){
			throw(new Exception());
		catch(IOException e){
		catch(EmptyStackException e){
		catch(Exception e){
			System.out.printf("%d".5); }}}Copy the code

a) 12345

b) 15

c) 135

d) 145

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Program six

public class javaclass{
	private static int myMethod(a){
		return 4;
	private int function(a){
		return 5;

	public static void main(String[] args){
		System.out.printf("%d", (newjavaclass()).function() + myMethod()); }}Copy the code

a) 123

b) 45

c) 12345

d) 1239

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The second half of the article is the output and parsing of the program

Output and parsing

Program one output

The answer:

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When overriding a method of a superclass, a method declaration in a subclass cannot be more stringent than a method declared in a superclass.

Program two output

The answer:

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When you do not know the number of input arguments but know the type of the argument (in this case, int), (int… Values) are passed to the method as parameters. When a new object is created in the main method, the variable data is initialized to 5. A call to the getData() method with attributes (7, 8,12) calls a third getData() method, which multiplicates the value data variable by 2 and returns 7.

Program three output

The answer:

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Because the method multiplier is marked private, it is not inherited and therefore not visible to the derivants.



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Statement (d) is incorrect because a finally block can exist only if a try or catch block succeeds. Using a finally block without a try block results ina compile-time error.



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Catch statements are written in this order: more specific to more general. In the above code, a new Exception of type Exception is thrown. First, the code jumps to the first catch block to find the exception handler. But since the IOException is not of the same type, it moves down to the second catch block and finally to the third, where the exception is caught and the 4 is printed. Therefore, the answer is 145 because the block execution order is: try->catch->finally.



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Static blocks in Java execute even before the compiler calls Main. In the main method, create a new Javaclass object and call its function() method to return 5. The static method myMethod() returns 4, which is 4+5=9. Therefore, the output of the program is 1239, because 123 is printed on the console even before the main method executes, and the main method returns 9 on execution.

That’s all for this article

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