The term “chain of contempt” first appeared in 2012. Contempt, like a food chain, is a vicious circle. In this cycle, everyone thinks he’s at the top of the chain.


There are all kinds of chains of contempt in all walks of life, in all fields.


Such as:

Browser disdain chain

Chrome/Firefox>Safari/Opera> Surf >IE series > Domestic copycat products


Search engines despise chains

Google > Baidu >BING/ Soso/Sogou > wechat group ask


Operating systems despise chains

Mac OS X>Unix>Linux>Windows>DOS> Other Unix


And the wonderful thing about these chains of contempt is that, no matter where you are, you don’t usually recognize the contempt from the top, but at the same time you really do despise the people below you.


And in the world of programmers, the chain of contempt is more colorful, ranging from programming language, editor, browser, server, tool to how the next line of code is written.


There are thousands of chains of contempt

Safety First

Have a girlfriend and girlfriend beautiful programmer: everyone here is rubbish! ! !

— — the END — —

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Illustration design | Jia Qi