- The front-end necessary
VScode IDE front-end is the most widely used IDE, lightweight and fast
Node. js Javascript running environment. It is recommended to use NVM to install the version manager of Node, which is the full name of Node version Manager.
Download: github.com/coreybutler…
Git version management tools for collaborative development, and code hosting platforms
- VUE development
- NPM install@vue /cli -g Install vue globally
- The React development
- NPM I create-react-app -g Install the React scaffolding tool
NPM is installed with Node without additional installation. NPM speed is not very good for well-known reasons. Use YARN and switch NPM image to optimize.
npm install yarn -g
NPM Mirror address
- NPM config set Registry registry.npm.taobao.org/
- npm npm config set registry registry.npmjs.org/