1. HTTP protocol (Hypertext transfer protocolHyperText Transfer Protocol)
It is an application layer transmission protocol based on TCP. Simply speaking, it is a rule for data transmission between the client and the server.
2. Why is there an agreement?
Because the server and the client need to communicate with the same language
3. Hypertext
Hypertext refers to hypertext. In addition to text, text can also send pictures, audio, video, etc. The trend is HTML files
4. What is the transport protocol
How to send HTML text from the web server to the browser
5. It is the standard for client and server requests and responses
6. There is the concept of packets
An HTTP request consists of three parts: the request line, the message header, and the request body.
It is the data block carried by the request and response, and the message data block is the description of the dialogue between the two, and the content of the dialogue
The GET method does not have a request body except when a POST request is sent.
HTTP get requests usually don’t have a body in them, but post will carry data, and the data is in the body, so if you want to upload a photo, the data of the photo is in the body
The request message
The block of data that the client says to the server
The response message
Five features of HTTP
- Client/server mode is supported.
- Simple and fast: when a client requests services from the server, it only needs to send the request method and path.
- The commonly used request methods are GET, HEAD and POST.
- Each method specifies a different type of contact between the client and the server.
- Because HTTP protocol is simple, the HTTP server program size is small, so the communication speed is very fast.
- Flexibility: HTTP allows the transfer of any type of data object. The Type being transferred is marked by content-Type.
- Connectionless: The meaning of connectionless is to limit processing to one request per connection. The server disconnects from the customer after processing the request and receiving the reply from the customer. In this way, transmission time can be saved. The reason for doing this early on was to ask for fewer resources and pursue faster.
- Later, Connection: keep-alive was used to implement the long Connection
- Stateless: HTTP is a stateless protocol. Stateless means that the protocol has no memory for transaction processing. The lack of state means that if the previous information is needed for subsequent processing, it must be retransmitted, which can result in an increase in the amount of data transferred per connection. On the other hand, the server responds faster when it doesn’t need the previous information.
Say HTTPS, your own understanding
The first thing you’re going to get is a long list of things and if you look at it, no matter how you’re going to send the data, it’s actually not secure because even if you encrypt it, the original key can always be intercepted in the middle so you have a certificate broker, the server goes to register, and when we access it, We have a man-in-the-middle proof where you find the legitimate server and you generate your own key from the server key, give the legitimate server a key, that’s a secure request