A gentleman takes about a minute

What you get in a minute:

  1. Pleasant Webpack development environment, hot reload
  2. Professional level production environment package configuration, automatic separation of third-party modules, compression and optimize

So what are we waiting for? Let’s start:

From 0 to 30 seconds

You need it to install vbuilds, which would have been at least quadrupled before YARN.

yarn global add vbuild
Copy the code

30 to 50 seconds

import Vue from 'vue'

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h('h1', 'chuang qian ming yue guang')
Copy the code

50 to 60 seconds

Take a five-second break, and with five seconds left, type the following on the terminal to start development mode:

vbuild --dev
Copy the code

If you type slowly, you can type:

vbuild -d
Copy the code

Not much faster, though (laughs

Finally, if your app is ready, run ‘vbuild’ instead of ‘dev’ to package and optimize your app like a pro. Take a look at the ‘dist’ directory generated by packaging! Don’t forget the files.

What’s the difference between vuE-CLI and vUE?

(Laughs) I don’t know, guess

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