Some of the functionality that Python automatically converts to Magnolia code has been reproduced before. You can print Magnolia code by running the following command: $magnoli-orchid so-and-so. Py, but some basic syntax support is missing and the functionality is not yet usable.

The insertion and bubble sort algorithms were targeted for two days, and the relevant parts were restored on demand, achieving the following results (left Python and right Magnolan) :

I’m going to continue to complete the conversion function by targeting the number-guessing routine.

In addition, a few days ago someone added binder’s online environment to the binder home page. Now we know about binder’s free service.

And I got involved in something. When the Mulan Reproduction project started, it was confirmed that the original implementation was based on Python3.7, after all, it was not until 2023. However, with all these test cases accumulated, it’s tempting to see how much work it would take to upgrade to Python 3.8 later. As a result, we passed the test case in the syntax function section by adding one piece of code, but we have the following syntax tree related alarms to study:

Dealing with changes to the syntax tree caused by a major Python update once a year seems acceptable. Hold on until we need to.

Attached: code statistics

The main part of the code line statistics, format: last -> now.

  • Magnolia code number 3206 -> 3259

    • Run environment, implementation and test mostly for magnolia code: 582

    • Mulan test case, including some utility miniprograms (such as tic-tac-toe) : 2624 -> 2677

  • Amount of Python code (Mulan implementation, test framework, syntax tree generation of Python test code in Mulan) : 3711 -> 3867

    • Py: 242 -> 350

    • Not much else seems to have changed

Well, every time to manual statistics te 2, use Mulan to write an automatic statistics script ~