The improvement of technology is the need to accumulate over a long period of efforts, in addition to reading books watching video, a very effective method to improve is to read Daniel’s blog, of course, the so-called listen to gentleman a words, bullet hole in my head, although read Daniel not so exaggerated, but also can let you to solve some of the technical difficulties, can learn and learning methods and ways of thinking, a lot!

Here are a few blogs about AI and deep learning.

原文 : must-read Blogs for AI and Deep Learning banter

I’ve never seen anything that matches artificial intelligence and cognitive computing to change the world

This is a fact that John E. Kelly, senior vice president of Cognitive Solutions and IBM Research, highlighted at a 2016 conference organized by Yann Lecun, one of the most prominent ai enthusiasts.

There is no doubt that AI is driving the next technological revolution. All the tech giants have opened specialized AI research departments, and many new companies are developing great products using AI technology.

Amid all this noise, it is important to keep abreast of what is happening in AI research. As an applied AI research group, we always need to keep ourselves informed of the latest news, research and technology. If you’re an AI enthusiast, here’s a list of must-read AI blogs you can follow:


OpenAI is a non-profit ARTIFICIAL intelligence research company whose mission is to promote and develop safe and friendly artificial intelligence. Sam Altman, Elon Musk and several other prominent investors are responsible for funding the company. OpenAI’s blog is also followed by ai and deep learning enthusiasts all over the world. OpenAI regularly publishes its work on advanced AI technologies, including natural language processing, image processing, and speech processing.



Distill is committed to explaining machine learning clearly. The editorial and curatorial team is made up of scientists from Google Brain, DeepMind, Tesla and other prominent organizations. Distill’s vision is to explain machine learning papers and models in simple and visually pleasing language. Distill Journal is a published Journal provided by Distill that encourages researchers to better communicate science and serve their readers in ways that go beyond traditional academic forms.

Link: distill. Pub /


The blog is set up by the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) group at the University of California, Berkeley. Its purpose is to disseminate BAIR’s team’s findings, ideas and updates on ai research. The blog’s editorial team includes students, postdocs, and faculty from BAIR’s group. They typically publish a weekly article about BAIR’s work in the areas of deep learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence.


DeepMind Blog

DeepMind was founded in 2010 by Dennis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman and Shane Legg. DeepMind’s blog consists mainly of discussions about their research papers, thought leadership and visionary ideas around AI. The DeepMind team’s blog is highly regarded by many AI researchers because of their ai simulation work. DeepMind is also part of the Alphabet group that Was acquired by Google in 2014.


Andrej Karpathy ‘s Blog

Andrej Karpathy is Tesla’s director of AI and previously worked at OpenAI. He received his PhD from Stanford University. His blog is well known in the AI community, especially for the articles he published while doing his PhD and working at OpenAI. He has written extensively about computer vision and other areas of artificial intelligence.



Colah ‘s Blog

Christopher Olah is a research scientist at Google Brain. He is also one of Distill’s editors, as is Shan Carter. His publications focus on understanding neural networks in the field of machine learning and deep learning. His goal is to explain the complex functions of neural networks in simple terms. If you are new to neural networks, then his blog is just the right tutorial for you.

Link: colah. Making. IO /


This is Denny Britz’s blog. Britz was a member of the Google Brain team. He has written primarily on deep learning, publishing on the use of TensorFlow to understand, apply, and implement neural networks. He also has another blog, where he writes mostly about startups and software engineering.



Ruder ‘s Blog

Sebastian Ruder is a PhD candidate and a research scientist at Aylien, a text analysis startup. Most of his articles are about deep learning and natural language processing, with a focus on multitasking and transfer learning. Ruder gives his understanding and interpretation of the formula visually and in understandable language. His blog is easy for beginners to understand and a great tutorial to get started on deep learning.

Link: ruder. IO /


This is Facebook’s AI research blog, which focuses on AI, deep learning, machine learning, computer vision, and their real-world applications. The FAIR group publishes a lot of research papers, and the blog can also serve as a medium for creation and promotion.



This is Ferenc Huszar’s blog. He is a PhD student from Cambridge University and currently works at Twitter Cortex. His research focuses on probabilistic reasoning, generative models, unsupervised learning, and applied deep learning, and he has published articles on these topics.


Andrew Trask ‘s Blog

Andrew Trask is a DeepMind research scientist and PhD student at Oxford University. His blog is also highly followed by deep learning and machine learning enthusiasts. He focuses on neural networks and their interpretation and implementation.

Link: iamtrask. Making. IO /

Graduate Descent

This is Tim Vieira’s blog. Tim is working on his PhD at John Hopkins university. His blog focuses on using deep learning to study natural language processing. He has published several articles on neural network specific components and implementations in NLP.

Link: timvieira. Making. IO/blog /

Adit Deshpande ‘s Blog

Adit Deshpande is a computer science undergrad from UCLA. He focuses on machine learning and deep learning, and his article is very helpful for beginners to get started with neural networks.

Link: adeshpande3. Making. IO /

Those are the ai and deep learning blogs that this article introduces.

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Recommended reading

1. Introduction to Machine Learning series 1 — An Overview of Machine Learning (part 1)

2. Introduction to Machine Learning series 2 — An Overview of Machine Learning (Part 2)

3.[GAN Learning Series] First acquainted with GAN

4.[GAN Learning Series 2] Origin of GAN

5. Google’s open source GAN library –TFGAN