How to learn Python? Today I would like to share with you some basic concept maps, introductory books, video tutorials, and the most effective ways to learn Python.

Article reprinted: Le Byte

When we first start learning, we don’t know the basic concepts at all. We just want to grasp the sword of knowledge quickly, and we don’t care where to use the sword of knowledge. When we learn the knowledge, the basic concept will come back to us, a mistake a sword, a book, the process of slowly thickening the books is that we close to the basic concept process. When we mastered the basic concept of knowledge, we began to pay, then began to slowly thin books Once the concept of the skilled, whatever you do in the future will be more easily, like python in other applications, such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, reptiles, and so on, are python as the basic kernel. With zero fundamentals, a solid grasp of basic Python concepts and syntactic elements is essential. If you want to learn Python or are learning Python, there are plenty of python tutorials out there, but are they up to date? You may have learned something that someone else learned two years ago, but this is the first python tutorial to be released in June. 2021Python self-study course is newly upgraded to “Python+ data analysis + machine learning”, with nine stages of ability improvement step by step, creating a more comprehensive skills of the full stack engineers. Two hours of self-study every day, 15 weeks later you can easily work, the key is all free oh!

Djangoblog project Djangoblog Project Regular Expression Python crawler base Python crawler Scrapy frameworkCopy the code

The first stage

Python Fundamentals and Core features 1. Variables and operators 2. Branches and loops 3. Loops and strings 4. lists and nested lists 5. dictionaries and project exercises 6. use of functions 7. Recursion and file handling 8. file 9. Object orientation 10. Design patterns and exception handling 11. Use of exceptions and modules 12. Tank Wars 13. Core programming 14. Advanced features 15. Memory management Stage 2 Database and Linux basics 1. Concurrent programming 2. Network communication 3.MySQL 4.Linux 5. Regular expression stage 3

Web front-end development basics 1. Basic HTML tags 2. CSS styles 3. CSS floating and positioning 4. Js basics 5. Js objects and functions 6. Django-git version control 2. Django-blog project 3. Django-mall Project 4 Django Template layer 7.Django View Layer 8.Tornado Framework Phase 5

Python crawler Scrapy framework Python crawler Scrapy framework Python crawler Scrapy framework

Article reprinted: Le Byte

These tutorials have been packed and ready for you, and I hope they will help you while you are studying