
Why is there a need for code in Markdown to run in real time?

On our front end team, technical documentation is written in Markdown and often comes with a lot of sample code. We want people to run the sample code and see the results as they read the documentation.


  • Make the code in Markdown run and preview.
  • Code can be edited online.
  • Does not affect the overall document flow layout.
  • React support, support code highlighting.
  • Babel can be configured.

React-code-view: react-code-view: react-code-view: react-code-view: react-code-view:

IO /react-code-…

The principle of

  • throughmarkdown-loaderhtml-loaderParse the Markdown document.
  • Get the code from the regular expression and hand it incodemirror
  • thecodemirrorThe code is compiled by Babel and rendered to the specified container by reactdom.render.

The installation

npm install react-code-view
Copy the code

Configuration webpack

Support for Markdown-loader needs to be added to Webpack. Required installation:

npm install html-loader --save-dev
npm install markdown-loader --save-dev
npm install react-markdown-reader --save-dev
Copy the code

Webpack. Config. Js configuration

>=webpack 2.x +

const markdownRenderer = require('react-markdown-reader').renderer;

  test: /\.md$/.use: [{
    loader: 'html-loader'
  }, {
    loader: 'markdown-loader'.options: {
      pedantic: true.renderer: markdownRenderer(/**languages:Array<string>**/)]}}}Copy the code

Languages Default value: [“javascript”, “bash”, “XML “,” CSS “, “markdown”, “less”];


Add the Babel

Example code is usually used in ES2015+, React, etc., the code needs to be compiled in real time, so we introduce Babel in HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/ /"></script>
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The sample

import CodeView from 'react-code-view';
import '~react-code-view/lib/less/index.less';

import { Button } from 'rsuite';

<CodeView dependencies={{ Button }} >

Copy the code

The source code is written in markdown, see

The important thing to note here is that the code you want to run must be placed in


Name Type Default value Description
dependencies Object Dependent components
showCode boolean true According to the code
babelTransformOptions Object { presets: [‘stage-0’, ‘react’, ‘es2015’] } Babel Configuration parameteroptions

Who’s in?

  • React Suite