This is the 24th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

Hardware and software Environment

  • windows 10 64bit
  • Anaconda3 with python 3.7
  • Pycharm 2020.1.2
  • Flask 1.1.2
  • Flask – apscheduler 1.11.0


The basic use of Apscheduler has been described in the Python utility module Apscheduler. Flask-apscheduler migrates apscheduler into flask applications, making it easy to use scheduled tasks in flask. In addition, it has the following features

  • According to theFlaskConfiguration loads the scheduler configuration
  • According to theFlaskConfigure the load task scheduler
  • Allows a specified server to run tasks
  • provideRESTful APIAdministrative tasks, that is, remote administrative tasks
  • forRESTful APIProvide the certification

Use the sample

Before using it, we need to install this module, using PIP

pip install flask-apscheduler
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Flask-apscheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler: Flask-apScheduler

from flask import Flask
from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler

class Config(object):
    JOBS = [
            'id': 'job1',
            'func': 'run:add',
            'args': (1, 2),
            'trigger': 'interval',
            'seconds': 3


def add(a, b):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Flask(__name__)

    scheduler = APScheduler()
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In the Config class, there is a list of JOBS, and each element is a task. In the example code above, there is only one task, an interval task, which is executed every 3 seconds. The specific task method is Add, which receives 2 parameters. The format of the value after func is module name: method name

Flask-apscheduler initialization is necessary after the flask app is instantiated and before it is run

scheduler = APScheduler()
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By performing the above project, we can get

(FlaskTutorial) D:\xugaoxiang\FlaskTutorial\Flask-20-apscheduler>python
 * Serving Flask app "run" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

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Can we set the above SCHEDULER_API_ENABLED = True, by visiting, the scheduler is the default prefix RESTful API

By looking at the source file, we can see what flask-apScheduler provides us with RESTful apis

    def _load_api(self):
        Add the routes for the scheduler API.
        self._add_url_route('get_scheduler_info', '', api.get_scheduler_info, 'GET')
        self._add_url_route('add_job', '/jobs', api.add_job, 'POST')
        self._add_url_route('get_job', '/jobs/<job_id>', api.get_job, 'GET')
        self._add_url_route('get_jobs', '/jobs', api.get_jobs, 'GET')
        self._add_url_route('delete_job', '/jobs/<job_id>', api.delete_job, 'DELETE')
        self._add_url_route('update_job', '/jobs/<job_id>', api.update_job, 'PATCH')
        self._add_url_route('pause_job', '/jobs/<job_id>/pause', api.pause_job, 'POST')
        self._add_url_route('resume_job', '/jobs/<job_id>/resume', api.resume_job, 'POST')
        self._add_url_route('run_job', '/jobs/<job_id>/run', api.run_job, 'POST')
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Method is to use them, I have to check all the tasks in the current application, for example, can be accessed using the GET method to

If you’re not comfortable with configuration, you can also use decorators, as shown in the following example

from flask import Flask
from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler

class Config(object):

scheduler = APScheduler()

@scheduler.task('interval', id='do_job_1', seconds=30)
def job1():
    print('Job 1 executed')

# cron examples
@scheduler.task('cron', id='do_job_2', minute='*')
def job2():
    print('Job 2 executed')

@scheduler.task('cron', id='do_job_3', week='*', day_of_week='sun')
def job3():
    print('Job 3 executed')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Flask(__name__)

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Finally, let’s look at a slightly more complicated configuration

class Config(object):
    JOBS = [
            'id': 'job1',
            'func': 'run:job1',
            'args': (1, 2),
            'trigger': 'interval',
            'seconds': 10

        'default': SQLAlchemyJobStore(url='sqlite://')

        'default': {'type': 'threadpool', 'max_workers': 20}

        'coalesce': False,
        'max_instances': 3

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SCHEDULER_JOBSTORES refers to the job store, which we store in SQLite. SCHEDULER_EXECUTORS refer to the configuration of the actuator, use the threadpool threadpool, and set the maximum number of threads to 20. SCHEDULER_JOB_DEFAULTS are some configurations of tasks, where

  • Coalesce refers to a situation in which a task is accumulated for several times and fails to run. For example, the system recovers after being suspended for two minutes. For example, a supervisor process monitoring tool runs a task once every minute, which is supposed to run twice within two minutes but fails to run. If coalesce is True, the coalesce task is executed only once. If coalesce is False, the coalesce task is executed twice

  • Max_instance means that at most several instances of a task are running at the same time

SCHEDULER_API_ENABLED Specifies whether the API is enabled

In addition to the usual configuration above, there are a few more

SCHEDULER_TIMEZONE # Configure time zone SCHEDULER_API_PREFIX # Configure API route prefix SCHEDULER_ENDPOINT_PREFIX # Configure API route suffix SCHEDULER_ALLOWED_HOSTS SCHEDULER_AUTH # Configure the authentication centerCopy the code

When deploying the Flask application on the server, you often need to set the time zone; otherwise, an error will be reported

class Config(object):
    SCHEDULER_TIMEZONE = 'Asia/Shanghai'
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Configure the RESTful API route prefix and suffix

class Config(object):
    SCHEDULER_API_PREFIX ='/xugaoxiang'
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Then access all task routing will be from the original to

If you want to allow only certain hosts to access, you can set the whitelist. If you want to allow all hosts to access, you can also write *

class Config(object):
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If you want to add authentication, you can do this

from flask import Flask from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler from flask_apscheduler.auth import HTTPBasicAuth class  Config(object): JOBS = [ { 'id': 'job1', 'func': 'run2:add', 'args': (1, 2), 'trigger': 'interval', 'seconds': 3 } ] SCHEDULER_API_ENABLED = True SCHEDULER_AUTH = HTTPBasicAuth() def add(a, b): print(a+b) if __name__ == '__main__': app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config()) scheduler = APScheduler() # it is also possible to set the authentication directly # scheduler.auth = HTTPBasicAuth() scheduler.init_app(app) scheduler.start() @scheduler.authenticate def authenticate(auth): return auth['username'] == 'guest' and auth['password'] == 'guest' the code

Before visiting the scheduler, authentication is performed first. If the conditions are met, such as username=guest and password=guest, which are passed through the HTTP request above, the access can be continued; otherwise, the access is rejected.

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Flask Series of Tutorials

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The resources

  • The utility module apscheduler