1. Self-cultivation of programmers — Linking, Loading, and Libraries

“Programmer’s self-cultivation: link, loading and library” netease cloud recommended: mo to use to read again! This paper mainly introduces the operating mechanism and principle of system software, involving various matters that happen when an application program is compiled, linked and run on Windows and Linux, including: How code instructions are saved, how library files are statically linked to application code, how applications are loaded into memory and run, how dynamic linking is implemented, how C/C runtime libraries work, and how system services provided by the operating system are invoked. Each technical project is equipped with numerous diagrams, tables, and code examples that strive to express complex mechanisms in a concise form. The book also provides MiniCRT, a compact and cross-platform C/C runtime that provides a comprehensive overview of the various technologies associated with the runtime.

Note: Summary





2. The Way of Programmer Training

The Way to Become an Expert Programmer (20th Anniversary Edition) (2nd edition)

The Programmer’s Way: The Road to Pragmatism (2nd Ed.)

Cloud wind translation


3. Refactoring to Improve the design of Existing Code, Edition 2


4. The Way to Clean Code, a summary of the programming master uncle Bob’s experience of more than 40 years of programming career


5. “in-depth exploration of C++ object model”, (focus on C++ underlying mechanism optimization code, translated by hou jie)