This is the sixth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

The introduction

When I started to write Swift code, it was always not concise and did not give full play to the characteristics of Swift. As the writing went on, I also summarized some Swift development tips to make the code look more concise and elegant.

Content is divided into two articles, we first look at the first ~

Using built-in functions

Now we have an array of integers, and we want to add up all the numbers in the array. Your first reaction might be a for loop, so you write the following code:

let numbers = [2021.11.12]
var sum = 0
for number in numbers {
    sum + = number
print(sum)    / / 2044
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There’s nothing wrong with this, of course, but we can use reduce(_:_:) to simplify the for loop to a single line:

let numbers = [2021.11.12]
let sum = numbers.reduce(0.+)
print(sum)   / / 2044
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This is equivalent to 0 + 2021 + 11 + 12 reduce. The first argument, 0, is the initial value, which is equivalent to var sum = 0 in the for loop above. The second argument accepts a closure, which gives us the opportunity to do whatever we want inside the closure.

In addition to reduce(_:_:), Swift provides other built-in functions such as filter(_:), map(_:), flatMap(_:), firstIndex(Where :), and more. Command + Shift +0 opens the development document for more information.

Omit the return keyword

If a function or closure has only one line of code, you can omit the return keyword. And, if you prefer, you can put all the code on one line:

func makeGreeting(withName name: String) -> String {
    "Ask for a thumbs up,\(name)"

func makeGreeting(withName name: String) -> String { "Ask for a thumbs up,\(name)" }
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Simplify the closure

struct Person {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
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Select Persons older than 18 from Persons array filter(_:);

let person1 = Person(name: "JieJie", age: 20)
let person2 = Person(name: "Faker", age: 25)
let person3 = Person(name: "JakeyLove", age: 30)
let person4 = Person(name: "JinX", age: 10)
let persons = [person1, person2, person3, person4]

let result = persons.filter { person in
    person.age > 18
print({ $ }) //["JieJie", "Faker", "JakeyLove"]
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Swift automatically provides parameter name abbreviations for inline functions, so the above filter statement can be simplified to:

let result = persons.filter{ $0.age > 18 }
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Check if the array is out of bounds

If you draw persons and the number of persons is not 6, extend the drawing date, you might do this:

let index = 6
if index > = 0 && index < persons.count {
    print("Congratulations\(persons[index].name)The winning")}else {
    print("Extension of Lucky Draw Date")}Copy the code

The indices property for arrays is used to make it bigger:

if persons.indices.contains(index) {
    print("Congratulations\(persons[index].name)The winning")}else {
    print("Extension of Lucky Draw Date")}Copy the code

The default value

Everyone knows you can use?? Set defaults for optional variables. In Swift, there are more places to set defaults, such as:

  • Set default values for function parameters
  • Set a default value for a key in the dictionary

Let’s start by setting the default value for a function parameter, which can be omitted when called:

func greet(name: String = "World") -> String { 

greet("World!!!")  //Hello,World!!!

greet()   //Hello,World
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Let’s look at setting a default value for a key in a Dictionary.

Suppose we have a Names array that contains names of people, and now we write a function that returns the names that occur the most. One way to do this is as follows:

let names = ["Zhang"."Xiao li"."Zhang"."Xiao li"."Zhang"."Wang"]

func findMostCountName(inNames names: [String]) -> String {
    var occurrenceFor: [String : Int] = [:]
    for name in names {
        if let count = occurrenceFor[name] {
            occurrenceFor[name] = count + 1
        } else {
            occurrenceFor[name] = 1}}var maxCount = 0
    var result = ""
    for (name, count) in occurrenceFor {
        if count > maxCount {
            maxCount = count
            result = name
    return result

let name = findMostCountName(inNames: names)
print(name) / / zhang
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Let’s look at the default value for dictionary: occurrenceFor’s key:

func findMostCountName(inNames names: [String]) -> String {
    var occurrenceFor: [String : Int] = [:]
    for name in names {
        occurrenceFor[name, default: 0] + = 1  // If the key exists, return the corresponding value; Otherwise return 0
    var maxCount = 0
    var result = ""
    for (name, count) in occurrenceFor {
        if count > maxCount {
            maxCount = count
            result = name
    return result
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As you can see, setting default values for the Dictionary key makes your code look cleaner. Replace the if-else statement with a single line of code.

Check if the variable is between two numbers

If you have a field: age, now determine if it is between 18 and 32. Here’s what we usually do:

let age = 23

if age > = 18 && age < = 32 {
    print("Fit the bill")}Copy the code

You might think there’s nothing wrong with writing like this, but look at this:

let age = 23

if age < = 18 && age > = 32 {
    print("Fit the bill")}Copy the code

Isn’t that true, but the print statement will never execute. How do you feel when you read these two if statements? Do you need to have a pause in your brain to think about whether or not you fit the criteria? This makes it unreadable and error-prone.

Swift provides a more readable and easy way to:

let age = 23

if (18.32).contains(age) {
    print("Fit the bill")}if (18.32) ~ = age {
    print("Fit the bill")}Copy the code


  • Use built-in functions instead of for loops whenever possible
  • One-line functions omit the return keyword
  • Closure simplification
  • Check for array out-of-bounds methods
  • Provide default values for function parameters and dictionary keys
  • Check if the variable is between two numbers

That’s all for today’s tip. You might as well practice it in your project if you think it’s useful