JQuery tutorial (from Beginner to Master)


JQuery selector

1. Selector


Selectors are the most important part of jQuery learning, which is to use the core functions of jQuery

  • The selector itself is just a string with a specific syntax rule and has no real use
  • Its basic syntax rules use the CSS selector syntax and extend the base
  • Only a callThe $()And pass a selector as a parameter to make it work
  • $(selector)Function: according to the selector rule to find all matching labels in the entire document array (pseudoarray), and encapsulated intojQueryobject


Basic selector

  • ID selector:#id
  • Label selector:element
  • Property selector:.class
  • Universal selector:*
  • Union selector:selector1,selector2,selectorN
  • Intersection selector:selector1selector2selectorN

Hierarchy selector

  • Descendant element selector:ancestor descendant
  • Child element selector:parent > child
  • Sibling selector:prev + next,prev ~ siblings

Filter selector

A selector that further filters the elements matched by the original selector

Most of the selector syntax is filter selectors

  • basic
  • content
  • visibility
  • attribute

Form selector

  • The form
  • Form object properties

Below, we study the commonly used selectors one by one

2. Basic selector

Basic selector describe
#id Matches an element based on the given ID
element Matches all elements based on the given element name
.class Matches elements based on the given class
* Match all elements
selector1,selector2,selectorN Combine the elements matched by each selector and return them together

The HTML code

<div id="div1" class="box">div1(class="box")</div>
<div id="div2" class="box">div2(class="box")</div>
<div id="div3">div3</div>
<span class="box">span(class="box")</span>
    <li title="hello">BBBBB(title="hello")</li>
    <li class="box">CCCCC(class="box")</li>
    <li title="hello">DDDDDD(title="hello")</li>
Copy the code

The ID selector

// 1. Select the element with id div1
Copy the code

Label selector

// 2. Select all div elements
Copy the code

Property selector

// 3. Select all elements whose class attribute is box
Copy the code

Union selector

// 4. Select all div and SPAN elements
Copy the code

Intersection selector

// 5. Select all div elements whose class attribute is box
Copy the code

Universal selector

// 6. Select all elements
$(The '*').css('background-color'.'red');
Copy the code

3. Hierarchy selector

Selectors for finding child, descendant, and sibling elements

Hierarchy selector describe
ancestor descendant Matches all descendant elements under the given ancestor element
parent > child Matches all child elements under the given parent element
prev + next Matches all next elements immediately after prev elements
prev ~ siblings Matches all siblings elements after the prev element

The HTML code

	<li class="box">CCCCC</li>
	<li title="hello"><span>BBBBB</span></li>
	<li title="hello"><span class="box">DDDD</span></li>
Copy the code

Descendant element selector

// 1. Select all spans under UL
$('ul span').css('background'.'red');
Copy the code

Child element selector

// 2. Select all subelements span under ul
$('ul > span').css('background'.'red');
Copy the code

Sibling selector

// 3. Select the next li whose class is box
$('.box + li').css('background'.'red');
Copy the code

// 4. Select all siblings of the element whose class is box under ul
$('ul .box ~ *').css('background'.'red');
Copy the code

4. Filter selector

A selector that further filters the elements matched by the original selector

classification Filter selector describe
basic :first Gets the first element
:last Gets the last element
:eq(index) Matches an element with a given index value
:gt(index) Matches all elements greater than the given index value
:lt(index) Matches all elements less than the given index value
:even Matches all elements with an even index value, counting from 0
:odd Matches all elements with an odd index value, counting from 0
:not(selector) Removes all elements that match the given selector
content :contains(text) Matches the element that contains the given text
:has(selector) Matches the element that contains the element matched by the selector
:empty Matches all empty elements that do not contain child elements or text
:parent Matches elements that contain child elements or text
visibility :hidden Matches all invisible elements, or elements of type hidden
:visible Matches all visible elements
attribute [attribute] Matches the element that contains the given attribute
[attribute=value] Matches an element whose given attribute is a particular value
[attribute!=value] Matches all elements that do not have a specified attribute, or whose attribute is not equal to a specific value
[attribute*=value] Matches a given attribute to an element that contains some value
[selector1][selector2][selectorN] Compound property selector, used when more than one condition needs to be met simultaneously

The HTML code

<div id="div1" class="box">Class is box div1</div>
<div id="div2" class="box">Class is box div2</div>
<div id="div3">div3</div>
<span class="box">Class is the span of box</span>
    <li title="hello">BBBBB</li>
    <li class="box">CCCCC</li>
    <li title="hello">DDDDDD</li>
    <li title="two">BBBBB</li>
    <li style="display: none">I was hidden</li>
Copy the code


1. Select the first div
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// 2. Select the element whose last class is box
Copy the code


// 3. Select all divs whose class attribute is not box
Copy the code

:eq, :gt, :lt

Multiple selectors are executed sequentially, not simultaneously

// 4. Select the second and third li elements
// $('li:eq(1),li:eq(2)').css('background', 'red');
// $('li:gt(0):lt(2)').css('background', 'red');
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// 5. Select li whose content is BBBBB
Copy the code


// 6. Select hidden li
Copy the code


// 7. Select the li element with the title attribute
Copy the code


// 8. Select all li elements whose title is Hello
Copy the code


$('#data tbody > tr:odd').css('backgroundColor'.'#ccf');
Copy the code

5. Form pickers

Form and form object properties

Form selector describe
:input Matches all input, Textarea, SELECT, and Button elements
:text Matches all single-line text boxes
:password Matches all password boxes
:radio Matches all radio buttons
:checkbox Matches all check boxes
:submit Matches all submit buttons
:reset Matches all reset buttons
:button Match all buttons
Form object properties describe
:enabled Matches all available elements
:disabled Matches all unavailable elements
:checked Matches all selected elements (checkboxes, checkboxes, etc., excluding options in select)
:selected Matches all selected option elements

The HTML code

<form>User name:<input type="text"/><br>Password:<input type="password"/><br>Hobbies:<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>basketball<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>football<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>badminton<br>Gender:<input type="radio" name="sex" value='male'/>male<input type="radio" name="sex" value='female'/>female<br>Email address:<input type="text" name="email" disabled="disabled"/><br>Location: I<select>
        <option value="1">Beijing</option>
        <option value="2" selected="selected">tianjin</option>
        <option value="3">hebei</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
Copy the code

: : text, disabled

// 1. Select an unavailable text input box
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:submit: :checkbox: Checked

// 3. Display the selected city name
$(':submit').click(function () {
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