It is not too late, 26 years old are generally just graduated three or four years, change to come in, packaging a 1-2 years of experience, or very easy to land.

Today, let’s talk about what it takes to be ready to enter the software testing industry at the age of 26.

The first thing to know is that 26 is not too late, but there is not too much time for trial and error, so every step must be right.

26 years old zero foundation software testing, you must do 3 preparation

The first preparation: cognitive preparation

1, enter the testing industry must learn a language, think to do the test does not have to write code or to write code is relatively excluded, can detour;

2, technology is the fundamental of your foothold, but do not think that the technology is the strongest, you can get 100% respect;

3, in the continuous learning at the same time to actively participate in the industry communication, such as salon, lectures, etc., friends within the promotion is more reliable than sending resumes;

4, education is very important, project experience is deadly, English is a plus;

5, learning is a long feedback, anti-human, don’t expect a short-term crash, don’t believe that 35 years old unemployed nonsense;

Communication skills are as important as technology, in any industry;

Second preparation: train of thought preparation

1. Is your language choice Java or Python? Do not tangle, are interlinked, and ultimately to master. It is recommended that you start with Python and learn Java later.

2. Performance or automation? Don’t be blinded by automation, and don’t underestimate that performance is easy to fix, performance tuning is difficult, and automation can be quickly started with language foundation;

3. Big or small? Go to a big company if you can, especially if you are just starting out in the industry. The processes and programs and endorsements of big companies will be very helpful for career development.

4. Self-study or training? Can have a shortcut, why not go, not to mention 25, the chance of trial and error has been very few, about how to select reliable institutions, please pay attention to my home page other answer: test

5. Will you be a management expert or a technical expert? Even management must be based on understanding technology and being able to solve problems. Technology is fundamental, the rest is icing on the cake;Third preparation: study route preparation

Let’s start with the range of skills you must have to do software testing

According to different salaries, I can roughly divide them into three grades:

Monthly salary: 5-9K: from zero to find a job monthly salary: 15-25K: test on-the-job, get the performance test and automation test done. Annual salary: 30W+ : get the test development done, and enter the first-line factory

The first stage: monthly salary 5-9K, just enter the line, learn to function test first!

Maybe you are a recent graduate student, or maybe you are planning to change into the software testing industry, then first of all the following basic theory you must master:

Software test definition, life cycle, workflow, requirements analysis; Design, write and review test cases; Basic knowledge of bugs and the use of zen tao; Prepare test plan and report; Use of SVN and Git version control tools;

Fix the above basic essential content, already know can do specific actual combat content, this time it is best to find a Web test project to do it, if a project after the hand, according to the following set of process to run again:

Release the project for project approval, establish a project team for division of labor; Requirements review, learn how to read requirements documents, conduct requirements analysis, list test points; Organize test points, write test cases, and then conduct use case review; Perform tests, such as functionality, interface, front and back, compatibility, database, and submit bugs found to Zen dao; Analyze, summarize and write test report;

After a complete run of this process, I can only say that I have mastered the overall testing process, but it is still not enough to find a suitable job. In order to learn how to do functional testing, the following contents must be mastered:

Linux, database, interface test, APP test, etc

OK, with that done, you’re ready to send out your resume for a test job!

Can’t write a resume? Get to the end of the article to help you solve this problem!

Meeting the above content, can only be said to be able to get a job, but now the industry recruitment requirements of the original high, complete automation or performance testing, to get more than 10K monthly salary.

The second stage: 15-25K monthly salary, get performance, automated testing, take charge!

Let’s start with performance testing. There are many misconceptions and pain points in the industry:

With only testing but not commissioning, it is unable to give implementation suggestions to R&D and operation and maintenance personnel and locate problems. There is a lack of clear logic and data to prove the value of performance testing tools ≠ performance testing and the performance testing technology system is lagging behind (loadrunner), and it is in urgent need to embrace open source software

To solve these problems, you need to learn how to perform performance testing:

Performance test concept and process: FAQ analysis, popular tools, scheme design Performance test tools: JMeter tool use, actual combat; Jmeter multi-protocol, extension and customization; Distributed pressure measurement and task scheduling; Performance monitoring: performance monitoring system and monitoring data collection Performance implementation: distributed service testing, scenario design, and scenario execution; Test results correlation analysis, TPS, response time, thread correlation analysis, stress and resource utilization correlation analysis Performance analysis and report: JVM debugging and system debugging; Performance bottleneck Analysis

Performance test you can to this extent, 15K that is no problem, if the following automated test learning content you can master, it can directly impact salary 25K!

To get started with Python or Java, it is recommended to start with Python and learn the basic syntax of Python.

