Abstract: Amazing.

  • Ionic 4 is officially released: Ionic for Everyone
  • Source: Open Source China

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Ionic, a popular open source mobile application development framework, released its 4.0 version today, code-named Neutronium. Officially, the Ionic 4 is called “Ionic for Everyone.” Ionic now allows developers to easily build high-quality native and progressive Web applications using Web technologies.

Ionic 4.0.0 Neutronium download: github.com/ionic-team/…

Ionic 4 is undoubtedly a very important release. It took two years of research and effort from the development team to transform Ionic from a “mobile for Angular” position into a powerful UI design system and mobile application framework that every Web developer can use.

Take a look at the official Ionic blog to see how and why the company has transformed itself.

The simple answer is that the front end is changing so fast. When Ionic first came out at the height of AngularJS popularity, its goal was simply to build rich javascripts driven components to build high-quality mobile applications using Web technologies. Since there was no standard way to achieve this, Ionic turned to AngularJS, where developers can build custom directives. Ionic’s native components can be packaged into easy-to-use custom HTML tags. Any AngularJS template that uses this tag can bootstrap the component and run it, just as native support is implemented in the browser.

Even at the time of Angular 2’s release, The Ionic 2 and 3 ports were well received, and Ionic 3 was considered the most successful version of the Ionic.

But in the last two years, the pace of change on the front end has been dizzying, and even frameworks like the Ionic have bogged down. AngularJS has been replaced by Angular, and the “troika” that drives the front end has nothing to do with Ionic.

Ionic reconsidered and in 2017 began trying to turn Ionic into a set of Web components, They decided that this was the future — making Ionic components available to almost every Web developer in the world in their mobile, desktop, and progressive Web applications — simply by using Ionic’s custom HTML markup in their applications.

Most importantly, Ionic uses standard Web apis rather than third-party apis, so developers can rest assured that Ionic’s component apis will remain stable for many years to come, rather than falling victim to front-end and framework developments.

So much for the history of the Ionic 4, here’s a look at some notable changes in the Ionic 4.


Officially billed as the fastest version ever, the Ionic 4 has nearly 100 Ionic components that have been evaluated for performance, customization, and appearance. Each component complies with the latest standards on iOS and Android.

Official performance comparison

Ionic 4 is out of the box, and its excellent performance makes Ionic the best UI framework for building high-performance PWA. In order for Ionic to meet Google’s performance standards, the new asynchronous component loading and delivery method is needed, officials said. To achieve this, the Ionic team spent a year building a Web component pipeline using Stencil to generate Ionic components, ensuring they were tightly packaged and lazy-loaded.

React and Vue are supported

React and Vue support is still in its alpha state, but it will ultimately give developers a greater variety of frameworks to choose from.

Other noteworthy updates

Documentation improvements. Major improvements have been made to the developer documentation. The design is simpler, navigation is clearer, and content is more prominent.

In addition, API references and component references are integrated, reducing the number of jumps developers had to make to get the information they needed.

The latest address of the document: ionicframework.com/docs

The roadmap

Ionic 4 is now available in production environments, and the Roadmap that it has been offered officially points to improved UI support for specific desktops, improved keyboard schemes, and richer themes and animations. Also, support for first class citizens of React and Vue.

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Fundebug focuses on real-time BUG monitoring for JavaScript, wechat applets, wechat games, Alipay applets, React Native, Node.js and Java online applications. Since its launch on November 11, 2016, Fundebug has handled more than 900 million error events, and paid customers include Google, 360, Kingsoft, Minming.com and many other brands. Welcome to try it for free!

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