Official account: Java Xiaokaxiu, website:

Author: DeepInThought, link:

1. Docker container information

Docker info ## Docker info ## Docker --helpCopy the code

2. Mirror operation

Tip: You can use the image name, long ID, and short ID for mirroring operations.

2.1 Mirror View

## Docker images with intermediate image layer DOCker images-aCopy the code

## docker images-qa ## docker images-qa ## docker images-qaCopy the code

Docker images --no-trunc docker images -- truncCopy the code

Docker ## search MySQL ## --filter=stars=600: Docker search --filter=stars=600 mysql ## --no-trunc Mysql ## --automated: only lists the image of the docker search --automated mysqlCopy the code

2.2 mirror search

Docker ## search MySQL ## --filter=stars=600: Docker search --filter=stars=600 mysql ## --no-trunc Mysql ## --automated: only lists the image of the docker search --automated mysqlCopy the code

2.3 Image download

## Download the latest official image of Redis, equivalent to: Docker pull redis:latest docker pull redis:latest Docker pull redis:latest Docker pull redis:latest Docker pull redis:latest Docker pull redis:latest Docker pull redisCopy the code

2.4. Mirror Deletion

Delete a single mirror, equivalent to: Docker rmi redis:latest docker rmi redis:latest docker rmi redis:latest docker rmi redis # Docker rmi -f tomcat nginx ## Docker images -f $(docker images -q)Copy the code

2.5. Mirror Building

# # (1) write dockerfile CD/docker/dockerfile vim mycentos # # (2) build a docker mirror docker build - f/docker dockerfile/mycentos - t Mycentos: 1.1Copy the code

3. Container operation

Tip: Use CONTAINER ID or NAMES for CONTAINER operations. Interview questions

3.1 container startup

## Create a container and start it with -i to run the container in interactive mode. -t reassigns a dummy input terminal to the container. Docker run -d mycentos docker run -d mycentosCopy the code

Note: Docker ps-a will show that the container has already exited. This is how Docker works: in order for a Docker container to run in the background, there must be a foreground process. Solution: Run the program you want to run as a console process.

## Start one or more stopped containers docker start redis ## Restart container docker restart redisCopy the code

3.2. Container processes

##top support ps command parameters, format: Docker top [OPTIONS] CONTAINER/ps OPTIONS listed # # redis CONTAINER running processes docker top redis # # for I see all the process of CONTAINER operation information in ` docker ps | grep Up|awk '{print $1}'`; do echo \ &&docker top $i; doneCopy the code

3.3. Container Logs

Docker logs rabbitmq docker logs rabbitmq -t Displays the timestamp. --tail lists only the latest N container logs; Docker logs -f-t --tail=20 redis ## Check the latest 10 logs of the container redis from May 21, 2019. docker logs --since="2019-05-21" --tail=10 redisCopy the code

3.4 Entry and exit of containers

Docker run -it centos /bin/bash Ctrl + P + Q # enter the terminal of the centos container startup command directly, no new process will be started. --sig-proxy=false Docker attach --sig-proxy=false centos # -i keeps STDIN open even if not attached; Docker exec -i -t centos /bin/bash # Docker exec -d centos touch cache.txt docker exec -d centos touch cache.txtCopy the code

3.5. View containers

Docker ps -a docker ps -a docker ps -a docker ps -sCopy the code

Docker ps -n 3 ## Do not truncate the output docker ps --no-truncCopy the code

Docker inspect --format='{{range 'docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' redisCopy the code

3.6 Stop and delete containers

## Delete a docker rm -f from a running docker Redis # # to delete multiple containers docker rm -f $(docker ps - a - q) docker ps - a - q | xargs docker rm # # - l network connection between remove the container, Docker rm -l db ## -v delete container and delete volume docker rm -v redisCopy the code

3.7. Generate an image

Create a new image based on the current Redis container. Parameter: -a Submitted mirror author; -c use the Dockerfile command to create an image; -m: Description of submission; Docker commit -a="DeepInThought" -m="my redis" [redis ID] myredis:v1.1Copy the code

3.8 Data copy between containers and hosts

Docker cp rabbitMQ :/[container_path] [local_path] # copy host files to rabbitMQ docker cp [local_path] rabbitmq:/[container_path]/ ## Docker cp [local_path] rabbitmq:/[container_path]Copy the code