1. Work from your phone anytime, anywhere

Using OA office software, mobile phone is a mobile application online library, in addition to the most basic moving clock, schedule, this a few OA system the basic function of online communication, and task allocation, online meetings, work management, contract signing, BBS, E-mail, and other functions, such as a number of office applications, are out for a quick. In order to ensure that the enterprise online office in an all-round way, but also to ensure the ease of use of office applications, improve work efficiency.

2. Cloud data is available at any time

In the development process of an enterprise, in addition to the storage of documents, the communication between files is also very frequent, some enterprises also have multiple regional office locations, in this case, OA office software under the cloud disk function is very suitable.

3. All processes shall be transferred online

When it comes to process approval, some people may feel headache. Sometimes you want to do a job, but you need to fill out an application form and pass it before you can proceed to the next step. A few hours back and forth can be as long as ten days and a half months, work is delayed, and productivity is miserable.

Using OA office software, no matter financial process, comprehensive business, personnel transfer or other work process application, the whole process can be managed electronically with mobile phones, greatly improving work efficiency.

And O2OA is such a completely open source, free use of office development platform, whether it is PC end, mobile phone end, PAD end, employees and leaders can ensure that at any time and anywhere follow the office, no longer need to run a process broken leg, an application put aside for half a day; There is no need to go back and forth because of important data, OA management system for you to the greatest extent to reduce the cost of work, improve work efficiency.