This is the 18th day of my participation in the August Challenge

A list,

Use SpringBoot;

1) Create the SpringBoot application and select the module we need;

2) SpringBoot has configured these scenarios by default and only needs to specify a few configurations in the configuration file to run

3) Write business code by myself;

Spring Boot mapping rules for static resources

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
    if (!this.resourceProperties.isAddMappings()) {
        logger.debug("Default resource handling disabled");
    Duration cachePeriod = this.resourceProperties.getCache().getPeriod();
    CacheControl cacheControl = this.resourceProperties.getCache().getCachecontrol().toHttpCacheControl();
    if(! registry.hasMappingForPattern("/webjars/**")) {
    String staticPathPattern = this.mvcProperties.getStaticPathPattern();
    if(! registry.hasMappingForPattern(staticPathPattern)) { customizeResourceHandlerRegistration(registry.addResourceHandler(staticPathPattern) .addResourceLocations(getResourceLocations(this.resourceProperties.getStaticLocations())) .setCachePeriod(getSeconds(cachePeriod)).setCacheControl(cacheControl)); }}Copy the code

All /webjars/ is in classpath:/META /resources/webjars/

Webjars: Introduce resources as JAR packages

<! Jquery webJar -->
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Access: localhost: 8080 / webjars/jquery / 3.3.1 / jquery. Js

(2) “/**” access any resources of the current project, add a custom resource file

Obtain static resource path, trace method, get:

Put static resources in one of the following folders and the project will be accessible

"/": The root path of the current project

// Classpath is the resources folder that comes with the project
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(3) Welcome page, static resources folder under all index.html pages

In one of the static resources folders above, write the index.html file. Localhost :8080 is the file that appears on the first page of the visit

// Configure the welcome page mapping
public WelcomePageHandlerMapping welcomePageHandlerMapping(ApplicationContext applicationContext, FormattingConversionService mvcConversionService, ResourceUrlProvider mvcResourceUrlProvider) {
    WelcomePageHandlerMapping welcomePageHandlerMapping = new WelcomePageHandlerMapping(
        new TemplateAvailabilityProviders(applicationContext), applicationContext, getWelcomePage(),
    welcomePageHandlerMapping.setInterceptors(getInterceptors(mvcConversionService, mvcResourceUrlProvider));
    return welcomePageHandlerMapping;
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(4) Icon file, favicon.ico file in static resources folder

Does the icon not come out when accessing? Restart the project, Clean, CTRL + F5 in the browser. A set of complete

(5) Configure the static resource folder path

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After the configuration, the default static resource folder path does not take effect

Template engine

1. Use and grammar of Thymeleaf

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.thymeleaf")
public class ThymeleafProperties {

	private static final Charset DEFAULT_ENCODING = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

	public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "classpath:/templates/";

	public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = ".html";
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Simply place the HTML page in classpath:/templates/ and Thymeleaf will render automatically

Import the Thymeleaf namespace:

<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
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(1) Grammar rules

(Official document usingThymeleaf, 10 Attribute Precedence)

Th :text replaces the text attribute in the current element

Th: Any HTML attribute to replace the value of the native attribute

Ex. :

    <! -- Escape special characters -->
    <div th:text="${hello}"></div>
    <! -- Do not escape special characters -->
    <div th:utext="${hello}"></div>
    <! -- Loop over -->
    <h4 th:text="${user}" th:each="user:${users}"></h4>
        <! -- Line of writing -->
        <span th:each="user:${users}">[[${user}]]</span>
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(2) expressions

(Usingthymeleaf, 4 Standard Expression Syntax)

Simple Expressions: (Expression syntax)
    Variable Expressions: ${... } get the value of the variable
    	1) Get the property of the object and call the method
    	2) Use built-in base objects
    	#ctx : the context object.
        #vars: the context variables.
        #locale : the context locale.
        #request : (only in Web Contexts) the HttpServletRequest object.
        #response : (only in Web Contexts) the HttpServletResponse object.
        #session : (only in Web Contexts) the HttpSession object.
        #servletContext : (only in Web Contexts) the ServletContext object.
        Ex. :
        	${} // Retrieves the session atttribute 'foo'
       	3) Built-in tool objects
#execInfo : information about the template being processed.
#messages : methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions, And theywould be doing this in the same way as they were using #{... } syntax.
#uris : methods for escaping parts of URLs/URIs
#conversions : methods for executing the configured conversion service (if any).
#dates : methods for java.util.Date objects: formatting, component extraction, etc.
#calendars : analogous to #dates , but for java.util.Calendar objects.
#numbers : methods for formatting numeric objects.
#strings : methods for String objects: contains, startsWith, prepending/appending, etc.
#objects : methods for objects in general.
#bools : methods for boolean evaluation.
#arrays : methods for arrays.
#lists : methods for lists.
#sets : methods for sets.
#maps : methods for maps.
#aggregates : methods for creating aggregates on arrays or collections.
#ids : methods for dealing with id attributes that might be repeated (for example, as a result of an iteration).
		Ex. :
    Selection Variable Expressions: *{... } select the expression, and ${} function is the same
    	Supplement: Cooperate th:object="${session.user}"
    	<div th:object="${session.user}">
            <p>Name: <span th:text="*{firstName}">Sebastian</span>.</p>
            <p>Surname: <span th:text="*{lastName}">Pepper</span>.</p>
            <p>Nationality: <span th:text="*{nationality}">Saturn</span>.</p>
    Message Expressions: #{... } get internationalized content
    Link URL Expressions: @{... } to define URL
    	<a href="details.html" th:href="@{/order/details(orderId=${},order2=${})}">view
    Fragment Expressions: ~{... } fragment document reference
    	<div th:insert="~{common :: #topbar}"></div>
    Text literals: 'one text' , 'Another one! ',...
    Number Literals: 0, 34, 3.0, 12.3...
    Boolean literals: true , false
    Null literal: null
    Literal Tokens: One, SomeText, Main...
Text Operations :(text operations)
    String concatenation: +
    Literal substitutions: |The name is ${name}|
Arithmetic (1) The operations of mathematics
    Binary operators: + , - , * , / , %
    Minus sign (unary operator): -
Boolean (Boolean operations)
    Binary operators: and , or
    Boolean negation (unary operator): ! , not
Comparisons Equality :(comparison)
    Comparators: > , < , >= , <= ( gt , lt , ge , le )
    Equality operators: == , ! = ( eq , ne )
Conditional Operators :(conditional operation)
    If-then: (if) ? (then)
    If-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else)
    Default: (value) ? : (defaultvalue)
Special tokens:
	No-Operation: _
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