I. Authorization interface of same-city delivery account

Obtain the merchant account authorization code through third-party authorization

1.1 Interface Format

Provides a uniform format HTTP POST or GET invocation interface and returns uniform format JSON data.

1.2 Requesting an Address


Request parameters:

Parameter names If required type instructions
method is string Business type (default: auth)
key is string Authorization code, please go to express 100 page to apply for enterprise version interface to obtainapi.kuaidi100.com/register
sign is string It is signed in 32-bit uppercase and used for authentication. MD5 encryption is performed according to the sequence of MD5 (Param + T +key+ secret). The secret number is not required
t is string Time stamp: 1576123932000
param is param Concatenated by other fields

Param data structure:

Parameter names If required type instructions
com is string Express company, all lowercase letters, see parameter dictionary
storeId is string Authorized Store ID
callbackUrl is String Information callback address of the information after authorization

1.3 Returned Result

field type instructions note
result boolean Submit the results True The submission succeeds. False the submission fails
returnCode string Return codes
message string Return message description
data data

Data structure

field type instructions note
url string Authorization link

1.4 Provide data content


  "returnCode": "200"."result": true."message": "Submission successful"."data": {

   "url": "http://open.s.bingex.com/auth?response_type=code&client_id=ssTQhMCPkKfdz38Le&state=null&scope=shop_open_api&thirdStoreI d=null&redirect_uri=http://api.kuaidi100.com/callback/ss/auth"}}Copy the code

Note: Click the link to enter authorization, and log in to the account of the corresponding service provider to complete authorization; After the authorization is successful, the page will jump to save the corresponding parameters for placing orders.

1.5 Meaning of information Code

Information code Information Description Causes and recommended handling methods
200 successful successful
400 Parameter error, etc. Submit data is incomplete, check whether the submit format is X-www-form-urlencoded POST format
500 Server error Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
501 Repeat submit Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
503 Failed to verify the signature Check the encryption mode. The sequence of param + t + key+ secret is encrypted by MD5. After the encryption, the string is uppercase
601 The key is expired There is no single unit available, the account needs to be recharged

Authorization callback interface

The authorization information is automatically callback after the authorization is successful.

2.1 Interface Format

Provides a uniform format HTTP POST or GET invocation interface and returns uniform format JSON data.

2.2 Requesting an Address


Request parameters:

Parameter names If required type instructions
param is string Parameters of the main body

2.3 Result

field type instructions note
result boolean Submit the results True The submission succeeds. False the submission fails
returnCode string Return codes
message string Return message description
data data

Data structure

field type instructions note
partnerId string Authorized partnerId
partnerKey String License key
com String Express Company Code
expireTime String Expiration time

2.4 Provide data content

In the example refs


  "returnCode": "200"."result": true."message": "Submission successful"."data": {

    "com": "shansong"."partnerId": " 863B2B9A8A934014B39E1B237D2AD7D3"."expireTime": "The 2022-03-12 17:16:25"}}Copy the code

Ask for results


  		"returnCode": "200"."result": true."message": "Success"

Copy the code

2.5 Explanation of Push Response Packets and Error Codes

The field names Field meaning
result True indicates success, false indicates failure. If the address of the callback interface fails to be submitted, the callback fails again 30 minutes later
returnCode 200: submission succeeded 500: server error Other errors can be defined by yourself
message Return prompt

I. Product introduction

Same-city delivery service API is designed for enterprises and express companies to provide a set of solutions. Through the interface can meet enterprises, e-commerce, wechat business, express outlets, collection points and other regular mail users, low price, and can be automatically assigned to the rider to pick up the solution.

Ii. Application scenarios of same-city delivery API

Self-brand businesses, for businesses with development ability, can connect with their own background system; Platform service provider, providing standardized applications for ISV partners such as independent third-party software and hardware, plug-ins, etc.

Iii. Charging mode of urban delivery API

1. Charging method

Same-city delivery service uses the prepaid payment method and charges on a single basis. You can check the purchase amount of package acquisition after registering an API account.

2. Fees

Please see the following table for the charging standard of same-city delivery service:

The price/RMB City delivery single quantity The unit price/yuan
5000 130000 About 0.038
2000 45000 About 0.044
1000 18000 About 0.055
500 6500 About 0.076
200 2500 0.08

Each time the enterprise successfully invokes the interface, the single amount will be deducted. If the single amount has been deducted, it needs to recharge and purchase again.

3. Invoice

Express 100 supports issuing VAT invoices. After purchase, users can request invoice from the enterprise management background – expense center – payment record -. General electronic VAT invoice is issued by default, and special VAT invoice can be issued for more than 1000 yuan.

Official documents:

