I. Project Introduction
Service worker-based message synchronization in multiple pages (between multiple tabs) of the browser.
Ii. Project Background
As we know, in a large background management project, we often need to manage complex role permission logic, manage user’s personalized configuration, and have high requirements for consistency of data display.
For example, if a user opens multiple browser pages at the same time, data cannot be synchronized on multiple pages, which may cause misoperations or misunderstandings.
In order to reduce user misoperations and optimize user experience, we can synchronize messages of multiple pages based on Service Worker, so that information of multiple pages can be refreshed simultaneously when operating one page.
Third, the practice process
The basic principle of
The Service worker is alsoworkerThat is, it runs in the worker context without direct access to the DOM. The life cycle of a Service worker is page-independent and can be automatically specifiedDomain/request pathAll client pages under. Its life cycle is mainly divided into the following processes:
Installation and commissioning
Use the WebPack plug-in tool
In the React project, you can use the CREate-React-app PWA template
$ npx create-react-app my-app --template cra-template-pwa
$ npx create-react-app my-app-ts --template cra-template-pwa-typescript
Copy the code
Installation is successful, will be generated in the SRC directory service – worker. Js and serviceWorkerRegistration js two files.
To test locally, let’s rewrite the defaultserviceWorkerRegistration.js
The use ofWorkboxWebpackPlugin
To packageservice-worker.js
File, here we also remove the production environment judgment. 在
Install registration in
If you don’t want to use a CRA template to build, it’s easy to use webpack or other tools to package, just make sure that the final service-worker.js file is directly accessible in the specified path of the project. In webpack we can use the WorkboxWebpackPlugin or CopyWebpackPlugin to handle this.
Webpack5 native support for workers
Native Worker support: When the resources of the new URL and new Worker/new SharedWorker/navigator serviceWorker. Combine the register, Webpack automatically creates a new entrypoint for the Web worker:
new Worker(new URL("./worker.js".import.meta.url))
Copy the code
To view
Run YARN Start –watch and we see that the Service worker has been successfully registered and activated.
At the consoleApplication
Panel, we can see the files registered under the current domain name and how many Windows/clients are currently under the control of the Service worker
Next, let’s look at how we implement multi-page message notification in concrete code.
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
import { clientsClaim } from "workbox-core";
import { precacheAndRoute } from "workbox-precaching";
// Listen for messages from web clients
self.addEventListener("message".(event) = > {
if (event.data && event.data.type === "SKIP_WAITING") {
var promise = self.clients.matchAll().then(function (clientList) {
var senderID = event.source.id;
// The message is not passed to the sender itself
clientList.forEach(function (client) {
if (client.id === senderID) {
client: senderID,
message: event.data,
if(event.waitUntil) { event.waitUntil(promise); }});Copy the code
Listen on the page
const useNotification = () = > {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() = > {
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
let listener = (event) = > {
const clientId = event.data.client;
console.log(`receive message from ${clientId}`);
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", listener);
return () = > {
navigator.serviceWorker.removeEventListener("message", listener); }; }} []);const postMessage = useCallback((message) = > {
if ("serviceWorker" innavigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(message); }} []);return [data, postMessage];
Copy the code
Implementation effect
Fourth, summary thinking
This article only uses a simple Demo to comb out the basic steps of Service worker communication. More complex applications only need to be further developed on this Demo.
We can also implement many functions based on Service Worker, such as background synchronization, resource caching, request blocking, etc.
See the Service Worker Cookbook
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