Create an object
A single create
If you want to create multiple objects, there’s a lot of repetitive code
const a = new Object(); = 'hahah';
// 字面量创建
const a = { name: 'hahha'};
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The factory pattern
Reduced code, but still can’t identify what type the object is
function factory(name, gae) {
const a = {}; = name;
a.age = age;
return a;
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The constructor
The function starts with a capital letter and, unlike factory mode, does not have to display the create and return objects. This refers to the instance object that comes out of new. But create a new method with the same functionality for each instance
function Factory(name, gae) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.say = () => {
const fact1 = new Factory();
const fact2 = new Factory();
fact1.say === fact2.say // false
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Extend the implementation of new
All new does is create and return objects, changing this to point to. This refers to the article execution context for detailed explanation
function myNew() {
const obj = {};
obj._proto_ = Factory.prototype;
return obj;
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Prototype mode
Properties and functions with the same name on the instance can override those on the stereotype
Each function has a Prototype object to which the _proto_ attribute of the new instance points and the constructor attribute of the Prototype object points
function Factory() {
} = 'jack';
Factory.prototype.say = () => {
const fact1 = new Factory(); = 'hahhah';
const fact2 = new Factory();
fact1.say === fact2.say // true
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Do not assign directly to the prototype object; you lose its constructor
Extended prototype chain
All the way down the _proto_ built-in property of an instance object to NULL is the prototype chain for that object
Constructor and prototype composition
Instance properties are defined in constructors, while the properties constructor and methods shared by all instances are defined in stereotypes.
function Factory(name, gae) { = name;
this.age = age;
Factory.prototype.say = () => {
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Combinatorial inheritance of constructors and prototype chains
The constructor of the parent class is called twice
Function Parent(name) { = name this.colors = [' red ', 'blue', 'green']} Parent. Prototype. SayName = function () {console.log(} function Child(name, Job) {// Inherit attributes Parent. Call (this, Name). This job = job} / / Child inherit method. The prototype = new Parent () the Child. The prototype. The constructor = the ParentCopy the code
Parasitic combinatorial inheritance
The object.create () method creates a new Object, using an existing Object to provide the _proto_ of the newly created Object.
function Parent(name) { = name this.colors = ['red', 'blue'] } Parent.prototype.sayName = function () { console.log( } function Child(name, Job) {// Inherit attributes Parent. Call (this, Prototype = object.create (Parent. Prototype) // Fix constructor Child.prototype.constructor = Child Child.prototype.__proto__ === Parent.prototype // trueCopy the code