“This is the second day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. See details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021”

The callback function

Pass a pointer to a function and call the function to which the pointer points. The called function is called a callback. Once you’ve learned the concept of callable objects, you can pass in a variety of callable objects to implement callbacks.

Go straight to code

class TestClass
	int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }//public member function

class TestClass2
	static int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }// Static member functions

class TestClass3
	int operator(a)(int a, int b) { return a + b; }// Overrides the class that calls the operator

int callFunc(int a, int b, int (*p)(int.int)) {// Pass in the function pointer
	return p(a, b);

int callFunc2(int a, int b, function<int(int.int)> func) {// Pass in the function type function
	return func(a, b);

int callFunc3(int a, int b, int (TestClass::*p)(int.int)) {// Pass in a method for a specific class
	TestClass obj;
	return (obj.*p)(a, b);

int callFunc4(int a, int b, TestClass3 &callableObj) {// Pass in the callable
	return callableObj(a, b);

int add(int a, int b) {// A normal function
	return a + b;

cout << callFunc(2.3, add) << endl;// If you pass in a function, it is automatically converted to a pointer to the function
cout << callFunc(2.3[] (int a, int b) {return a + b; }) << endl;// Pass in a lambda expression
cout << callFunc(2.3, TestClass2::add) << endl;// Pass in static member member functions
cout << callFunc2(4.5.bind(add, _1, _2))<<endl;Function 
cout << callFunc3(6.7, &TestClass::add) << endl;// Pass in the class member function
TestClass obj;
cout << callFunc2(8.9.bind(&TestClass::add,&obj,_1,_2))<<endl;Function 
TestClass3 obj3;
cout << callFunc4(10.11, obj3)<<endl;// Pass in the callable
cout << callFunc2(12.13.bind(&TestClass3::operator(),&obj3,_1,_2))<<endl;Function 
Copy the code

From the above code, we can see that the function interface in the form of callFunc2 has good universality, and the reason why we use the callback function is to want more “universality”, let the interface caller decide what function is passed in.

CallFunc2 can be passed into any callable for a callback, with function

func indicating the required call form or function type. And if you want a member function to be used as a callback, it’s most convenient to declare static because you don’t need to create an object to bind. You can pass it into the function interface as a normal function.

Note: Embarrassing is that the above example I wrote in the middle of the security software prompted me to write exe is a virus, estimated and some characteristics of the callback function, directly false positive.