Automated testing on the Web: Selenium installation, recording, processing; Web control, JavaScript script, PO mode; Mobile APP automated testing: Appium use, recording, element positioning methods; APP control positioning, interaction, parameterized use cases; Appium problem location analysis, source code analysis, secondary packaging; Server interface automation test: Interface automation test framework Request; Interface request construction, assertion; Json/XML request and response assertions; Headcookie processing and certification system;

The third stage: monthly salary 30K +, against the standard factory, impact test development position!

Performance and automation play proficient, monthly salary in 10K + or even 20K + are very easy, how to impact 30K +, this requires to technical experts or management to develop, but even if the management, it is necessary to require the technical level is hard enough? You don’t need technical mastery to do management? Why don’t you see if the people down there will turn against you?

On the test development route, it requires more specialization and comprehensiveness:

Improve the testing technology system: Linux, Docker, shell, SQL, Python/ Java. PageObject Design patterns, principles, drills; APP automated testing: Android automated testing framework; Appium advanced applications for principle analysis; APP automated test; Test framework package transformation; Ios automated testing; Mobile specific test: robustness test, weak network test, crash detection, power consumption analysis, etc. Mobile performance test; Mobile terminal security test; Interface automation testing: Interface protocol and packet capture, proxy technology and mock; Interface automation test framework, HTTPrunner test framework; Dubbo interface automation test; Interface management tool Swagger, interface security test Docker container technology: Docker container, Docker image; Continuous integration/Continuous delivery/DevOPS: Jenkins Continuous integration; Jenkins continuous delivery;

If you’re a test worker and want to grow faster, here are a few tips:

Avoid outsourcing companies

Based on the impact of the industry, enterprises need to reduce costs and are more inclined to use outsourcing. As a result of the use of outsourcing by large companies, the outsourcing market will grow further, and these developments will further promote the process of downsizing. If outsourcing can get a lot of things done and the price of outsourcing is relatively low, it is obvious that many low-level jobs are more inclined to use outsourcing.

The essence of an outsourcing company is a company that earns the scissors difference by providing cheap labor. The income you get, it’s already been deducted. So when you go into a company like this, you don’t have access to the core of the business, you don’t have good training, you don’t have good experience, you don’t have access to deeper testing practices, so you’re going to have trouble growing up there.

If you are now in the outsourcing company, it is recommended that you stay for a year or two to leave immediately, do not stay too long, otherwise you will face great development problems in the future. Even if the offer is high for a short period of time, remember that this is not where you end up.

2. Enhance core competitiveness

Technical skills: Programming skills, automation skills, architecture skills.

First of all, programming skills, you’re in the testing industry, Python and Java, two basic languages to learn. These two requirements, you learn, can be matched by any company. If you want to do better, try the Go language. Even if you are required to learn a new language, most companies will see if you know Python or Java first.

The second indicator is automation, automation capability is a measure of whether you have a strong productivity in the field, as a test engineer, the most critical is UI automation, interface automation, and continuous integration, continuous delivery. These are your core competencies. Among them, UI automation, interface automation and continuous integration are the basic capabilities of test engineers. On top of that, it’s continuous delivery, Devops, some white box capability, monitoring capability for testing, more capability to go deeper into R&D and operations, so architecture capability is a very important indicator here.

Domain knowledge: Architecture capabilities, business domains, data awareness

Soft power: communication, management

3. Career choice

Preferred famous enterprises, dafang, first-tier cities

Don’t ask why

Four, diploma construction (diploma construction is a long-term thing)

Non-undergraduate students need to upgrade their education

Above undergraduate students focus on ability and resume

In general, don’t complain, improve your ability, the current test industry gap, in test development, good efforts!

== Dry goods share ==

In order to help you quickly build test thinking ability, get an early Offer from a big factory, and master the right to speak in the workplace, the following “software Test full stack Learning Roadmap” should be very helpful to you

From concept to final testing development, hope that we can according to this system, completed in three to four years to build such a system, may say, this process will let you pain, but as long as you get past, future life will be much easier, so-called finished at first it was difficult, as long as a first step, you will have half the success, the ancients said: Short step without a thousand miles, until after the completion of the review of this journey, you will certainly be filled with emotion, master the above technology, in any of the first-line Internet factory testing positions can be independent

Below are some supporting resources, hope to help you

These data, for doing [software testing] friends should be the most comprehensive and complete preparation warehouse, this warehouse also accompanies tens of thousands of test engineers through the most difficult journey, hope to help you! Everything must be early, especially in the technology industry, must improve the technical foundation. Follow my wechat public number [software test small DAO] free access ~

My learning exchange group: 644956177 there are technical experts to communicate and share together in the group ~

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