
I have been used to using Mysql database before, but I am not familiar with the command line of MongoDb. Here is a summary of the command line of MongoDb, which can be easily referred to in the future.

Basic Usage of MongoDb

1. Perform database operations

Viewing a Database

show dbs Copy the code

Statistics database information

use test  Switch to the test databaseDb.stats () {db.stats();"db" : "test"// The database name"collections": 0, // Number of sets"views": 0."objects": 0, // Number of documents"avgObjSize": 0, // Average size of each document"dataSize": 0, // Size of space occupied by data, excluding index, in bytes"storageSize": 0, // Allocated storage space"nuinExtents": 0, // Continuously allocated data blocks"indexes": 0, // Number of indexes"indexsize": 0, // Index size"fileSize": 0, // The size of the physical storage file"ok": 1}Copy the code

Deleting a Database

Db.dropdatabase () // Drop the current database, db points to the current usetestThe databaseCopy the code

View the collection under the database

db.getCollectionNames()Copy the code

2. Set operations

Create a collection

Db.createcollection (name, options) eg: db.createcollection ("yingSet", {capped:true,size:6142800, max :10000 }) Create the yingSet databaseCopy the code
Options Available options
parameter type describe
capped Boolean (Optional) If true, closed collections are enabled. An upper bound collection is a fixed-size collection that automatically overwrites its oldest entries when it reaches its maximum. If true is specified, the size argument also needs to be specified
size digital (Optional) Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the upper bound collection. If capped is true, you also need to specify the value of the subfield
max digital (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of documents allowed in the upper bound collection

If you insert a document into a collection that has not been created, the collection is created first

db.yingSet.insert( {"name": "tom"})# db.yingset points to the collection objectCopy the code

View the collection under the database

show collections
Copy the code

Renaming collection

db.yingSet.renameCollection( "myset")Copy the code

Delete the collection

db.yingSet.drop()Copy the code

3. Document operations

The insert

Inserts documents without specifying the _ID field

db.test.insert( { item : "card", qty : 15 })  Insert data into the test collectionCopy the code

Inserts a document specifying the _id field, and the value _id must be unique in the collection to avoid duplicate key errors

    { _id: 10, item: "box", qty: 20 }

Copy the code

Insert the document as a variable

do = ({ name: "C", price: 40 }) 
db.test.insert(do)Copy the code

MongoDB is added in update 3.2

db.test.insertOne( { item: "card", qty: 15 } );Copy the code

Multiple documents inserted

    { item: "card", qty: 15 },
    { item: "envelope", qty: 20 },
    { item: "stamps", qty:30 }
])Copy the code

Update and modify operation

Obj represents the object to be updated. If a record with the same “_ID” as obj already exists in the set, Mongodb will replace the obj object with the existing record in the set. If not, the obj object is inserted.

Db.collection. save(obj) eg:{_id: 100, item:"watern, qty: 30 })Copy the code

Delete operation

db.test.remove({'title': 'MongoDB'})Copy the code

db.collection.deleteMany ({})  
db.collection.deleteMany ({ status : "A" })
db.collection.delete.One ({ status : "D" })Copy the code

Query operation

Basic condition query


Copy the code
                                 Query comparison between MongoDB and RDBMS
The operator format The instance Compare with the RDBMS WHERE statement
Is equal to theta = {<key> : {<value>}} db.test.find( {price : 24} ) where price = 24
Greater than (>) {<key> : {$gt : <value>}} db.test.find( {price : {$gt : 24}} ) where price > 24
Less than (<) {<key> : {$lt : <value>}} db.test.find( {price : {$lt : 24}} ) where price < 24
Greater than or equal to (>= {<key> : {$gte : <value>}} db.test.find( {price : {$gte : 24}} ) where price >= 24
Less than or equal to {<key> : {$lte : <value>}} db.test.find( {price : {$lte : 24}} ) where price <= 24
Does not equal (! =) {<key> : {$ne : <value>}} db.test.find( {price : {$ne : 24}} ) where price ! = 24
And (and) {key01 : value01, key02 : value02, … } Db.test. find({name: “”, price: 24}) Where name = “” and price = 24
And (or) {$or : [{key01 : value01}, {key02 : value02}, …] } The db. The test. The find ({$or: [{name: “” “”}, {price: 24}]}) Where name = “” or price = 24

Query fields whose age is NULL

db.test.find({age:null})Copy the code

Limit the number of query results

db.test.find().limit(3)Copy the code

Sort the query results in ascending order (1) and descending order (-1)

db.test.find().sort({"price" : 1})Copy the code

Use the $regex operator to set the regular expression that matches the string

db.test.find({tags:{$regex:"MongoDB"}})Copy the code