Tip: The following code can be run directly in the Node environment.
Method one:
General idea:
1. Sort unordered strings first. Example: ‘bdacAbbDB’ => ‘ABDabbbcd’.
2. Use the match method to split the string by character type. ‘ABDabbbcd’ => [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘a’, ‘bbb’, ‘c’, ‘d’]
3. The character with the longest length is the character that occurs most times. [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘A’, ‘BBB ‘, ‘c’, ‘D’] => B, 3 times.
/** * @description searches for the most common character in a string. * @param {string} text Specifies the string to query. * @returns. Function queryRepeatCount(text = 'aAbcedAbbcc') {if (typeof text! == 'string') { return false; } if (text.trim().length === 0) { return false; } // Sort unordered strings aAbcedAbbcc => AAabbbcccde text = text.split(" ").sort().join(" "); / / regular: /([^])\1+/ => Record any character that occurs more than once as a group of characters that occur more than once AAabbbcccde => ['AA', 'BBB ', 'ccc'] const group = text.match(/([^])\1+/g) || []; const repeatObj = {text: '', count: 0}; If (group. Length === 0) {repeatObj. Text = 'every number of characters is the same '; repeatObj.count = 1; ForEach ((item) => {if (item.length > repeatobj.count) {repeatobj.text = item.substr(0, 1); repeatObj.count = item.length; } else if (item.length === REPEATobj.count) {repeatobj.text += ', '+ item.substr(0, 1); }}); return repeatObj; } const repeatLetter = queryRepeatCount('f2werf3da2fd2f23422'); if (repeatLetter ! ${repeatletter.text} == false) {console.log(${repeatletter.text}) {console.log(${repeatletter.text}) {console.log(${repeatletter.count}) `); }Copy the code
Method 2:
The number of occurrences of each character is recorded, and the character with the most occurrences is filtered out.
/** * @description searches for the most common character in a string * @param {string} STR searches for the most common character in a string * @returns {text: 'character ', count: Function queryLetterCountOne(STR) {if (typeof STR! == 'string') { console.error('arguments type error.'); return false; } // The string has only Spaces if (/^ +$/.test(STR)) {console.error('arguments error.'); return false; } // Remove all Spaces from the string const noSpaceStr = str.replace(/ /g, "); // let record = null; for (let i = 0; i < noSpaceStr.length; i++) { if (record === null) { record = [{ text: noSpaceStr[i], count: 1 }]; } else {// Find if the character has already appeared, if yes, increase the number of times, no record. const index = record.findIndex((item) => item.text === noSpaceStr[i]); if (index === -1) { record.push({ text: noSpaceStr[i], count: 1 }); } else { record[index].count += 1; Let moreStr = null; for (let i = 0; i < record.length; i++) { if (moreStr === null) { moreStr = record[i]; } else {if (record[I].count > moreStr. Count) {// Record [I]; } else if (record[I].count === morestr.count) {// Record [I].text = morestr.text + ',' + record[I].text; }} // Record. Length => How many characters in total noSpaceStr. Length => How many characters in total // as long as the number of characters in total is greater than (noSpaceStr If (morestr. count >= (nospacestr.length-record.length) / 2 + 1) {break; } } return moreStr; } const moreLetter = queryLetterCountOne("to be or not to be,that's a questionobbbb."); if (moreLetter ! ${moreletter.count} == false) {console.log(' ${moreletter.text} '); }Copy the code
Method 3:
Use for… Of traverses the string, storing the number of occurrences of each character in an object with the key name of the character itself.
/** * @description searches for the most common character in a string * @param {string} STR searches for the most common character in a string * @returns {text: 'character ', count: Function queryLetterCountTwo(STR) {if (typeof STR! == 'string') { console.error('arguments type error.'); return false; } // The string has only Spaces if (/^ +$/.test(STR)) {console.error('arguments error.'); return false; } // Remove all Spaces from the string const noSpaceStr = str.replace(/ /g, "); const record = {}; For (const key of noSpaceStr) {if (record. HasOwnProperty (key)) {record[key]++; } else { record[key] = 1; Const kind = object.keys (record).length; const kind = object.keys (record).length; Const maxLetter = {text: '', count: 0}; For (const key in record) {// If the number of occurrences of this character is greater than the number of occurrences of the characters stored in maxLetter, If (record[key] > maxletter.count) {maxletter.text = key; maxLetter.count = record[key]; } else if (record[key] === maxletter.count) {// maxletter.text += ',' + key; } // As long as the number of occurrences of this character is greater than or equal to (string length - type of character) / 2 + 1, If (maxletter. count >= (noSpaceStr. Length-kind) / 2 + 1) {break; } } return maxLetter; } const moreLetter = queryLetterCountTwo("to be or not to be,that's a questionobbbb."); if (moreLetter ! ${moreletter.count} == false) {console.log(' ${moreletter.text} '); }Copy the code
Method 4:
Use the string replace method to get the number of occurrences of a character.
/** * @description searches for the most common character in a string * @param {string} STR searches for the most common character in a string * @returns {text: 'character ', count: Function queryLetterCountThree(STR) {if (typeof STR! == 'string') { console.error('arguments type error.'); return false; } // The string has only Spaces if (/^ +$/.test(STR)) {console.error('arguments error.'); return false; } // remove all Spaces from the string let noSpaceStr = str.replace(/ /g, "); // Save the original string length const permanentCou = nospacestr.length; Const kindCount = new Set(nospacestr.split ('')).size; Const maxLetter = {text: '', count: 0}; while (noSpaceStr ! // Save a copy of const tempStr = noSpaceStr; Const regExp = new regExp (noSpaceStr[0], 'g'); const regExp = new regExp (noSpaceStr[0], 'g'); noSpaceStr = noSpaceStr.replace(regExp, ''); Const count = tempstr.length - noSpaceStr. Length; If (maxletter.count < count) {maxletter.text = tempStr[0]; if (maxletter.count < count) {maxletter.text = tempStr[0]; maxLetter.count = count; } else if (maxletter.count === count) {maxletter.text += ',' + tempStr[0]; } // As long as the number of occurrences of this character is greater than or equal to (string length - type of character) / 2 + 1, If (maxletter. count >= (permanentCou.length-kindcount) / 2 + 1) {break; } } return maxLetter; } const moreLetter = queryLetterCountThree("to be or not to be,that's a questionobbbb."); if (moreLetter ! ${moreletter.count} == false) {console.log(' ${moreletter.text} '); }Copy the code
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