
I have been in touch with OA system for a long time, but I really started to work on OA system in December 2019. Here, I would like to record my summary and experience on OA system, and welcome everyone to communicate and put forward valuable opinions.

The OA system is an indispensable system for the company. The MAIN purpose of the OA system is to standardize the process, improve efficiency and reduce unnecessary offline operations. Strictly speaking, OA should be called BPM, which controls enterprise processes.


  • Standardize the process
  • Improve efficiency, including the efficiency of sign-off; Connect the tripartite system (such as ERP) to reduce manual duplication;

The specification of the process is to promote the established process through the system, and ensure the specification of the process through the system, so as to avoid the process being destroyed due to subjective factors

Part of the efficiency is through the signing of the bill of lading paperless to achieve, the bill of lading people no longer need to take the paper bill one by one to find the signer to sign. Since there is an online system, paper verification is no longer needed. When there is a need for verification, the system can notify the signer through email. In the business trip and other scenarios, you can use your mobile phone to check. Another part of efficiency is achieved through seamless integration with the tripartite system. When the data is imported in the BPM system, the data will be automatically imported to the corresponding system, such as ERP, after signing and checking, without the need for the two systems to operate together.

Standardize the process


The most common ways of checking: string, countersign, notification, claim, assignment, and assignment

String to sign

The simple understanding is that the signer has the order such as leave sheet, the supervisor site signer includes the supervisor (1), supervisor (2), supervisor (3)


Simple understanding is that the signer is not in order, who signed who signed after it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter

Countersign can subdivide, after how many people signed this site even signed over, commonly used is as long as a person signed, or all people signed, this site even signed over

Inform the

The simple understanding is to tell the signer that there is this thing, the person who is informed can not participate in the process, including can’t cancel, can’t modify anything

If the content of the form is very simple, the notification can be sent directly by email or other means. When the content of the form is too large, the notification method such as email may not be able to well express the content to be notified. In this case, you can ask the notified person to enter the check page and click a button of “known to be notified”


When the form process is signed and checked, it usually enters the stage of operation, especially for the form related to finance, such as expense account, which requires financial operation to make payment

Before you do the homework, you need to know who’s doing the homework. There are usually three ways:

  1. System assignment: Establish process rules for assigning operators based on certain rules (note that operators may have multiple operators)
  2. Supervisor specific assignment: Establish process rules, but the rules designate only one person to assign the job, usually the supervisor, who assigns the job
  3. Claim: Establish the rules of the process, the rules specify who can claim, only one person can claim

More often than not, a combination of system assignment and specific supervisor assignment is used, system assignment when there are clear rules, and specific supervisor assignment when the rules are complex or unclear

In theory, the operation personnel only have the button option of “Job completed”, and there is no operation to cancel the order. However, it was not so ideal in practice. On the one hand, the supervisor would not care about so many details in the process of signing and checking, and the problem was only found at the operational level after signing. On the other hand, I did not get some materials in the bill of lading, so I hope to make up the materials before the operation. So a lot of homework, will hope to be able to give the bill of lading (not even the bill of lading) supplement or modify the data, which can modify the information need, of course, what data can not modify, process, formulate clear down (and who are technically need to record when modified data of log, for inspection). The operator assigns the data filler to inform him of the problem. After the data filler completes, he returns to the operator and continues his work.

Delegate: A delegates to B, and B comes back to A when it’s done

To recap: Assignment ==> assignment ==> Delegate ==> Continue

Back to sign

The difficulty is where should I go

  • The user chooses where to retreat: The user can’t decide where to retreat
  • When the process is formulated, specify the rules for each site to return to different sites for different reasons
  • Return directly to the bill of lading

Turn the single

The transfer sheet is that the signer finds that the signer of the sheet is not himself, but someone else, and gives him the form to sign voluntarily

Transfer requires the consent of the transferee, and the transferee has the right to reject the transfer

D /

Drawing the bill of lading means that after the bill of lading, the bill of lading has been in the process of signing and checking, and the bill of lading person regrets and revokes the form

Some people think bill of lading person can renege can draw sheet, that sign nuclear person also should be able to renege, draw sheet. Personally, I do not recommend giving the signer a mechanism to go back on his or her word, otherwise it will become confusing

Jump to sign

In the same process, one person may be in different sites at the same time, which will cause the same person to sign multiple times. To avoid this situation, make him sign only once, so that after the first sign, there is no need to sign again

There is a view that it is not appropriate to assume that in the process of signing and checking, there are changes to more important data, so it is not appropriate to do a skip. My personal opinion is as follows: If important information can be modified during verification, the design of the process should be more rigorous, and the log should be kept to record who changed what information and when. Moreover, most employees will not actively do anything harmful to the company, so it is acceptable to skip the verification

The agent

When a supervisor takes a long leave of absence and wants to give all (or part) of the sign-off permission for the forms involved to different people instead of sign-off, this is an agent

Agent proposal and leave a single, leave when the appointed agent. Of course, in addition to asking for leave, you can also manually set the agent and agent time

More rigorous agents would specify which modules to delegate to whom, but in practice, the specified modules are rarely used

Personnel organization structure

The signer is closely related to the organization structure. Usually, the head of a department is designated to sign the signer, but no specific person is designated to sign the signer. When the organization changes (for example, the supervisor changes), the process can remain unchanged

Personnel turn-over

After the resignation of the staff, they need to deal with the transfer of the form hanging on the staff

Change the form content during the verification process

The form content can be changed during the verification process

Some even require that details can only be changed by the person responsible for the change (or the person responsible for the change can only see that this is actually a data access problem, not only BPM systems have encountered this problem).


The notification includes the verification notification, the unsigning notification, the completion notification, the forwarding notification and the drawing notification

Notice needs to be made outside the site, such as email, nail notice, enterprise wechat notice, public number notice and so on, but the site notice can not be done

Practice shows that no matter how much notice to do in time, there are still not many people will care about the station notice, can simply do not do

Off-site notifications need to be linked directly to the form page that needs to be signed (as an aside, JWT is great for such links).

Off-site notifications don’t have to indicate that they come from a BPM system, no user cares whether they come from BPM or ERP, and users can’t even tell BPM from ERP

To improve efficiency

The mobile terminal

Some executives often travel on business, so convenient channels for signing and checking are needed at this time. Mobile terminal is a convenient channel. APP cost is high, and IOS/Android terminal is also needed, which is costly. A mobile BPM web page is evoked by the client and checked

Connect third-party systems

The checked data will be thrown to ERP through API and other methods to save repeated operations and avoid mistakes in repeated operations

Jump to sign

Skip signing can speed up the checking

Batch signed

Do not recommend this feature, otherwise people will not look at the content of the form, just sign it all

Don’t sign for a long time

Technically, there can be some means, such as reminders, expeditement, daily out-of-station notices that have not been signed for more than 3 days, etc., but they cannot fundamentally solve the problem. For those who do not sign, BPM has no way, and can only solve the problem from the system

The page highlights the content of concern

Process to focus on the content of each site is different, the form to collect all the forms on a page, the content is very much, to sign the nuclear workers signed when there will be a kind of vacant feeling, will go back to their focus on the content of hard, and then to the content of the page to find the scattered, affect the efficiency of signed one for approval. Consider having a separate page for each site that highlights the most important content (as well as a page that displays all the data)

Thank you

When I first got to know ABOUT BPM requirements and development, I was in a rather murky state. I would like to thank Mr. Yang Shengfu for leading me, guiding me to talk about requirements and development, and giving me meticulous care. Thanks again!