1. Direct substitution

The original file

Copy the code

The resulting file

ARCHS = arm64;
Copy the code

Execute this command, noting that this cannot be written as a line of ARCHS = (replacing the starting character,); Is to replace the end character

sed -i "" '/ARCHS = (/,/); /c\ ARCHS = arm64; \ ' project.pbxprojCopy the code

2. Do not change the source file and save it to a new file

The original file

<! --tokenHeadStart-->\ test\ <! --tokenHeadEnd-->Copy the code

The resulting file

<! - tokenHeadStart - >, < ul >, < li > < a href = "#" > < / a > < img Alt = "warm item big search" SRC = "img/slide - 01. JPG" > < / a > < / li > \ < li > < a Href = "#" > < / a > < img Alt = "socks! Hello meng "SRC =" img/slide - 02. JPG "> < / a > < / li > \ < li > < a href =" # "> < / a > < img Alt =" Moschino joking life "SRC =" img/slide - 03. JPG "> < / a > < / li > \ </ul>\ <! --tokenHeadEnd-->Copy the code

The tokenHeadStart command replaces the start character and tokenHeadEnd replaces the end character

sed '/tokenHeadStart/,/tokenHeadEnd/c\\ <! - tokenHeadStart -- > \ \ < ul > \ \ < li > < a href = "#" > < / a > < img Alt = "warm item big search" SRC = "img/slide - 01. JPG" > < / a > < / li > \ \ < li > < a Href = "#" > < / a > < img Alt = "socks! Hello meng "SRC =" img/slide - 02. JPG "> < / a > < / li > \ \ < li > < a href =" # "> < / a > < img Alt =" Moschino joking life "SRC =" img/slide - 03. JPG "> < / a > < / li > \ \ </ul>\\ <! --tokenHeadEnd-->' file.txt >result.txtCopy the code

Single line to replace


$plistBuddy -c "Set CFBundleDisplayName \"${d_App_Display_Name}\ "" $Info_Plist_Path
# $plistBuddy -c "Set CFBundleShortVersionString \"${SHORT_VERSION}\ "" $Info_Plist_Path
#Start page
$plistBuddy -c "Set UILaunchStoryboardName \"${LaunchStoryboardName}\ "" $Info_Plist_Path
#The package name
$plistBuddy -c "Set CFBundleIdentifier \"${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}\ "" $Info_Plist_Path

Copy the code