Recently, Jile Jun’s moments were flooded with pictures like this:

So also tested a copycat, simple to introduce this is what game, the left and right brain test by scanning the qr code answer set in the pictures of the 10 multiple choice, topic types are mainly the following several, then after finish will generate a showing the picture of the test results about two brain age, picture below is equipped with relevant text explanation.

Shortly after the game went viral, a tech guru posted a snippet of the game’s code on Weibo, claiming that the test results were randomly generated.

As soon as this micro blog was published, programmers of all walks of life joined in the research in the spirit of going fake and seeking truth. Some netizens even laughed and said: Technology flow will not be given a way to live!

Various programmers “steal code”

Dragon: As far as the existing code goes, it doesn’t have a specific random age. For example, if you are 20 or 30, it just depends on whether the number is divisible by 2. If so, it is one, not two. It’s not yet clear that the results are random.

So, to know the truth, you need more comprehensive code to figure it out.

Programmer Wei Yong_owen_Wei gave all the code, students who know the code can come to study, Wei Yong_owen_Wei thinks: this is no different from the written test question before. The choices in each question correspond to different points, and the final result is determined by the range of the total score. It is concluded that this test is not a randomly generated result, so don’t worry too much about the results.

Programmer Mr. Chen also cracked the test code based on the website after testing the game’s popularity. Mr. Chen said that the test is the most critical “ANSRandom” and “ANSrandom2” two codes, “the two codes generate two random numbers respectively, ANSRandom generated random number points to the result of brain age, ANSrandom2 generated is the generation of random number questions. When you open the page, ansRandom already generates the results.” Mr. Chen also said that according to the returned result data can be seen, the result is a fixed number of pictures, after generating random number, to take a picture inside the display.

Several versions of the test have appeared on the Internet. Chen said the code works in the same principle, but the range of ages is adjusted. “The answers are randomly generated.”

Brain experts believe

In view of this reporter asked for confirmation engaged in brain research experts, experts said: “the human brain does not exist left and right division of labor, engaged in a bit more complex, a bit more advanced psychological activities, are left and right brain coordinated operation. Brain age is related to the actual age of the human body, so there are rough ranges like young, middle and old, but there are no specific numbers like these tests.

“The questions in the test focus on the brain’s perception and reasoning abilities, but they are not entirely brain tests. These questions come from intelligence tests, including operational and verbal intelligence, and it is not scientific to tell the age of the brain.”

So, regardless of whether the answers were randomly generated or not, it is clear that there is no direct correlation between the questions and brain age, and that the brain age derived from several questions is unscientific. However, the game itself is a kind of entertainment, there is no great significance, for the result we do not pay too much attention to.

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